3.5 Greyhawk Dragon?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Can someone confirm: was the 3.5 version of the Greyhawk Dragon printed in Dragon #339?

The description does have a classic monster section, but it doesn't specifically say "greyhawk dragon".


I do believe that 339 is the issue with it. It also has monsters like the nagpa and the goblyn, IIRC.

perhaps the dragondex has the answer? I´m not sure, as I can´t access it at work, but it is always worth a try. www.aeolia.net/dragondex/


GregH wrote:

Can someone confirm: was the 3.5 version of the Greyhawk Dragon printed in Dragon #339?

The description does have a classic monster section, but it doesn't specifically say "greyhawk dragon".


I looked it up in the DragonDex, and it was indeed in Dragon #339, p. 51


Stebehil wrote:
GregH wrote:

Can someone confirm: was the 3.5 version of the Greyhawk Dragon printed in Dragon #339?

The description does have a classic monster section, but it doesn't specifically say "greyhawk dragon".


I looked it up in the DragonDex, and it was indeed in Dragon #339, p. 51


Thanks for that. I didn't know about that site. I'll bookmark it for future reference.

Thanks all around!


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