Sean's Rise of the Runelords


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female human ranger/1
Jeslara 'Jessa' Eventide wrote:

"But what about entertainment?" she asks, "Aside from telling tales for half-price rooms and the occasional Swallowtail Festival, what do the citizens of Sandpoint do for an evening of fun?"

"Well," says Shantare "It looks like a lot of people go to a bar." She looks around at all the people. "No different than any other town, I guess."

I seem to remember hearing that other people were at the inn but us, but correct me if I'm wrong.

female human ranger/1

Whooo! This is the first time I have started out a new page!

Ruano Hallif wrote:

The wolverine might have done this, but cows aren't competitors, so there's no reason for it to have attacked and killed all three. It'd have a hard enough time eating one. And why wouldn't the other two have at least run away while one was being mauled?

"What do you think, Spot? Did our new friend do this?"

Time to examine the bodies.

The wolverine definitely did not do this. Large gashes and raking wounds adorn all the cows. And they were all slaughtered where they sat. They seem to have had no time to react. An enormous quantity of blood has spilled onto the ground around here, and the flies have already massed, so the air is filled with a constant loud buzz.

Male, but you really don't want to know how to check gender on a beholder... Human. You just can't beat that extra feat and those extra skill points. Gamer 20 (specialist school - DMing)/Theater Tech 15/Writer 10/ Slacker 30
Kinmorn Erastilson wrote:
I also thought it was morning when I stepped out of the cathedral.
Gengar Whittlewood wrote:
Eh, maybe it's the wine! We'll follow the consensus.

Indeed, it is only about midday at the latest. If there was any confusion, I take all the blame.

Male Human of the Shoanti Shriikirri-Quah Tribe Barbarian 3
Jeslara 'Jessa' Eventide wrote:

"You must be the most excellent source of information on Sandpoint in the entire town," Jessa teases, "And friendly to boot." She nods and sips her drink. "I'll certainly visit the Feathered Serpent. And it's nice to know there's someone who's studied the arcane arts that I can consult with if I encounter anything cryptic during my research."

Mitnal looks at Jessa and then at the Raven.

"I have a camp across the Southern bridge and will need to return my unsold baskets there before this evening. Besides, as safe as Sandpoint is, how safe can an area with streets like 'Rum Street' and 'Razor Alley' be? If you do not mind the company, I can go with you," Mitnal says, looking at the Raven for approval.

Jeslara 'Jessa' Eventide wrote:

"But what about entertainment?" she asks, "Aside from telling tales for half-price rooms and the occasional Swallowtail Festival, what do the citizens of Sandpoint do for an evening of fun?"

Male Human Cleric 1
Shantare wrote:
Jeslara 'Jessa' Eventide wrote:

"But what about entertainment?" she asks, "Aside from telling tales for half-price rooms and the occasional Swallowtail Festival, what do the citizens of Sandpoint do for an evening of fun?"

"Well," says Shantare "It looks like a lot of people go to a bar." She looks around at all the people. "No different than any other town, I guess."

"Personally I like to read," says Kinmorn somewhat sheepishly, "But there are many who seem to enjoy their time in the tavern. Though as it is only lunch I am hoping most aren't here for carousing."

"And for fun, we do have a festival coming up in two days time. As I said I'm planning on providing some of the young with a chance to practice their archery. There have been several times recently I have taken some of the young people camping in the countryside. Those have been really enjoyable for me. There is something about lying out under the stars on a summer day..."

Thinking he might be babbling a bit, Kinmorn closes his mouth and looks around to see if the food is about ready.

Male Halfling Druid 1
The Narrator wrote:

The wolverine definitely did not do this. Large gashes and raking wounds adorn all the cows. And they were all slaughtered where they sat. They seem to have had no time to react. An enormous quantity of blood has spilled onto the ground around here, and the flies have already massed, so the air is filled with a constant loud buzz.

Ruano thinks. Something much larger than the wolverine did this, and quickly. But whatever it was didn't seem to stick around long. Maybe the wolverine ran it off? They can do that, but something that could kill this quickly shouldn't have had any trouble. Maybe it just killed for sport?

Any way I could get a lead on what did do this? And were any of the cattle bulls and/or steers? Or just cows?

Gengar Whittlewood wrote:
How much does Gengar owe for the wine?

This particular bottle will cost you 5gp.

Kinmorn Erastilson wrote:

"A Druidess?" says Kinmorn. It is his turn to stare blankly for a moment. "There well might be."

Suddenly flummoxed Kinmorn sits back. A second later he smiles. Maybe the dwarf meant old Madam Mvashti.

Knowledge Local: (1d20+8=21)

Kinmorn falls silent for a time as he tries to recall what he can about Madam Mvashti and whether she might indeed sell goodberries.

Of course, he then thinks to himself, it is possible the dwarf was only trying to be funny.

I can only presume he was refering to Madam Mvashti. And as to whether she sells goodberries, I think the answer is "If she's in the right mood, and you ask her the right way."

Shantare wrote:
I seem to remember hearing that other people were at the inn but us, but correct me if I'm wrong.

Oh yes. The inn is quite busy this midday.

Male Dwarf Rogue 1
Kinmorn Erastilson wrote:
"A Druidess?" says Kinmorn. It is his turn to stare blankly for a moment. "There well might be."

Once the meal is winding down Gengar begins to get fidgety.

"Well then, I guess we all have our business to take care of...but we'll all meet back here for dinner? I myself look forward to hearing Mitnal's tale." Gengar tosses some coins on the table, pushes his chair back, positions himself for a mighty belch of praise, thinks better of it and simply hops to the floor. He waves merrily to everyone and leaves.

Gengar decides to look for the crazy old druidess he has heard about.

Knowledge is trained only and Gengar is not I'll make a Wisdom check to see if I have any idea where to find Madame Mvashti's Wis: (1d20+1=4)

After wandering around aimlessly for awhile Gengar begins to get frustrated. He decides to look for anyone in town he recognizes as a local and approach them for directions. He also keeps an eye out for the flamboyant nobleman he saw throwing coins around at the theater earlier in the day.

Gengar Whittlewood wrote:

Once the meal is winding down Gengar begins to get fidgety.

"Well then, I guess we all have our business to take care of...but we'll all meet back here for dinner? I myself look forward to hearing Mitnal's tale." Gengar tosses some coins on the table, pushes his chair back, positions himself for a mighty belch of praise, thinks better of it and simple hops to the floor. He waves merrily to everyone and leaves.

Indeed. All the food Ameiko brings before you is warm and delicious. At some point during the meal, you each find yourself thinking of some moment in your childhood when you felt safe and happy. Ameiko checks Jessa into a room, and offers to make any arrangements for luggage she might need.

("And what about you, m'lady," Ameiko says, addressing Shantare, "Are you in need of lodging as well? Would you like a room of your own, or would you want to bunk together?")

Gengar Whittlewood wrote:

Gengar decides to look for the crazy old druidess he has heard about.

Knowledge is trained only and Gengar is not I'll make a Wisdom check to see if I have any idea where to find Madame Mvashti's Wis: (1d20+1=4)

After wandering around aimlessly for awhile Gengar begins to get frustrated. He decides to look for anyone in town he recognizes as a local and approach them for directions. He also keeps an eye out for the flamboyant nobleman hes say throwing coins around at the theater earlier in the day.

Sandpoint being as small as it is, you wander around in small circles, trying to piece together which side street you'd seen it on. But sooner or later you wind up circling back to the market square. You're sure it's in this lower part of town, and you can almost picture her house, but the exact shape of the window and placement of the door, and whether she has a sign out front or not all elude you. Must be the wine, man that was good stuff. Especially at that price.

That's when you realize you've circled back to the market square again, for probably the fifth time in the last hour.

It is at this point you catch sight of the flamboyant nobleman arguing with a grocer across the square, trying to convince the poor farmer to sell him produce he doesn't actually possess.

Ruano Hallif wrote:

Ruano thinks. Something much larger than the wolverine did this, and quickly. But whatever it was didn't seem to stick around long. Maybe the wolverine ran it off? They can do that, but something that could kill this quickly shouldn't have had any trouble. Maybe it just killed for sport?

Any way I could get a lead on what did do this? And were any of the cattle bulls and/or steers? Or just cows?

Please make another Heal check, a Survival check, and a Knowledge (nature) check.

Just cows, by the way.

Male Human Cleric 1

Following the meal, Kinmorn takes leave of his table companions and makes his way back through the market, towards the armory. He still has to ask about those shortbows after all.

Male Dwarf Rogue 1
The Narrator wrote:
It is at this point you catch sight of the flamboyant nobleman arguing with a grocer across the square, trying to convince the poor farmer to sell him produce he doesn't actually possess.

Gengar watches the man for awhile and scans the crowd.

Gengar thinks to himself: Gengar you old goat, leave it alone. This is why you left Magnimar...and Riddleport. You have plenty.

Then he counters: So?

The dwarf grabs a handful of coins (1gp 2sp 3cp) and slowly meanders over toward the mark. At the right moment he bumps into the man and drops the coins.

"Oh my mercy!" Gengar cries and immediately drops to his knees to pick them up.

IF the man stoops over to help, Gengar will lean against him to get up and try to pick his pockets. IF the man does not help Gengar does nothing.

"Thank you kind sir."

Sleight of Hand: (1d20+7=8)

Male Halfling Druid 1
The Narrator wrote:

Please make another Heal check, a Survival check, and a Knowledge (nature) check.

Just cows, by the way.

Heal Check: 1d20 + 7 = 3 + 7 = 10

Knowledge(Nature) Check: 1d20 + 7 = 8 + 7 = 15
Survival Check: 1d20 + 9 = 16 + 9 = 25

Female Human Wizard (Diviner) 2 / Cleric 1 of Sivhana
Mitnal wrote:
"I have a camp across the Southern bridge and will need to return my unsold baskets there before this evening. Besides, as safe as Sandpoint is, how safe can an area with streets like 'Rum Street' and 'Razor Alley' be? If you do not mind the company, I can go with you," Mitnal says, looking at the Raven for approval.

"Well, I probably won't go today. I still need to get settled and sort through my things. Lots of plans to make, basically," Jessa replies, "But tomorrow, by all means. I'll certainly seek out some of these places Kinmorn has recommended. And you're more than welcome to keep me company. I'll send Blackwing to find you in the morning and he can lead you to me."

Blackwing bobs his head and then scratches an itch under his left wing with his beak.

The Narrator wrote:
Ameiko checks Jessa into a room, and offers to make any arrangements for luggage she might need. "And what about you, m'lady," Ameiko says, addressing Shantare, "Are you in need of lodging as well? Would you like a room of your own, or would you want to bunk together?"

Jessa regards Shantare with a hopeful expression. "If you'd care to further defray our costs, we could easily share a room," she suggests, "I know you said you were only going to be here for the Swallowtail Festival. But I'm short on money...and since I'm going to be staying in Sandpoint awhile...any opportunity to save a coin would aid me."

Male Human of the Shoanti Shriikirri-Quah Tribe Barbarian 3
Jeslara 'Jessa' Eventide wrote:

"Well, I probably won't go today. I still need to get settled and sort through my things. Lots of plans to make, basically," Jessa replies, "But tomorrow, by all means. I'll certainly seek out some of these places Kinmorn has recommended. And you're more than welcome to keep me company. I'll send Blackwing to find you in the morning and he can lead you to me."

Blackwing bobs his head and then scratches an itch under his left wing with his beak.

Mitnal nods and, having finished his rabbit stew only slightly disappointed at not having seen any sign of a rabbit in it, heads back to the market happy, warm, full, and excited.

Assuming Mitnal has no encounters in the market by the docks where he met Gengar earlier today ...

He remains there until shortly before evening and then takes his remaining baskets back to his camp where he covers them with a winter blanket and leaves and grass to protect against any dampness.

female human ranger/1
Jeslara 'Jessa' Eventide wrote:

Jessa regards Shantare with a hopeful expression. "If you'd care to further defray our costs, we could easily share a room," she suggests, "I know you said you were only going to be here for the Swallowtail Festival. But I'm short on money...and since I'm going to be staying in Sandpoint awhile...any opportunity to save a coin would aid me."

"Well..." Shantare thinks for a moment, then decides that saving a little money would be best, even if she had to share a room. "I suppose I could share a room with you, if we wouldn't be too crowded." She says uncertainly.

Gengar Whittlewood wrote:

The dwarf grabs a handful of coins (1gp 2sp 3cp) and slowly meanders over toward the mark. At the right moment he bumps into the man and drops the coins.

"Oh my mercy!" Gengar cries and immediately drops to his knees to pick them up.

IF the man stoops over to help, Gengar will lean against him to get up and try to pick his pockets. IF the man does not help Gengar does nothing.

"Thank you kind sir."

Sleight of Hand: (1d20+7=8)

Let's see how much Invisible Castle has it out for you... I figure the mark is a pretty self absorbed guy, and not necessarily inclined to help out his fellow being, so 35% chance he stops to help. 35 or lower, and we'll see how that poor Sleight of Hand roll plays out:

Does the mark take the bait? (1d100=94)

You dump your coins with great fanfare, lean over to pick them up, and stick your hand out rather gracelessly to reach for the man's coin purse, only to grab empty air. You look around for the mark and find him near five market stalls away, completely oblivious to your manufactured plight.

As you stare after the receding noble, you realize some urchins have decided to help you retrieve your coins. However, you're not certain their "help" involves actually returning them to you.

Shantare wrote:
"Well..." Shantare thinks for a moment, then decides that saving a little money would be best, even if she had to share a room. "I suppose I could share a room with you, if we wouldn't be too crowded." She says uncertainly.

"No need to worry about that. I'm sure we can find ample quarters to fit you both. Follow me and I'll get you checked in."

Ameiko puts the two of you in one of her larger rooms on the third floor. It's actually a small suite, with a sitting room and a bedroom, both comfortably appointed with hand crafted Varisian furniture. The suite is in the southwest corner of the building, with a window in the sitting room that looks south toward the shipyard, and a window in the bedroom that looks west toward the market and the sea.

"There's only one bed, but it's a big one. I can send up an extra sleeping mat, if you'd prefer, but I thought I'd put you in here, to give you both enough space. Supper is at six bells. Tales and song after."

Male Dwarf Rogue 1
The Narrator wrote:
You dump your coins with great fanfare, lean over to pick them up, and stick your hand out rather gracelessly to reach for the man's coin purse, only to grab empty air. You look around for the mark and find him near five market stalls away, completely oblivious to your manufactured plight.

"Thanks for nothing, you dwarven explicative." Gengar hisses under his breath.

The Narrator wrote:
As you stare after the receding noble, you realize some urchins have decided to help you retrieve your coins. However, you're not certain their "help" involves actually returning them to you.

Assuming the "helpers" don't have the one gold piece Gengar dropped, Gengar makes a feigned lunge as if to make chase and growls like an enraged monster. Then he laughs and does not pursue them.

He thinks to himself, little buggers need it more than I do.

Male Raven (Magical Beast) n/a
Gengar Whittlewood wrote:
He thinks to himself, little buggers need it more than I do.

OOC: Just be glad Blackwing wasn't around...or you may have seen the shiny gold coin grow wings and fly away, too. ;)

Female Human Wizard (Diviner) 2 / Cleric 1 of Sivhana
Ameiko wrote:
Ameiko puts the two of you in one of her larger rooms on the third floor. It's actually a small suite, with a sitting room and a bedroom, both comfortably appointed with hand crafted Varisian furniture. The suite is in the southwest corner of the building, with a window in the sitting room that looks south toward the shipyard, and a window in the bedroom that looks west toward the market and the sea.

Jessa looks around, quite pleased with the accomodations. 'And here, I thought I'd be roughing it in Sandpoint,' she muses to herself.

Ameiko wrote:
"There's only one bed, but it's a big one. I can send up an extra sleeping mat, if you'd prefer, but I thought I'd put you in here, to give you both enough space. Supper is at six bells. Tales and song after."

"This should be fine, I think." But Jessa pauses to defer to Shantare, in case the outdoors woman preferred to shun a soft bed in favor of the hard ground...or, in this case, floor boards.

"Is there a place for me to wash away the trail dust before supper, as well?" she asks Ameiko.

Male Dwarf Rogue 1
The Narrator wrote:
Sandpoint being as small as it is, you wander around in small circles, trying to piece together which side street you'd seen it on. But sooner or later you wind up circling back to the market square. You're sure it's in this lower part of town, and you can almost picture her house, but the exact shape of the window and placement of the door, and whether she has a sign out front or not all elude you. Must be the wine, man that was good stuff. Especially at that price.

"Humph!" Gengar exclaims.

Gengar asks the nearest merchant for directions to the druidess' house.

Male Human Cleric 1
Kinmorn Erastilson wrote:
Following the meal, Kinmorn takes leave of his table companions and makes his way back through the market, towards the armory. He still has to ask about those shortbows after all.

So anyway, can I assume this went well? :)

female human ranger/1
Jeslara 'Jessa' Eventide wrote:

Ameiko wrote:
"There's only one bed, but it's a big one. I can send up an extra sleeping mat, if you'd prefer, but I thought I'd put you in here, to give you both enough space. Supper is at six bells. Tales and song after."

"This should be fine, I think." But Jessa pauses to defer to Shantare, in case the outdoors woman preferred to shun a soft bed in favor of the hard ground...or, in this case, floor boards.

"Is there a place for me to wash away the trail dust before supper, as well?" she asks Ameiko.

"I'm fine sleeping on the floor, actually." Shantare says, uncertain to be sharing a bed with a person whe hardly knows. She looks around the room with approval, obviously fairly pleased with their new accomadations. This isn't such a rustic town after all. She thinks with a smirk

Male, but you really don't want to know how to check gender on a beholder... Human. You just can't beat that extra feat and those extra skill points. Gamer 20 (specialist school - DMing)/Theater Tech 15/Writer 10/ Slacker 30
Kinmorn Erastilson wrote:
Kinmorn Erastilson wrote:
Following the meal, Kinmorn takes leave of his table companions and makes his way back through the market, towards the armory. He still has to ask about those shortbows after all.
So anyway, can I assume this went well? :)

Sorry, bit of a busy couple of days. I'm getting to you....

Apologies. The last several days got away from me. Thanks for your patience. First, let me deal with Kinmorn:

Kinmorn, your stop at Savah's is successful, and Savah is happy to lend you four short bows and forty practice arrows (more if you think you'll need it).

"Bring it all back to me after the festival, and I'll only charge you for anything broken or unreturned," she says.

We can roleplay the exchange out further, if you wish, but I've been away long enough, I figured I'd just move us on.

Ruano Hallif wrote:

Heal Check: 1d20 + 7 = 3 + 7 = 10

Knowledge(Nature) Check: 1d20 + 7 = 8 + 7 = 15
Survival Check: 1d20 + 9 = 16 + 9 = 25

Heal check: insufficient to really get much more information from the wounds. However, they do seem to have been made by a combination of both weapons and perhaps claws.

Kn. (nature) check: If those are, in fact, claw marks, it was no natural beast that did this. The first two cows were killed almost instantly, with the third being killed before it could rise and flee.

Survival Check: Without the Track feat, you can't follow them, but it's clear from the markings on the ground here that a shod humanoid was here, and something else bipedal that wore no shoes but instead had clawed feet.

Male Human Cleric 1

His errands run, Kinmorn spends the rest of the evening around the Cathedral, making a brief stop at the Rusty Dragon to listen to any stories and then retires to bed.

I'm fine with advancing the timeline.

Female Human Wizard (Diviner) 2 / Cleric 1 of Sivhana

Jessa makes sure she takes a bath to make herself presentable before the storytelling evening at the Rusty Dragon. When it comes her turn to spin a tale, she draws upon one of the more inspiring stories from the Pathfinder Chronicles, having reviewed it in her room just prior to coming down so she wouldn't leave out any important details.

Flush from the excitement of having all eyes and ears upon her, and well fed from the wonderful food served at the inn, Jessa declares it a night and retires to her room. On the morrow, she plans to visit Brodert Quink to inquire about the Old Light and any Thassilonian ruins or monuments near Sandpoint. She also intends to visit the Turandarok Academy and Kinmorn's former mentor Gandethus, as he suggested. She makes a mental note to send Blackwing to find Mitnal in case the barbarian does indeed wish to accompany her.

Male Halfling Druid 1
The Narrator wrote:

Heal check: insufficient to really get much more information from the wounds. However, they do seem to have been made by a combination of both weapons and perhaps claws.

Kn. (nature) check: If those are, in fact, claw marks, it was no natural beast that did this. The first two cows were killed almost instantly, with the third being killed before it could rise and flee.

Survival Check: Without the Track feat, you can't follow them, but it's clear from the markings on the ground here that a shod humanoid was here, and something else bipedal that wore no shoes but instead had clawed feet.

Clawed feet, but walking upright. That's not a beast that Ruano knows of. Gnolls, maybe? But there aren't any of those around here. And whatever it was, it had friends who wore shoes and bore weapons. Why did they leave? If they were seeking food, the wolverine wouldn't have driven away anything that could kill animals this large this quickly. But there's no reason to kill sleeping cattle for sport, either.

Whatever's going on here, Ruano knows he's out of his depth. He and Spot may be able to hunt for their dinner, or drive away the occasional wolf, but armed humanoids, plus whatever their clawed friend was, are not something they can deal with alone.

All he can do for now is let the farmer know what happened. Assuming that Ruano can find him, he'll tell the farmer that some sort of humanoid attacked his cattle, too keep an eye out for anything that comes back, and to get a bull to guard his cows.

Looks like I might get into town a bit sooner than expected. After talking to the farmer, Ruano will resume his journey to town, but at a hustle, rather than a walk. If humanoids are rustling (or just murdering) cattle, the Sandpoint garrison and militia should know about it.

Male Human of the Shoanti Shriikirri-Quah Tribe Barbarian 3
Jeslara 'Jessa' Eventide wrote:

When it comes her turn to spin a tale, she draws upon one of the more inspiring stories from the Pathfinder Chronicles, having reviewed it in her room just prior to coming down so she wouldn't leave out any important details.

Mitnal tells his tale after Jessa is finished with hers. He may stumble with nervousness.

His tale can be found here

female human ranger/1

I'm fine with moving the story along.

Male Human of the Shoanti Shriikirri-Quah Tribe Barbarian 3

Mitnal has no specific plans. I'm fine with moving the story along

Male Dwarf Rogue 1

Gengar wanders around the city for the rest of the afternoon and ends up back at the Rusty Dragon early. He laughs often while eating, drinking, and listening to the tales of his companions.

As everyone else slowly wanders away, he sits a while longer and finishes his wine. Yeah, he thinks to himself, I could make this town my home.

Gengar leaves and walks directly to Madame Mvashti's house. It fingures I can find it in the dark. I need to remember where this is for tomorrow.

Gengar makes his way toward Old Light and the closet-sized shack he rents from Volioker. He falls asleep a half second before his head hits the mat...

Male Human of the Shoanti Shriikirri-Quah Tribe Barbarian 3

Mitnal returns to his campsite off Lost Coast Road. He still doesn't know where he will head after the Swallowtail festival, but with these nights getting colder he is going to need to make a decision soon.

Male Dwarf Rogue 1

Is it the next morning yet?

Male Human Cleric 1

Assuming nothing blew up in the night :)

Kinmorn wakes, happy and cheerful before the rising of the sun. He washes and then prepares himself for the day with prayer and meditation. He can feel the touch of his god as spells of faith are refreshed in his mind.

"Tomorrow is the big day," he thinks to himself excitedly. Briefly he recalls as a kid wondering whether he could go to bed in the morning the day before a big festival. If I go to bed now, tomorrow will be here that much faster, he thinks impishly with a big grin. But there are things to do, floors to be swept, people to visit and a archery range to be arranged. He offers a prayer to Erastil, asking the god to talk to the appropriate authorities about ensuring fair weather. Then he heads out, eager to accomplish the work of the day.

Male Human of the Shoanti Shriikirri-Quah Tribe Barbarian 3

Waking at dawn, Mitnal scrounges around for some food to cook over the fire. Survival check d20+2=14

After breakfast, he plans to head downtown and try selling some baskets near the new cathedral, hoping to get rid of much of his stock in preparation for moving on ... whereever he ends up going. He'll keep an eye out for his new friends.

Male Dwarf Rogue 1
Kinmorn Erastilson wrote:
"Tomorrow is the big day," he thinks to himself excitedly.

assuming nothing happens through the night and tomorrow is the swallowtail festival...

Gengar wakes up and greets the dawn with a loud bout of gas. He scratches and begins his daily routine of making himself presentable.

Gengar collects all his things and heads out toward Madame Mvashti's house. On the way he is on the look out for some sweet buns and coffee...

Male Human Cleric 1
Gengar Whittlewood wrote:
assuming nothing happens through the night and tomorrow is the swallowtail festival...

It is so far as Kinmorn knows. What the fates have in store is of course a different matter.

Female Human Wizard (Diviner) 2 / Cleric 1 of Sivhana

Typically an early riser, Jessa begins her day even before the sun rises. She quietly sorts through her belongings to lighten the pack she plans on carrying with her when she seeks out Brodert Quink. 'These books are worth their weight in gold to me,' she thinks to herself.

Blackwing ruffles and shakes his feathers by the window sill, impatient to be off. Jessa shushes him so as not to wake Shantare, then quietly walks to the window to open it for the raven.

"Now don't be dilly-dallying about all morning long," she chides him, "And make sure you let Mitnal know when we'll visit the marketplace and seek out Quink and Gandethus."

The bird bobs his head and then swiftly darts out the window. Jessa closes it behind him to ward off the morning chill. Then she takes her pack downstairs to see about breakfast, hoping to read a bit more in the morning sunlight before setting off through the streets.

Male Raven (Magical Beast) n/a

Blackwing's flight takes him all about Sandpoint once again. The raven revels in the sights and sounds of the dark morning hours. He still needs to get the lay of the land, so to speak, and learn who and what calls the streets of Sandpoint home during such twilight hours.

He notes the only landmark that could qualify as the Old Light, even circling the hill on the ocean breeze before heading across the bay. There are several large manors on the hillside in the distance that pique his curiosity. 'Perhaps I can visit them later,' he thinks, 'After all, homes that big surely have a shiny item or two that their owners won't miss.'

He spends most of the morning simply flying and observing all around the town. Suspecting Jessa would want to eventually familiarize herself with the entire area, he knows she will feel a connection to anyplace he visits. So he makes sure to visit as much as possible in the early morning hours.

Once the sun and the citizens are up, however, Blackwing changes direction and flies in ever widening patterns about the town in an effort to locate Mitnal. The tall barbarian stands out easily enough, and soon Blackwing spirals down into the marketplace to alight once more among the man's elegantly crafted baskets.

"Morning!" he squawks in greeting.

Male Human of the Shoanti Shriikirri-Quah Tribe Barbarian 3
Blackwing, Jessa's Familiar wrote:

Once the sun and the citizens are up, however, Blackwing changes direction and flies in ever widening patterns about the town in an effort to locate Mitnal. The tall barbarian stands out easily enough, and soon Blackwing spirals down into the marketplace to alight once more among the man's elegantly crafted baskets.

"Morning!" he squawks in greeting.

Mitnal smiles broadly but answers quietly "Good morning, Raven. Do you wish me to call you 'Blackwing' as your assistant does?"

Male Dwarf Rogue 1

With sweet buns and coffee in hand, Gengar approaches Madame Mvashti's house and knocks.

"Heellloooo." The dwarf says. "I brought some breakfast out of respect for calling so early..."

Male Raven (Magical Beast) n/a
Mitnal wrote:
Mitnal smiles broadly but answers quietly "Good morning, Raven. Do you wish me to call you 'Blackwing' as your assistant does?"

"SQUAWK! Raven-Father! Raven-Father!"

Male Human of the Shoanti Shriikirri-Quah Tribe Barbarian 3
Blackwing, Jessa's Familiar wrote:
Mitnal wrote:
Mitnal smiles broadly but answers quietly "Good morning, Raven. Do you wish me to call you 'Blackwing' as your assistant does?"
"SQUAWK! Raven-Father! Raven-Father!"

"Certainly, Raven-Father. Do you need something today?"

At a signal from The Raven, Mitnal drops everything and follows whereever he goes. Mitnal isn't selling many baskets but that isn't as high a priority as it should be for him.

Male Raven (Magical Beast) n/a
Mitnal wrote:
"Certainly, Raven-Father. Do you need something today?"

"Go with Jessa?" Blackwing attempts to remind the barbarian of his offer to accompany his mistress about town.

Mitnal wrote:
At a signal from The Raven, Mitnal drops everything and follows whereever he goes. Mitnal isn't selling many baskets but that isn't as high a priority as it should be for him.

Once Blackwing senses Mitnal is ready to go, he flaps his wings, instinctively leading the way back to Jessa. His flight takes them back along Market street toward the Rusty Dragon.

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