Fighter Variants in Dragon

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

A friend on mine is trying to explore some different fighter characters and I remember an issue of Dragon that included some variant fighter classes. Basically, the changes were to the skills and proficiencies of the fighter class with the addition of other abilities. The one in particular I'm interested in the is "Pugilist."

Can anyone tell me which issue number this is?


I think it's in Dragon #310, which was a 3.5 Preview. It is available for purchase as a PDF.

I don't have the mag in front of me, so I can't be certain that what you seek is in it, but I have had a player use a variant fighter from that issue.

Scarab Sages

Click here.

That is one of my all time favorite articles. I don't think anyone in my group has played a regular fighter since.

Okay, I found my copy. The variant fighter classes are:

Shield Bearer

They are all pretty neat, with some alternate class skills or bonus abilities to take in place of the bonus fighter feats.

I had a player run a Dagger Kensai, who turned into a great PC. I'd allow any of the variants into my game.

RETH-Mog wrote:
That is one of my all time favorite articles. I don't think anyone in my group has played a regular fighter since.

Yeah, it's one of my favs as well. It didn't take me long to pick it out of my box... it's one of the more well-worn issues I have.

Very cool. Thanks for the info. I think I have the issue in question. Unfortunately, I'm not sure where. The pdf may be the way to go.

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