'evil' halflings?


Drow are mean evil elves..
Duergar are mean evil dwarfs...
Svirfneblin aren't really mean or evil gnomes, but they're different..

So, my question is.. is there a meanish, evilish (or at least different) halfling subrace? Because I was thinking of a campain where the savage and barbaric races (and people) around a region unite in a massive horde to invade a nearby country, beat it into submission, and then demand rulership and become sovereign nations. (basic premise) And in my thinking I was trying to come up with more 'tribal' versions of PC races and drew a complete blank with the Halfling (Orcs are tribal enough, Duergar and Svirfneblin can be stretched a little to work, Drow are tribal in Eberron, and I'm ignoring the humans for now, but might use the Neanderthals.) I don't do well with things like 'balance' or understand words like 'overpowered'... so I'm thinking of:

'Evil' Halfling Small 20' speed +2 Dex -2 Str

Animal Companion(ex) as Druid ablility, with effective Dru level of
1/2 HD
Spell-like abilities- Speak with animals, entangle 1/day CL 1
+2 racial bonus Move silently , climb, jump and hide
+1 racial bonus on the attack rolls of thrown weapons and slings

.. and some form of Level Adjustment.

Feel free to call me crazy, or offer advice (much needed and appreciated).

i can think of 2 ....
the athas halflings are very nature based ,very comunty based and tend to eat people. none halflings anyhow ...ah have such nice memorys of just saying halfling putting players into a panic.htey tended to rule the forsest of athas i recall em useing human skulls for bowls but over all not all that evil really when u look at the world they live in after all.

the other are from BOVD called the jerren hate to be called halflings. there vile and hurt folks just to be doing it. also are know for committing atrocities against their enemies that even the goblins and bugbears found repulsive. nastly little buggers. anyhow they liked to scare themsleves and had some diff from normal halflings...like pluses to intimidate and bluff
hope that helps

on your sub race . i really dont think u need one. if u really want one i myself would go no LA. what u have looks ok not sure why its all druid like but why not give them handle animal as a class skill .

this is how i would do it
+2 dex -2 str

Small: As a Small creature, a halfling gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but she uses smaller weapons than humans use, and her lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.

+2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, Listen, handle animal and Move Silently checks.

handle anmial always a class skill

+1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons, slings and spears

1/day—speak with animals{one type only. normly by tribe}
if a wis at lest 10 then my also cast 1/day flar,know direction and ghost sound. Caster level 1st; save DC 10 + halflings’s wis modifier + spell level.

a couple of good anmial chorces would be dog,Badger ,Eagle ,hawk,Hyena, Leopard ,Wolf , giant Weasel or boar.
u could base there dress and ritauls off there animal spirt. like trib of the dog, or tribe of the hawk could be really diff and raiseing and training your trible animal my be a rite of passage.
any how hope that helps

seekerofshadowlight wrote:

i can think of 2 ....

the athas halflings are very nature based ,very comunty based and tend to eat people. none halflings anyhow ...ah have such nice memorys of just saying halfling putting players into a panic.htey tended to rule the forsest of athas i recall em useing human skulls for bowls but over all not all that evil really when u look at the world they live in after all.

Those guys rocked. "I am not a cannibal! I've never eaten a Halfling".

Kender are an obvious Halfling off shoot that qualifies as different.

Sovereign Court

ghostwise halflings make good npcs (sneaky psychic gits), but aren't most halflings evil - all that thieving...

Lantern Lodge

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:
Kender are an obvious Halfling off shoot that qualifies as different.

Additionally, Dragonlance's "Races of Ansalon" book details another culture of Kender - the Afflicted. These Kender were affected by magic that swept through their lands, watching everything die, and powerless to do anything to prevent it. No longer the cheeky, fearless, adventurous natured Kender everyone has grown to love (or avoid) - Afflicted have become depressed, timid, jumpy, distrusting, quiet, brooding, or vengeful.

Thanks everybody!!

I went with the heavy druid theme because it seemed to fit well, and the innate animal companion helps the little small guys really well- (as a mount, as a combat bonus, etc) and ... i've never seen anyone start out with an animal companion across the board. It feels neat. And, I'm going with a level adjustment, because the other three I'm using to get a feel for the idea all have level adjustments. And I realize that taking levels in Druid would cause problems, or that taking levels in Ranger would cause a little bit of a problem, but I can always set a cap on the ability to never exceed HD or something.

Thanks again!

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