So I wanna start a Pathfinder campaign?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

What do I need to start?What adventures?
I know I need Pathfinder#1-what else?

Scarab Sages

All you need to start a Pathfinder campaign is the 3 core books and Pathfinder.

That said, it would help to have the RotR Player's Guide.

The GM modules do contain information about Golarion, but nothing essential to your Pathfinder campaign.

Cool ;) Thanks Ungoded!

Sovereign Court

Don't forget the players' guide is a free download - so if you or your players are strapped for cash you can probably still all have a copy.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

I just started a RotRL game with just Burnt Offerings, the core books and the Rune Lords players guide. My players have some of the Complete books and a PHB2 so I let them take some of the alternate classes, but of course that is optional. It might also help to have the Tome of Horrors and the Fiend Folio since two of the monsters used in the first chapter come from there. You dont need them because all of the important stuff is in the AP for you.

I might add that you could have had the Tome of Horror for free last week on ENWorld. I'm not sure what the situation is on giving one's free copy away to someone else, but if they have no problem with it (well, they were giving them away in the first place), you could get it second hand.

I might also add that the Advanced Bestiary is available for 5 bucks in the Paizo Store (and so is a heavy encumbrance load of other Green Ronin Stuff - well, bigger stuff costs 5 bucks, smaller stuff 2)

GeraintElberion wrote:
Don't forget the players' guide is a free download - so if you or your players are strapped for cash you can probably still all have a copy.

Where do you get this free download?

KaeYoss wrote:
I might add that you could have had the Tome of Horror for free last week on ENWorld.

If it the one by Necromancer games, I have it!

Good lookin out everyone!

Tobus Neth wrote:
Where do you get this free download?


KaeYoss wrote:

I might add that you could have had the Tome of Horror for free last week on ENWorld. I'm not sure what the situation is on giving one's free copy away to someone else, but if they have no problem with it (well, they were giving them away in the first place), you could get it second hand.

I might also add that the Advanced Bestiary is available for 5 bucks in the Paizo Store (and so is a heavy encumbrance load of other Green Ronin Stuff - well, bigger stuff costs 5 bucks, smaller stuff 2)

From what I remember, even though the PDF's such as ToH were free, they still aren't to be passed on. I also think that the PDF's are watermarked with your name and order number listed on every page.

Olaf the Stout

Lilith your the best!

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