PDF Order Problem

Customer Service

I just purchased all four Reality Deviant PDFs that are on sale and one issue of Dragon. The Dragon PDF would "personalize" and downloaded okay, but I can't get the Reality Deviant PDFs to do the same. Is there some other step I'm missing?

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer


It looks like there's a problem with that PDF. I'll try to fix it tomorrow when I'm in the office.

I'm having the same issue with the PDF of Armed and Dangerous: Serial Killers.
Thanks in advance!

24 hours later and I'm still having the same problem. I purchased all four of the PDFs. Any progress yet Gary?

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

OK, I've fixed the problems with the Reality Deviant PDFs. Sorry for the delay.

Thanks Gary!!!!!!

We appreicate the quick fix Gary! Thanks!

Sorry to bother you again Gary, but the Blood Throne download will not open. The PDF, even though it has the right size, will not open to view in Microsoft Windows Explorer and trying to extract it generates an error message...

On the bright side, the other three downloads work just fine!

Still having problems... see my note above from Saturday...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer


I've checked your file, and it works fine for me. Could you try a different unzipping utility?

Hi Vic!

Here's what the issue has been, in case anyone else reports it. On a HP Vista notebook, using Vista's built-in unzip utility, this file showed up as a download of the proper size (approx 27MB), but the preview pane, instead of showing the zipped pdf, would be empty. Attempting to right-click and unzip would bring up an error message that said the file was not in a proper format.

Which is odd, since I've never had the same issue with the other 21 pdfs I've gotten from you guys.

Anyway, downloaded the Winzip11 evaluation version and it seemed to clear up the issue. Hate having any extra software on my system, but if that's what it takes, I can live with it.

Thanks for the help!

For any who might be reading this, and thinking about using a different unzip program:

Might I suggest 7-Zip.

I haven't had any problems with it, and I do like free open source alternatives.

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