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The wording for some of the spell effects in the Spell Compendium has me and my players scratching our heads.
Case in point: Blessed Aim
"Effect: 50-ft radius spread centered on you"
When you look at the spell description it states, "this spell grants your allies within the spread a +2 morale bonus on ranged attack rolls."
I guess my question is, does the caster get hosed? Is he NOT included in the spell effect?
I look at spells like 'bless' and they go out of the way and point out the caster is included.
So did they just mess up in the Spell Compendium or was this intentional?
Thanks in advanced for any help!!

Rezdave |
"Effect: 50-ft radius spread centered on you"
When you look at the spell description it states, "this spell grants your allies within the spread a +2 morale bonus on ranged attack rolls."
I guess my question is, does the caster get hosed? Is he NOT included in the spell effect?
Caster does not gain the bonus. I wouldn't say he's "hosed" because it's a huge AoE and he's now surrounded by a lot of friends who shoot more accurately.

Rezdave |
Xellan wrote:This is what I would rule. What difference does it really make?Nor would it be particularly game breaking to grant the priest the benefits of the spell.
Who are you if not your own ally?
The duration is Minutes, not Rounds, for a +2 Bonus. Also the AoE is HUGE. This spell is not meant to be a personal buff, but a party-support spell.
If you want to include the caster, the Duration should be 1 Rnd/Lvl and the AoE should be 10' radius.
Remember, this is a 1st Level spell.

Rezdave |
The usual definition is that "your allies" includes you, but that "an ally" cannot be you.
Ok ... from the PHB Glossary p.304 ally: A creature friendly to you. In most cases references to "allies" includes yourself.
So I guess I'm wrong on this one, but I stand by what I said above about the whole excessive duration/AoE issue. I guess in this case I'd leave the duration and reduce the AoE to 10' radius, or maybe 20', but not 50'.

Kang |

I consider myself to be my most trustworthy ally, personally.
Ok ... from the PHB Glossary p.304 ally: A creature friendly to you. In most cases references to "allies" includes yourself.
Thanks for the rules quote! You just saved me from going on a rant about how can anyone possibly use people's ability to be their own enemies as support for claim that they can't just as easily be their own allies...