Monte Cook's 20-level Spell System


Dark Archive

Would you be interested in such a product for 3.x?

You can read more about it here:

and here:

Monte might publish it.

Monte Cook wrote:

I'm listening.

I'm interested in how many people are actually interested in this, because it would be a significant amount of work on my part to put it together as a product.


Thanks to Jaws for the post's template!

Liberty's Edge

This is something I would be very interested in. I voted. I really hope this comes to pass. Character usefulness for longer periods of time is something 4e promises. If Monte can do it with 3.5 I think it deserves a serious look.

Not really. I mean I love some of the stuff that Monte Cook has produced in the past--but I just don't see a rehash of the D&D magic system as something I would pay for. I can make a magic system. Were I to drag the Great Old Master out of retirement to do something it'd be more in the way of a monster manual or another campaign setting.

Honestly I think magic systems have been flogged to death. When new ones (like Tome of Magic or Incarnum) come out that are good enough to create a whole new KIND of magic, I love them--but so often it's like: "Hey this time let's do magic with tokens!!"

Not the kind of thing that gets me excited.

I couldn't see it spelled out anywhere whether such a product would be only available as a pdf--in which case, as much as I love Monte, I wouldn't be interested--or in print form as well.

I'm also not sure about the subject matter. 4th edition will have a 20-level spell system, and if I ever go that route, I suppose at that point it would be interesting to compare them. But my gut reaction is that I don't want a 20-level spell system for 3rd edition D&D. It's a bit too radically different. Though I don't doubt it would be done intelligently, and be cool to boot...

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've been following this for a while... Yes, I am interested!

Benoist Poiré wrote:
Thanks to Jaws for the post's template!

You're welcome.


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