Rise of the Runelords by Cry Havoc! - Part One: Burnt Offerings


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Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3

Ebenezer concentrates on the pattern. He can maintain it as long as necessary.

I'm a little unclear on spontaneous casting. Do I decide up front which prepared spell I give up for it? If that's the case, I'll give up Minor Image.

Liberty's Edge

The group waits as Ebenezer uses his arcane abilities to help them get past the goblin dogs without alerting the other goblin's and he once again proves his worth on participating on this mission as all of the dogs quiet down immediately as they watch the multiple colors spinning around them. The rest of the group holds their actions as Blackleaf and Roine both comfirm success. Mirni lowers the bow in her hands but keeps the arrow knocked just in case. Talam smiles and quickly dashes across the chamber followed by the rest and enter another short tunnel of briars leading to a T-intersection, to the left a tunnel leads off towards the ocean and the bridge which is barely visiable from where you stand. To the right you can see another chamber a little ways down this tunnel. A musky scent comes from this direction, different from the dogs from seconds ago but animal for sure. A choice the brave heroes face, to sneak across the bridge now and leave a potential threat behind them or take care of the threat now then head across the bridge. The group has been luckly so far at avoiding notice, will it continue or will the place irrupt with goblins at the worst time....

State your actions! Roll perception checks! I'll check out the spell question later today when I am not so tired unless someone else beats me to the answer! So which way are you fine folks going to go? Left or Right? And by the way its getting to be about dinner time so you only have a few hours of light left!

"Let us put down the dogs and see what other threats at left here. Perhaps our wilderness friends can assist with the animals."

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3

Ebenezer continues to concentrate as long as it takes the others to put down all the dogs.

I'll forgo the perception check since Ebenezer is giving his full attention to the pattern and relying on his comrades to perceive what's going on.

Well, Ebenezer has played his strongest cards, and I think his usefulness to the group will be limited from here on. He's still got a few tricks up his sleeve, though :)

Male Halfling Rogue/3

Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

"So... uh, left or right?"

Zoomackulas Eichendar wrote:
I'll check out the spell question later today when I am not so tired unless someone else beats me to the answer!

my interpretation would be that it takes up no slot as it is a bonus provided by the ability. It allows you to cast any spell form your spell book you are able to cast. If it said it allows you to swap one prepared spell a day then I would think you need to remove a prepared spell. Just my 2 cents, I defer to the DM of course.

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

Blackleaf puts back his bow drawing his dagger as he moves, slitting the slumbering hounds necks as he watches the area "I say he clear out whats in there, leave nothing behind us

perception1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3

Thanks Mirni!

Ebenezer tucks away his green gem. The pattern lingers a while, then wavers and fades out.

"We will be vulnerable on the bridge, and I always like to know I have a way out. I agree with Blackleaf."

Liberty's Edge

Seeing the wisdom of taking care of the dogs now so they will never alert the goblins, Blackleaf takes the lead and ends the dogs who never know what happen to them, quietly dropping to the ground with their last breath. This leaves Ebenezer free from focusing on his useful spell and the rest on what to do next. Agreeing on not leaving things behind them who might cause more trouble for them later at just the wrong time, You all turn your attention to the right tunnel. A musky scent fill your noses as you move closer, movement can be seen by all of you as a low growl issues from large cat with red and black stripes stands at an entrance to another chamber beyond the one you are peering into. As you move closer to the chamber entrance the smell increases as does the growl. It makes no move towards you, it seems content to stay where is stands protecting whatever is with in the next chamber behind it. The chamber you stand outside of is empty except for a small matted nest of red and black hairs in the one corner of this small briar chamber. From behind the large cat in the darkened chamber you notice dark eyes peering out at you with some interest but making no move, just watching for the moment...

Knowledge nature to figure out what the cat is: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Mirni raises her bow and prepares to fire as she probes her mind to figure out what creature lays before the party.

Male Halfling Rogue/3

"Ah. Well aren't you a..." Talam stops and remembers a similar situation when he was younger. Trying to befriend a stray cat in Korvosa, only to have it leap at his face.

"Um, maybe we should go the other way. It's only growling, plus I don;t see a reson to try and kill the thing."

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3

"It acts like it's guarding something. Its young perhaps?"

Ebenezer squints into the darkness trying to count the eyes behind the cat and see what they belong to. 2x vision in dim light. He readies color spray in case the cat jumps.

"You might be right Talam. I could use magic to try to talk to it, but I'm not sure it's a good idea. I don't think it's a threat if we leave it alone."

He starts to back away from the cat.

Liberty's Edge

Talam and Ebenezer thinking the best course of action is to back away from the growling large cat hear off to the side Mirni whisper that the cat is called a Fire Pelt, in the family of cougers. Ebenezer peers into the darkness at the eyes watching them, they seem familiar to him, like....and then the eyes form around a body of a wild looking goblin wearing leather armour cover slightly by a fine cloak, a three foot long blazing beam of red hot fire in the shape of a scimitar in one hand and an empty vial in the other. Seems we have unwelcome guests my friend, let us show them some of our hospitality! At the last word the goblin and the large cat advance quickly towards the heroes of Sandpoint............

Roll init! State your actions and roll any attacks!

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

Griping his axe, Blackleaf bellows with rages and barrels into the cat axe swinging

Init1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Raging and charging the cat, am guessing it's in front

Attack 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
Damage 1d12 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

I am guessing the cat is not large sized huh :)

Liberty's Edge

blackleaf of the Mierani forest wrote:

Griping his axe, Blackleaf bellows with rages and barrels into the cat axe swinging


Raging and charging the cat, am guessing it's in front

Attack 1d20+11
Damage 1d12+7

I am guessing the cat is not large sized huh :)

Yes cat is in front and the cat is med sized!

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

I guessed as much..hehe that would have got me a 16 at lest:)

Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Mirni fires her readied bow into the goblin (1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 141d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7) and she motions Melldae, her own firepelt, to attack the goblin from behind.

50' move and bite 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 261d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 and trip attempt if bite hits, CMD roll: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Male Halfling Rogue/3

"Can't let Blackleaf have all the fun" Talam darts into combat and tries to tumble around the goblin to flank.

Initiative 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Acrobatics 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28; Sickle on goblin 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23, +2 if I flank; Damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2, SA 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6

With a slight smile, Roine raises his wand and waits.
Ready action to fire wand at goblin when he tries to cast a spell. 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3

Ebenezer points his finger at the cat and aims a shimmering ray of colorful light directly at its eyes (range 30 ft).

Initiative 1d20+3=21
Ranged touch attack (blinding ray) 1d20+4=21

blinding ray:
blinds HD 0-3, dazzles HD 4+ for one round.
blinded: -2 AC, no AC dex bonus; -4 Str and Dex checks; 50% miss chance; DC 10 Acrobatics to move faster than half speed or fall prone
dazzled: -1 attack and Perception

Liberty's Edge

The chamber imediately turns to chaos as the two sides quickly engage one another. Mirni proves to be the quickest as she launches an arrow at the goblin but it sails mear inches over its head disappearing into the briars. Her own Fire Pelt friend has better luck though as it uses the arrows distraction to race around and take a big chop into the goblin's leg. It hangs on trying to make the goblin loose its balance and fall to the chamber floor but some how the goblin is able to shake off the cat's attack and stay standing. A shimmering ray of light slams into the goblin just as it finishes with the cat causing its eyes to be slightly blinded for a moment, it shakes its head to try and get rid of the effect as colors keep cascading in front of its eyes. Without much thought the goblin brings down its flaming scimitar down on the fire pelt drawing blood and singes some of the fur around the wound! At the back of the group with wand raised Roine waits for the goblin who he knows is a caster of magic to begin a spell but the goblin seems to busy at the moment to even get a spell off. The goblin's Fire Pelt races forward and pounces on the raging elf who is also racing forward. They meet in the center of the chamber in a big crash each doing damage to the other as they fight one another. Talam seeing his chance while everyone is distracted to sneak up to the goblin and sink one of his sickles into goblin flesh. A smile appears as his wish has been granted as blood spurts out from a new wound on the goblin's leg.

Next round! State your actions and roll your attacks! Blackleaf take 4 hps damage and Mirni's Fire Pelt takes 6 hps damage! Init order-Mirni and her cat, Ebenezer, Goblin, Roine, Goblin Fire Pelt, Blackleaf and Talam!

Mirni utters an elvish swear to herself as she looses another arrow at the Goblin 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 201d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8. Melldae winces from the attack but leaps again on the goblin biting it 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 191d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 as well as using both claws 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 101d2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

CMD for trip if bite lands 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25. Also if the goblin is within 30' of Mirni (+1 to att and damage for bow)

Male Halfling Rogue/3

Sickle 1 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15, sickle 2 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23; Damage 1d4 + 1 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 1 + (5, 2) = 11, 1d4 + 1 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 1 + (1, 4) = 7

"So I couldn't convince you and your cat friend to surrender could I?" Talam smiles as he speaks in goblin

"'Cause if not this may end badly for you"

Same action.

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

Blackleaf again brings his axe down upon the cat, with a yell

Attack 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Damage 1d12 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

This puts him at 44 hp while rageing right?

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3

Ebenezer was trying to hit the fire pelt, not the goblin, with the idea of lowering its AC against Blackleaf's attack, and giving it a 50% miss chance against Blackleaf.

Ebenezer hangs back, waiting for another chance to assist Blackleaf against the fire pelt.

Liberty's Edge

The battle continues, Mirni upset at her miss seconds ago tries again and this time find her mark. The arrow takes the goblin in the shoulder pushing the wild looking goblin back a step. Her friend, Melldae takes another bite out of the goblin and pulls trying to make the goblin fall over which it begins to do. As it does it tries to cast some kind of magic at the cat but instead gets hit by multiple glowing energy balls from Roine's wand ruining its spell. The goblin had no chance against the heroes of Sandpoint as Talam finishes off the goblin with one of his sickles as the goblin lays on the ground with Malldae still hanging on with its teeth. The goblin's Fire Pelt fairs no better as Blackleaf's axe finishes it off as he screams at the thing even after the animal lays on the ground dead at his feet. Ebenezer sits back and watches his friends easily finish off the goblin druid and its pet.

With the battle over now the main concern is if the presense has alerted other goblins, especially with Blackleaf's raging battle chants. Searching the goblin five potions are found plus a wand, leather armour, a spear, sling and a cloak.

Quick battle, sorry Ebenezer misread your post. You are correct Blackleaf on hp's!

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

That was 2 rounds right?

With his battle ended fatigue sweeps blackleaf, with a half grin he says "Think they heard that?"

Male Halfling Rogue/3

"Of course not. We're as quiet as a drowning firepelt"

"What do we have here?"
Detect Magic on all items while the others see if anyone noticed us. Spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 231d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 291d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 171d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 161d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 211d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 271d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 261d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 231d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 131d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3
Talam Shaleif wrote:
"Of course not. We're as quiet as a drowning firepelt"

Ebenezer smiles.

Talam Shaleif wrote:
"Of course not. We're as quiet as a drowning firepelt"

Mirni frowns.

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

"You can drown a firepelt guilty He says with a grin "You need to hit it over the head with a rock first however"

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3

"Sorry, Mirni. I didn't stop to think about the jest from your point of view. No offense to you or your valiant companion." Ebenezer eyes the druid's Fire Pelt with healthy respect; the cat is much larger than himself.

"Mostly I think I just felt relieved. I hope we haven't alerted anyone yet."

Liberty's Edge

While the others banter back and forth Roine uses a simple spell to check the items found on the dead goblin. He sees auras of various shades and intensities coming from the goblin's possessions. All of the potions glow which he suspected and the wand plus the cloak and the armour. He concentrates on what he is doing for a bit of time giving the others time to check around and see if they were found out yet. It seems luck is holding out for the heroes as all is quiet. Moving back down the briar tunnel towards the rope bridge you find what looks to be a watchpost, it stands empty, maybe the goblins took greater losses than first thought. Sneaking up further to the end of the tunnel you spy the ocean and the way across to the goblin lair. A rope bridge spans the gulf between the cliff and a roundish, flat topped island some sixty feet to the north, out in the ocean. Thick patches of nettles and briars grow atop the island, but most impressive feature is a wooden one story stockade. Two thirty foor tall watchtowers guard the stockade's southern facade. The rope bridge itself is made of hairy rope and thick wooden planks, the whole thing creaks and sways in the wind above the churning surf eighty feet below. A quick look across to the eastern watch tower show signs of goblins moving about but seem occupied with their own pleasures on the island and not the main land, the other seems empty. Off to the right(eastern) side of the stockade a blur of a goblin dog or of a goblin come into view through the briars, they seem to be involve in a game of some sorts as a long length of twine is tied to a seagull which is attempting to escape the goblin holding the other end while the others throw rocks at it trying to kill it, turns are taken to throw their rock and the one holding the twine seems to be against the others as he tugs and pulls on the twine to make the others miss.

Quietly moving back to the goblin druid's lair you can see Roine is just finishing up checking for arcane magic and talk begins of how to cross the bridge......

To save time, 2 potions of cure light wounds, 1 potions of speak with animals, 2 potions of tree shape, wand of produce flame(34 charges), +1 leather armour and a cloak of resistance +1. Next up, Crossing the Bridge!

"Well, here's what we got.... Now, I could disguise myself as a goblin with a spell and make my way over to the other side. Once there, I can call in reinforcements to hold the bridge until the rest of you make it across. Does anyone else have the ability to change shape or become invisible?"

Any takers on the magic items? The only thing that I could use is the cloak?

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3

"Roine, you're welcome to the cloak as far as I'm concerned. I think Mirni should have the wand. I wouldn't mind having a tree shape potion, except that I suppose it's not an illusion. It actually turns me into a tree? Mirni, is that safe?"

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

Your plan sounds good, I can cover the bridge very qrickly. They may notice me however He nods with a grunt ' if you can hold them or keep them looking elsewhere I'll be right behind you

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3

No one is interested in discussing the loot?

"As I said earlier, I could cross the bridge disguised as a goblin and tie a rope for the rest of you to climb from the water to the top of the island. The spell to change my appearance lasts about 30 minutes, and I speak the goblin language. Roine, I'm sure your reinforcements could hold the bridge, allowing us to cross without fear of goblin pranks, but what then? All the goblins would know that we had arrived."

"Of course I can become invisible, but only for a few minutes. What did you have in mind? Perhaps if we set a fire on the other side, the others might cross unnoticed."

Male Halfling Rogue/3

Nothing really appeals to me in the loot

"Goblin infiltration. Let's do it. At the very least sounds fun"

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

With a grunt blackleaf says in a low tone"Not as much infiltration, as killing"

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3
blackleaf of the Mierani forest wrote:
With a grunt blackleaf says in a low tone"Not as much infiltration, as killing"

"Not as much getting killed, if we can get you across the bridge unnoticed. Maybe I should turn you invisible instead."

"Roine, how do you see this working? Talam and I could dress as goblins, you could disguise yourself with a spell, and Blackleaf could go invisibly, but that still leaves Mirni. How do we get her across?"

Male Halfling Rogue/3

"Hmm, might as well start working on the disguise." Talam begin to gather goblin clothes and gear.

"Hey Blackleaf mind holding some of my stuff for me if we're doing this. Walking up in a chain shirt and carrying well made gear might give us away." he begins to disrobe am put on the ragged but obviously magic armor.

"Not as great as mine, but it works. Geez not only does this stuff stink, I think he may have fleas." Talam slaps his arm hard and removes a bloated parasite.

"The way I see it is that the water path doesn't work; therefore, all we have is the bridge. My main concern is that they try to cut the bridge while we cross. By getting as many across disguised, we can prevent the goblins on the other side from cutting the bridge. I don't feel that we can avoid all alerts but it should at least insure that we all get across."

"I can use the wand. As for becoming a tree, getting close to nature can never be too bad for you." Mirni scans the other side of the bridge after hearing the plans and says, "I can shoot from here and come over after you secure the other side. Just don't let them cut the bridge."

Liberty's Edge

With a plan sorta figured out, Talam and Ebenezer quickly put on the dead goblin's gear which instantly finds the two scratching themselves and funny enough helps with their disguises. Everyone takes positions ready for the plan to be put into action. The two take off across the swaying bridge trying to look as goblin like as possible, it seems to work as none take notice as they begin to cross. The wind picks up a bit causing the two too hang on tighter to the ropes making both very nervous as they are now up close to see the goblin's handywork, as expected not very good. The bridge seems to hold the small ones with no problem but they can tell their might be problems with too many larger folk. They make it about half way before they need to stop as a big gust of wind hits the bridge and they need to hold on tight as it rocks back and forth with the wind. Roine, Mirni and Blackleaf all notice a few goblins pointing and laughing (from the tower on the right) at the two holding onto the bridge for dear lives. They seem more amused at the sight than alerted by someone disguised as themselves coming to kill them.......

First, Ebenezer and Talam make disguise checks to see if the goblins see through your ruse. Also make acrobatic checks to see if you hold on or if you lose your grip. Everyone state your actions, once the two are across who is going next then next and so forth, and how. Roll acrobatics checks for when you cross plus any other relevant checks like stealth. I jumped ahead a wee bit so if their is something you planned on doing before stepping foot onto the bridge just add that to your post first. Sorta reminds me of a couple hobbits in a similar situation sneaking past in disguise, lol!

Roine crosses his wrists and focuses his energy. As he opens his eyes he begins to shrink down into the form of a goblin. The goblin smiles and says in Roine's voice, "I will go next."
Use bonded item ability to cast disguise self from his spellbook. When I get across, I will ready an action to summon an earth elemental.
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Male Elf Ranger { Skirmisher} 1

Blackleaf shakes his head. "I'll go across first I may need to hold that area while the rest of you cross. I make a better target and they may leave you along long enough to get your spell off"

Unless someone veto's him he'll go next axe out.

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 and prob fell to my doom :)

Liberty's Edge

M Gnome Wiz3
Zoomackulas Eichendar wrote:
I jumped ahead a wee bit so if their is something you planned on doing before stepping foot onto the bridge just add that to your post first.

I was planning to cast invisibility on Blackleaf, so he would be invisible for three rounds and crossing the bridge with Talam and Ebenezer. That way, he can either fight to defend the bridge, or find a place to hide before the spell wears off.

But first, I was planning for Ebenezer to cast disguise self, which lasts 30 minutes and gives +10 to the disguise check. I didn't include the -2 penalty for disguising as a different race, since the spell seems to cover that.

IC is down.

Disguise: 1d20 + 3 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 10 = 19
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

"I still think we should create a diversion on the other side to get Mirni across unnoticed."

Male Halfling Rogue/3

Disguise 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6; Acrobatics 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24

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