Calgary, Alberta - Seeking players for D&D 3.5 Greyhawk campaign

Gamer Connection

Hi folks,

I'm trying to recruit 1-3 adult players for a D&D 3.5 Greyhawk campaign (set in Gran March). I currently have one newbie and one D&D veteran on board. We would prefer players with a strong role playing orientation, over hack and slash or power gaming. Enthusiasm and willingness to learn are more important than experience and rules knowledge. Please note that the campaign tends to be gritty and "low magic."

Currently, the games are played at my home, in Southwood (southwest Calgary). We are trying to get together once a week or once every other week, on a weekday night (typically Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday). Game sessions typically would start around 6:30 or 7:00 p.m. and end between 10:30 and 11:30 p.m. I live walking distance to Anderson station.

Drop me a line if you live in the area and are interested!


I wish I lived close. I would love to game with you over a table. If anybody lives close, consider yourselves fortunate. TwiceBorn is an excellent roleplayer, and I could only imagine that one of his games would be fantastic.


Utak wrote:


I wish I lived close. I would love to game with you over a table. If anybody lives close, consider yourselves fortunate. TwiceBorn is an excellent roleplayer, and I could only imagine that one of his games would be fantastic.


Thanks for the kind words, Utak... and yes, it's a damned shame you don't live in the neighbourhood!


Sorry folks, gotta bump this one again... someone else in Calgary must read the Paizo boards and be interested in gaming with new people!

Sadly I'm not even in the smae country and the commute would be a pain.

I live in Calgary Twiceborn, but I must say I'm not a gamer.I was introduced to the Paizo boards from a friend in Ontario. I read many of the pbp games. The stories and games I read, fascinate me and serve as my before bedtime reading material. Good luck!

Dark Archive

I'm not in Calgary, a 2-hour drive out of the city. I'm the "resident DM" in my group, and so I know what you are going through in trying to gather a regular gaming group. I have friends in Cal that I game with when I come into town, but they live in the NW (by SAIT), so I don't think the commute would work out as well.
Too bad, sounds like you have similar gaming tastes. If you don't mind "drop-ins", I'll maybe message if I'll be in the city to see what you guys are up to.

Legion wrote:
I live in Calgary Twiceborn, but I must say I'm not a gamer.I was introduced to the Paizo boards from a friend in Ontario. I read many of the pbp games. The stories and games I read, fascinate me and serve as my before bedtime reading material. Good luck!

Thanks for the note, Legion. If ever you develop the urge to become a gamer, drop me a line! ;-)

Thammuz wrote:

I'm not in Calgary, a 2-hour drive out of the city. I'm the "resident DM" in my group, and so I know what you are going through in trying to gather a regular gaming group. I have friends in Cal that I game with when I come into town, but they live in the NW (by SAIT), so I don't think the commute would work out as well.

Too bad, sounds like you have similar gaming tastes. If you don't mind "drop-ins", I'll maybe message if I'll be in the city to see what you guys are up to.

Thanks for the reply, Thammuz.

Too bad you're so far out of town. And unfortunately, I don't think that "drop-ins" would work so well. I'm having a hard enough time holding a consistent group together! I've got two regulars, one third player who created a great character with a detailed background but who has been AWOL for a month without warning, and one who expressed interest but never showed up (the latter two are friends/co-workers of the former two)... and the campaign really would benefit from a dedicated, cohesive party of regulars.

My one veteran player currently is running a second character, and I'm running a DM PC (hopefully for a short time only), both of which are less than ideal.

Drop me a line if you ever move closer!


I wish I could play. I played DND 3.5 with some friends and I also played Shadowrun. Too bad, Unless it is on Friday or Saturday I cannot play at the mentioned time. I work at 6:00 am and I need to go to bed earlier than 11:00 pm.

Well if it does change let me know

Wish you lots of fun.

phil90 wrote:


I wish I could play. I played DND 3.5 with some friends and I also played Shadowrun. Too bad, Unless it is on Friday or Saturday I cannot play at the mentioned time. I work at 6:00 am and I need to go to bed earlier than 11:00 pm.

Well if it does change let me know

Wish you lots of fun.

Hi Phil,

Thanks for your reply. I'll run your request by the other players to see if we can accommodate that. Can you tell me a little bit more about your playing style and experience, some published adventures you might already have played through, and what you consider a fun and not-so-fun D&D game?

Hi Phil,

Thanks for your reply. I'll run your request by the other players to see if we can accommodate that. Can you tell me a little bit more about your playing style and experience, some published adventures you might already have played through, and what you consider a fun and not-so-fun D&D game?


I don't have a lot of experience I have been playing DnD 3.5 a little while I guess for about a year. I have been playing Neverwinter night and Baldurs gate. I know it's not much of roleplay but still it follows the rule of DND. I don't know what to say about playing style I like to play for fun and learn to improve my gameplay. I played in the forgotten realms and in Ravenloft. I don't know which I prefered both were so different. About published adventures I don't think the adventures we went trought were prewritten material. I think the DM found some ideas on internet but did not take the whole stuff from there. I like the game when you accomplish stuff by using your character but also inventing and when you are free to create your own way to solve problems even if it is the craziest way.AS long it works it's alright. What I think is not so fun is when the game become an argument between players when it become not fun anymore. I don't like when all I have to do is cast spell or hit with my weapon to kill the most monster that i can. Well I guess it is part of the game but I don't want it to be the only thing the game is made of. LOL I don't like when I fumble ;)


I was just wondering if you got an answer on the possibility to play at other times, I guess, I just can't at the specified time but I am flexible for the rest.

phil90 wrote:


I was just wondering if you got an answer on the possibility to play at other times, I guess, I just can't at the specified time but I am flexible for the rest.

Hi Phil,

I just spoke to my other players this evening. Unfortunately, weekends are a bad time for us (due to work and/or other personal commitments), and Tuesday-Thursday 6:30 - 11:30 p.m. remains the only time slot we can work with. I'm sorry that won't work for you. Thanks for checking in, though, and drop me a line if ever your schedule changes!

TwiceBorn wrote:
phil90 wrote:


I was just wondering if you got an answer on the possibility to play at other times, I guess, I just can't at the specified time but I am flexible for the rest.

Hi Phil,

I just spoke to my other players this evening. Unfortunately, weekends are a bad time for us (due to work and/or other personal commitments), and Tuesday-Thursday 6:30 - 11:30 p.m. remains the only time slot we can work with. I'm sorry that won't work for you. Thanks for checking in, though, and drop me a line if ever your schedule changes!

Thank you for you quick reply. I'll sure come and drop a line if my schedule change.

Have fun

Wow I live in the SW if you need another player my email is

TwiceBorn wrote:

Hi folks,

I'm trying to recruit 1-3 adult players for a D&D 3.5 Greyhawk campaign (set in Gran March). I currently have one newbie and one D&D veteran on board. We would prefer players with a strong role playing orientation, over hack and slash or power gaming. Enthusiasm and willingness to learn are more important than experience and rules knowledge. Please note that the campaign tends to be gritty and "low magic."

Currently, the games are played at my home, in Southwood (southwest Calgary). We are trying to get together once a week or once every other week, on a weekday night (typically Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday). Game sessions typically would start around 6:30 or 7:00 p.m. and end between 10:30 and 11:30 p.m. I live walking distance to Anderson station.

Drop me a line if you live in the area and are interested!

Hi there,

I've just moved to Calgary to start a new job. I think weeknights would be fine for me based on what I've seen so far, particularly Thursday nights. I'm working in the SW, so location seems reasonable.

Contact me via if you're still looking for another player.


Silver Crusade

Hi there Twiceborn. Experienced Roleplayer here. I stopped playing in the core 2nd revised Edition rules. Would like to get back into it. Am use to hack and slash. Also have played a Mage. Ranger and cleric is my common class. I like playing an elf. Any this work for you. I can only play during the week.

email me...

Ghalahad, lblack, Trevain,

Thanks for your replies, and my apologies for not posting sooner... I must admit that I stopped monitoring this thread a while back, since it wasn't getting much attention. I currently have 3 dedicated players (one of whom is playing two PCs), and the campaign is going well.

I'll see how the players feel about bringing in new people at this point in the campaign...

I should have another update for you before Xmas...


Hi TwiceBorn. Sorry about never getting back to you about gaming. I lost connection with the internet a while back. Good to see you have something going yourself though. If your ever interested let me know. I'm already in one game as well as the one I'm running now so I can't really join another. Anyways, have fun.


xvcrimsajadevx wrote:

Hi TwiceBorn. Sorry about never getting back to you about gaming. I lost connection with the internet a while back. Good to see you have something going yourself though. If your ever interested let me know. I'm already in one game as well as the one I'm running now so I can't really join another. Anyways, have fun.


No worries. So, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened with that "horror gamer" (the guy you had to boot from the group)? I know what you mean about putting new player's "on probation". Bringing strangers in can be a gamble on so many levels.

I might still consider signing up for your Saturday game, if the vibe and scheduling was right... how close are you to an LRT station? What time do you play at, and for how long?

Have you tried the Pirates of the Plains?

tbug wrote:
Have you tried the Pirates of the Plains?

No I haven't, thanks for the suggestion. They seem to be focused on "Living" campaigns. Have you done anything with PoP, tbug, and if yes, how was your experience with them?

I did meet up with a group of gamers through the Sentry Box, once, and ended up playing a session with them. They were really nice guys, but I just wasn't into their gaming style (a bit too focused on hack and slash power gaming, with little regards for actual role playing... I respect that this style of gaming may appeal to certain gamers, but it doesn't do much for me).

I've never had any direct experience with the PotP, but I know a couple of people who moved from here (Victoria) to Calgary and joined the group. They seem to like it.

I don't think that having a focus of Living campaigns need disqualify them. It just means that this is a group of people concentrating on 3.5 games that are about to be discontinued. They sound like prime recruitment fodder to me! :)

TwiceBorn wrote:

No worries. So, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened with that "horror gamer" (the guy you had to boot from the group)? I know what you mean about putting new player's "on probation". Bringing strangers in can be a gamble on so many levels.

I might still consider signing up for your Saturday game, if the vibe and scheduling was right... how close are you to an LRT station? What time do you play at, and for how long?

I'll give you the info on that privitely. E-mail me at It wasn't the game itself.

We're about a 15 min #3 ride north of DT, just off center. Depending on how it works out my one player that has to travel may be willing to give you a ride to and from. I usually have her show up between noon and 1 and we start shortly after. If there are any changes to the gaming schedule, or we're not gaming at all I let my players know. I usually make contact within a coupe days of gaming if they haven't done so. We game till at least 9pm but can go to 11 in some cases. Last Saturday we ended at 9:30 I think, not long after putting the baby to bed.

Don't worry too much about her though. She's not as big as a distracton as some babies can be. Heck, she slept through most of our last game. And keeping her entertained isn't too hard. Really, the biggest distraction we have is the smoking since it's not allowed inside. It kinda sucks even more because there is only one smoker in this perticular group. In the goup that I play in everyone smokes something but me.


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