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From the *cough* Fine folks at WotC.
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures
Your plastic is coming with you to 4th Edition!
All minis sets will be converted. A full timeline will be forthcoming. Provided below, are the dates for the release of stat cards from recent sets:
January 16th, 2008: Desert of Desolation + new minis skirmish rulebook
March 17th, 2008: Night Below
May 20th, 2008: Unhallowed
June 17th, 2008: Fan Selected All-Star Set
All monsters in Desert of Desolation will be in 4th Edition, and nearly all in the Monster Manual.
Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game
Look for the DDI logo for 4th Edition compatibility:
The D&D Insider logo means that the product will be compatible in 4th Edition.
Critical 4th Edition updates for specified 3.5 products will be available with the launch of 4th Edition.
In addition to updated content, 4th Edition products with the D&DI logo will have enhanced content available at dndinsider.com.
List of 4th Edition Compatible Products
Exemplars of Evil
Dragons of Eberron
Anauroch: The Empire of Shade (November 2007)
Elder Evils (December 2007)
City of Stormreach (February 2008)
Desert of Desolation Miniatures set
All other D&D Miniatures sets over time (timeline forthcoming)
Edition-Proof Products
These products are not tied to a specific edition:
Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl’s Guide to Dungeons & Dragons
Grand History of the Realms
Dungeon Survival Guide
Eberron Survival Guide (March 2008)
4th Edition Preview Books
Get a sneak peek into the races, classes, worlds and monsters of 4th Edition:
Wizards Presents: Races & Classes (December 2007)
Wizards Presents: Worlds & Monsters (January 2008)

Brent Stroh |
Edition-Proof Products
These products are not tied to a specific edition:Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl’s Guide to Dungeons & Dragons
By Shelly Mazzanoble -
Confessions of a Part-time Sorceress is a smart, humorous examination of the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game from a female gamer's point of view. The book delves into the myths and realities of gamer stereotypes. It explains how to build a character for a D&D game, how to shop for gear, how to play, and how to find the perfect gaming group, all the while exploring the things that make the D&D game a rewarding and recurring social experience for both men and women.
Guess this explains the "article" being critiqued elsewhere on this board.
Too bad Barbie is a Mattel product; the crossover potential of a bundle of this book and the "Math is hard!" Barbie from a few years back would be nearly infinite...

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First of all if that offended anyone sorry but come on. I played with Barbies too, not much else to do when your have an older sister and the nearest neighbor is 1/2 a mile down the road.
Still I see no problem with saying that about any "iconic" toy line. Take He-Man for instance, while I loved the show as a kid and technically still do. You have to admit that Prince Adam comes across as kind of gay. (No offense meant just saying that I think he was.) Not to mention that there was what 4 women in the whole show.
Anyway no offense meant to anyone over anything.
Also I would love to see how Orcus pimps out his corvette. ;)

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Take He-Man for instance....
He-man was a friggin pansy. Stretch Armstrong - now there was a bad-ass dude. I still got a scar from that guy.
And how do you like this line...
All minis sets will be converted.
Sounds like a bumper sticker I read at a convention years ago..."We are Microsoft. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated." Thank you Star Trek.