Iron Heroes fight the Savage Tide

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Dark Archive

So last night I was having a discussion with a new gaming group. I was trying to pitch running the STAP for them. They seemed willing to give it a shot but didnt seem overly enthused at the idea. Mostly this lack of excitment they said extended from not really wanting to play 3.5.Then when Iron Heroes was brought up they all suddenly seemed to be rather excited at the prospect of playing this new system.

My first reaction to this idea of running the STAP with the Iron Heroes system was a little off putting. Its not that I dont like IH's just that I could see I would have my work cut out for me if I did. The nore I think about it though it seems to me that of all the APs,the STAP seems to be one of the only ones best suited to this style of play. In particular the theme of the AP, as well as several issues like treasure placement and the purchasing magic items as well as the inclusion of the wake portal for the Sea Wyvern to go to travel to the Abyss just makes me think that his might be a really good idea.

So I guess what Id like to know from you guys is what do you think?

Can this work?

If I did decide to convert it what should I look out for and what should I change?

Originally I had planned to run this set in Greyhawk, however I think that I might need to change this in favour of a world more inline with the caveats of Iron Hereos in mind. What world and why would you use?

This is exactly what I was going to do before 4th ed and Pathfinder came out. It does seem like the perfect match. The whole point of Iron Heroes is that they are tough enough to run a "standard" dnd game for with minimal changes needed. I would think basically cut magic item out completely, and reduce most of the treasure (to what makes sense), and you should be good to go.

You could either do "proper" conversions of NPCs, or just run them as written (including the effect of Magic Items on their stat block), but say they don't have any gear. Really, is there any (mechanical) difference between a +1 Weapon and a +2 Str? Not that would make a significant difference anyway.

Check this out for some thoughts from other posters.

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