Eldritch Warriors Article in Dragon 355

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Dark Archive

I noticed that the the eldritch juggernaut and fortification alternative class features both replace the fighter bonus feat at 18th level. On the other hand, there is no alternative class feature for level 16.

Is this intentional?

If yes, then you can't take both eldritch juggernaut and fortification, correct?

And there is no alternative class feature for level 16.

Can anyone from Paizo please clarify this?

Dark Archive Contributor

Radavel wrote:

I noticed that the the eldritch juggernaut and fortification alternative class features both replace the fighter bonus feat at 18th level. On the other hand, there is no alternative class feature for level 16.

Is this intentional?

If yes, then you can't take both eldritch juggernaut and fortification, correct?

And there is no alternative class feature for level 16.

Can anyone from Paizo please clarify this?

It is intentional. There is no alternative class feature for level 16. You have to choose to take one or the other.

Dark Archive

Thanks very much for that clarification.

You could also take the other 18th level one at 20th level, as it replaces a lower-level bonus feat.

At least, that'd be my take on it ...

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