TheTravis |

Describe it. That'll help some.
That's kind of the problem. There's nothing super distinctive about it, it's just where I have set the games I have run for the past several years. Now, my players are starting to ask more questions about the world at large.
The whole world is cobbled together from other fantasy sources. I have robbed liberally from Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk, and now I'm gleefully ripping off Pathfinder. There's a LOT of Tolkein in there, and most everything is named either from Tolkein or from Magic the Gathering flavor text - as I mentioned, I have problems coming up with good names.

Lawgiver |

Just one random name I came up with on the spot. If you want one of your own, try to keep the first syllable beginning with a harsh sound. Classic fiction stories of the past like Barsoom, Kregen, and many of the other fantasy worlds we read about have names that begin with plosives (B, P, T, D, G, J, K, Q, V, Z) that just seem to give the place a more grand-sounding name. You'll find the tendancy is also for some of the better "heroes" to follow the same pattern. So keep it in mind not only for the world but for NPC and even PC characters. Hope that helps.