358 & 359

Dragon Magazine General Discussion


I recieved my 359 today, and from what I have read so far, it looks great. However unless the poster is a page, I don't believe it was with the issue.

As well, I have given up on recieving 358, which I haven't recieved yet, and was wondering if I might be able to get another along with the poster.


You know.. I was away most of August, so I hadn't even noticed...

But yeah, I seem to be missing Issue 358 as well!

So... No map in 359
358 missing
and my back-orders I placed at the beginning of August haven't arrived...

I'm starting to wonder about some of the reasons why WotC canceled.. could one of them be due to some fulfillment issues on mail outs?

Hi Wilcroft, Dranem -

Please direct your attention to this thread.

This is a widespread problem among our Canadian subscribers, and we are working to fix it.

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