Good news for Dray Prescot Fans!


Only the first 37 volumes were printed for the American release. The last American release was in 1988. I’ve been waiting a long time (almost 20 years) for anything ‘new’ to come out. Recent internet searches have finally revealed a bonanza for me and other Prescott fans. Here’s the salient points, for those who didn’t already know.

1) “Alan Burt Akers”, the name under which the books were printed, was one of many pseudonyms used by H. Kenneth Bulmer, a noted U.K. fiction author.
2) Bulmer died in 2005 at age 84.
3) Bulmer actually had 15 additional Prescott volumes published in Europe.
4) The first 8 of these European printings were e-books only
5) The last 7 were in German only.
6) Mushroom e-books has finalized agreement with Bulmer’s estate (read family) to begin reprinting ALL of the Prescott novels in English (including the e-books and German-only editions) beginning around Jan 2008. They plan to print 3 per month for the first year (or attempting to complete the first 36-37 American volumes that year), then to begin putting out the final 15 volumes at one per month until they’re finished. This would begin the unseen volumes 38+ beginning in Jan 2009 and completing the set around March-April 2010.

For someone like me who always felt the stories halted in mid-stream (like a sneeze that wouldn’t happen) I’m tickled %@itless!

Anyone else excited over the news?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Bulmer apparently never finished the very last book, though, which kind of sucks.


E-books, eh? What would really be beautiful would be to see them as Planet Stories.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
E-books, eh? What would really be beautiful would be to see them as Planet Stories.

Wow...I'm STILL looking for Dray Prescott fans.

I want to point out THIS very difficult-to-find product, and it is amazingly available right here on Paizo. HAI JIKAI!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I want to point out THIS very difficult-to-find product, and it is amazingly available right here on Paizo. HAI JIKAI!

Some days, ya just feel like the only Dray Prescott fan in the room...

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