The Consort of Chronepsis: A Farewell to Dragon Magazine

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I once knew a very singular woman. She was not different in looks than others of the fairer sex; in fact she was rather plain by my standards.

No, the difference was in her charms. Gaysha, as she called herself, joined my small party of vagabonds as we left the fair city Camelod on that fateful midsummer’s eve. Stewing in our recent merriments, and profits, from the previous week’s midsummer festival within the city we traveled at a comfortable pace. Until, that is, word reached us that Camelod had been overrun by black magics on the very night of our departure.

I was still a young man at that time and was bewildered by the loss like the rest of my companions. Gaysha was the only one who showed no surprise or concern for Camelod’s fall, which worried me for a time. I made a point to speak with her more often, to milk the cow as it were, for what she knew of Camelod’s fate. Though I to this day cannot say why I trusted her so, I believed her utterly when she claimed ignorance on the topic.

During our travels, I began to forget other women. I would perfunctorily smile for and examine cute barmaids, pretty farm girls and the occasional noblewoman out of habit, but I never went any further while Gaysha was traveling with us. The two of us got into the habit of having long fireside talks. As I said, Gaysha’s charms were unique; as a connoisseur of women, I would know. Gaysha didn’t warm when I commented on her looks, but had an insatiable appetite for stories and lore. She was never modest about her body, sometimes seeming to forget to clothe herself in my presence, though it was a child’s immodesty rather than a jezebel’s. She never talked about herself and never minded that it took weeks for me to ask her about her own stories and life.

When I finally summoned the courage to ask Gaysha of herself, she responded only that she was seeking redemption in the eyes of her lover who had scorned her for a long time. When I asked her to tell me the story, she told me that it would not be fit verse or song. This statement sent a chill down my spine, not because I doubted its probable truth, but because what kind of woman or man does not seek an outlet for their suffering and passions?

It was many weeks later that I discovered why Gaysha felt no need to express herself to a mortal like me. In a gut-wrenching twist of fate, our company found ourselves face to face with a very large and undoubtedly ancient dragon. Apparently an ally of the evil that had taken Camelod, he spoke with a voice of centuries while his crimson scales reeked of ash and hate. Our demise seemed immanent when suddenly Gaysha was gone from my side and another dragon, impossibly huge, stood between our party and the crimson wyrm. Somehow I immediately knew that this dragon was not only female, but was Gaysha herself. Her body was long and serpentine, her eyes large and wise and her voice held the power of ages. “Leave now, Garalthyx, for you have a destiny to fulfill elsewhere.” She told the lesser dragon.

And he did. He obviously did not like to go, and for many years I have feared retribution from him after Gaysha left us, but he left and I have never seen him since. As if a dream, Gaysha the wyrm was gone and Gaysha the woman stood again by my side. None of the others seemed to realize the duplicity so I waited for many days to confront her on the subject.

When I finally asked Gaysha why she traveled with a band of mortals, she gave me the most beautiful crooked smile that I have ever seen. She expressed amusement that I had taken so long to ask her and then told me all that I would ever discover about her. Her lover, she said, is unknown to most mortals but is very important to her kind, the time dragons. “I have been traveling the ages, arranging events so as to right the wrong that I have done to him.”

Soon afterward, Gaysha left me and my company. In return for my oath to deliver various strange messages to different individuals at certain times over the years, she left us a cache of wealth that made all the company rich beyond our dreams for the rest of our lives. And this, my lord Tam al’Thor of the Illuminati Shadow Society, is the last message that I am to deliver on Gaysha’s behalf:

“Watch your western border, but watch also the mockingbird amongst the hawks. A time of turmoil is coming to you and your kin, but you will weather it if only you find the courage to sing in the light of the sun.”

--The Baron Rasputin ul’Yan

Consort of Chronepsis
Female Elite Great Wyrm Time Dragon Cleric of Chronepsis 1/Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis 12
N Colossal+ Dragon
Init +8; Senses Blindsense 60 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Keen Low-light Vision; Listen +154, Spot +154
Auras Calming Aura 360 ft. (DC 102), Slow Aura 120 ft.
Languages Common, Draconic

AC 102 (-8 Size, +99 natural, +1 dodge), touch 3, flat-footed 101
hp 4398 (112 HD) ; DR 20/--
Immune Paralysis, Sleep and Slow effects; SR 99
Fort +93, Ref +56, Will +97

Speed 100, fly 380 (poor)
Melee Bite +153 (6d6+42/19-20) and 2 Claws +153 (4d8+21/19-20) and 2 Wings +153 (4d6+21/19-20) and Tail Slap (4d8+63/19-20)
Space/Reach 40 ft./30 ft. (bite 40 ft.)
Base Atk +108; Grp +168
Atk Options Power Attack
Special Actions Breath Weapons, Crush, Stunning Rebuke, Tail Sweep, Time Control, Turn Undead 37/day
Spells prepared (Casts spells as a 49th level cleric)
18th (DC 67; 7/day) -- DM's choice
17th (DC 66; 7/day) -- DM's choice
16th (DC 65; 7/day) -- DM's choice
15th (DC 64; 8/day) -- DM's choice
14th (DC 63; 8/day) -- DM's choice
13th (DC 62; 8/day) -- DM's choice
12th (DC 61; 8/day) -- DM's choice
11th (DC 60; 9/day) -- DM's choice
10th (DC 59; 9/day) -- DM's choice
9th (DC 58; 12+1/day) -- DM's choice
8th (DC 57; 12+1/day) -- DM's choice
7th (DC 56; 13+1/day) -- DM's choice
6th (DC 55; 13+1/day) -- DM's choice
5th (DC 54; 14+1/day) -- DM's choice
4th (DC 53; 14+1/day) -- DM's choice
3rd (DC 52; 15+1/day) -- DM's choice
2nd (DC 51; 15+1/day) -- DM's choice
1st (DC 50; 15+1/day) -- DM's choice
0 (DC 49; 6/day) -- DM's choice
Spell-Like Abilities 3/day -- Slow, Vision; At Will -- Analyze Dweomer, Comprehend Languages, Time Stop (1 round between uses), Tongues

Abilities Str 94, Dex 10, Con 76, Int 79, Wis 88, Cha 79
SQ Calming Aura, Clearsight, Discern Lies, Time Apotheosis, Time Mastery
Feats Adroit Flyby Attack, Blind-fight, Cleave, Dire Charge, Draconic Knowledge, Epic Weapon Focus (bite), Epic Weapon Focus (claw), Epic Weapon Focus (tail slap), Epic Weapon Focus (wing), Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, Hover, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Critical Focus (claw), Improved Critical Focus (tail slap), Improved Critical Focus (wing), Improved Initiative, Improved Maneuverability, Improved Multiattack, Improved Snatch, Improved Spell Capacity (9), Large and in Charge, Multiattack, Overwhelming Critical (bite), Overwhelming Critical Focus (claw), Overwhelming Critical Focus (tail slap), Overwhelming Critical Focus (wing), Power Attack, Power Climb, Quicken Breath, Quicken Spell, Rend, Snatch, Superior Initiative, Tail Constrict, Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Focus (claw), Weapon Focus (tail slap), Weapon Focus (wing), Wingover
Skills Appraise +91, Balance +57, Bluff +149, Climb +99, Concentration +148, Craft (alchemy) +91, Decipher Script +91, Diplomacy +149, Disable Device +91, Disguise +91, Escape Artist +115, Forgery +91, Gather Information +91, Handle Animal +91, Heal +96, Hide +57, Intimidate +149, Jump +99, Knowledge (all) +149, Listen +154, Move Silently +57, Open Lock +57, Perform (sing) +91, Ride +57, Search +149, Sense Motive +154, Sleight of Hand +57, Spellcraft +91, Spot +154, Survival +96, Swim +99, Tumble +57, Use Magic Device +149, Use Rope +57

Alternate Form: A time dragon can assume any animal or humanoid form of Medium size or smaller as a standard action three times per day.
Calming Aura: Any creature within the aura's radius and who fail a Will save are affected as though by a calm emotions spell that lasts as long as the dispassionate watcher does not attack.
Crush: 6d6+63; Ref DC 101 avoids
Clearsight: This ability functions as a true seeing spell, except that it extends to creatures within 30 feet and it also foils mundane disguises.
Discern Lies: This ability functions as a discern lies spell, except that it works continuously and applies to any creature the dragon can perceive.
Dragon and Knowledge Domains: Casts divinations spells at +1 caster level
Draconic Surge 2/day: A time dragon can, as a swift action, gain a standard action by borrowing time from the future.
Ravaging Time Breath Weapon: 160 ft. line; 12 Constitution damage; Fort DC 101 for half
Slow Aura 10 round per day: As a free action, a time dragon may activate this ability. Creatures within the aura's radius are affected as though by a slow spell (no save).
Stunning Rebuke (DC 56): This ability affects one creature within 100 feet. If the target fails a Will save, it is stunned for 1d4+1 rounds. This is a sonic effect, but is not language-dependant.
Tail Sweep: 4d6+63; Ref DC 101 half
Time Apotheosis: A time dragon is immune to any spell or effect with a duration greater than instantaneous cast on it by another creature, as well as effects that can affect it over time or that require the passage of time. Additionally, a time dragon rolls 2d20 for each d20 roll it makes and takes the better of the two results.
Time Expulsion Breath Weapon: 80 ft. cone; 12 rounds; Will DC 101 negates
Time Mastery: A time dragon acts as if under the continuous effects of a haste spell.

The epic time dragon was presented in the final issue of Paizo's Dragon magazine, with CRs ranging from 26 at wyrmling to 90 and great wyrm. I do love the idea of the biggest and the baddest dragon of 'em all being true neutral!

I'm sure that the Consort could be statted better, but I just don't have the time to min/max a CR 103 dragon. (I'm sure that there are a dozen ways to theoretically one-shot her) Suggestions are welcome though. Ditto with her spells; I figure that a creature with such incredible intelligence and wisdom will pretty much have whatever spells prepared that she needs regardless of preparation time or situation specifics.

If anyone ever has the chance to playtest a the Consort, or any time dragon, I'd love to hear how they stack up to the competition.

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