Czar |

Question on Olangru and his mates:
when the big O teleports from point to point on a battle map, how are you guys running the time of re-appearance?
is it:
a) standard action -- teleport then immediately place mini on battle map and resolve the move action? what if the move action comes first?
b) round one - teleport then on the next round place mini on map and allow the O a full action?
I guess its this: does the mini re-appear on the map the same round as the standard action or on the next round?
I've been playing the "creature appears next round" (option b) and that O gets his full action after re-appearing.

P.H. Dungeon |

I just finished running it yesterday. When I had him teleport he appeared in the same round and was then able to take a move action, assuming that he hadn't already used one or actually wanted to use one. I generally didn't bother with the move action because I liked to keep him at a distance from PCs so that he could do a charge and then get his full round attacks through his pounce and use his skirmish bonus to damage and AC. The pounce combined with the skirmish is very nasty.
Remember that teleportation is instantaneous so I think he should appear right away- unless you teleport him somewhere out of sight. I did this a couple of times so that he could cast invisiblity on himself and then reappear somewhere else so he'd have the advantage of surprise. The problem with this tactic is that it gives the PCs the chance to buff up with spells while they wait. On the other hand you can be real nasty and have him wait for serveral minutes so that most of their buffs wear off and then have him teleport back in. I didn't go this route, as I'm not quite that cruel a dm. He still killed a PC and nearly dropped two others, so I was pleased with his performance.