Class Compendium?


Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

This is an item I'd like to see WotC come out with. A Class Compendium. It would be infinitely useful to my group and I. The book should consist of every official base class currently in print and every official Prestige Class in print. It would collect classes from the Miniatures' Handbook, the environment books (Stormwrack, Sandstorm, etc.), all of the Complete books, and any other official source out there (probably including Dungeon and Dragon magazine). This would be one hell of a massive tome (maybe even 2 volumes), and it would need to include the spell lists for classes that required them as well.

I'd buy it, even if it was like $45. Anyone else?

I'd buy it. It would be more convienent than carting around all of my (many) D&D books.

Already done, inasmuch as I've been able to compile the information. Obviously, I can't include all the specifics and details, but at least you've got a list:
Prestige Classes
Spell Lists (select the appropriate class from the Class drop-down list)

Not as useful as a full-fledged compendium, but there ya go.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Lilith wrote:
Not as useful as a full-fledged compendium, but there ya go.

Having the list is certainly handy as a reference guide, but I'd be interested in having the full class description, the level progression track, class skills, and all that jazz in the format like they are listed in the books they're printed in. They did it with the Spell Compendium, I think they should do with with classes too.

Still, that list you provided could be very handy until someone releases this mythical product, Lilith. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

It would deffinetly be a hot item, especially if you can combine all the racial variations and such into one collection...

Of course to do it, they would have to sit down and look at everything side by side, and admit certain things neded fixing.

I also want a book for feats all in one place

Draonmann wrote:
I also want a book for feats all in one place

Yeah, that would be a lot more convienent.

Scarab Sages

Count me in. This item would be on the top of my list.


Scarab Sages

Arctaris wrote:
Draonmann wrote:
I also want a book for feats all in one place
Yeah, that would be a lot more convienent.

I have also been working on the feats on Lilith's site --> Feats

Still kind of a work in progress, but I have done quite a bit so far.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Arctaris wrote:
Draonmann wrote:
I also want a book for feats all in one place
Yeah, that would be a lot more convienent.

I have also been working on the feats on Lilith's site --> Feats

Still kind of a work in progress, but I have done quite a bit so far.

Wow, that's awesome, Moff! I'll have to remember this.

Liberty's Edge

I use this as a frequent reference because it isn't blocked at work like lilith's stuff

I'd love a Class Compendium. Even a Feat Compendium with nothing but feats would be good (as long as it was very organized). I love the Spell Compendium and Magic Item Compendium, so hopefully these will come.

Now... hopefully the Rules Compendium is as useful.

Of course, I'm not sure that Wizards would ever do this, if only from a financial point of view.... Think of how much money they make by making us run from one product to another with rules, classes, feats, equipment, spells, etc. Putting them all together in one place >koff< makes too much sense >koff< doesn't make financial sense. One book versus thirty?

Of course, now that I say this, I think they might actually find it financially sensible.... After all, we'll all rush to buy it to GET the classes in one place. And then, next month, it'll be obsolete when the next rule book is published with 3 more classes, 6 more prestige classes, and 2 variant classes included.

I had just looked over Lilith's lists when it really hit me how big this compendium would be. We'd be looking at something like the old Encyclopedia Magica.

82 classes, 684 prestige classes PLUS the spell lists.

Adds up to at least four volumes at four to five hundred pages per volume.

Not that I wouldn't buy them anyway. ;p

Silver Crusade

Lilith wrote:

Already done, inasmuch as I've been able to compile the information. Obviously, I can't include all the specifics and details, but at least you've got a list:

Prestige Classes
Spell Lists (select the appropriate class from the Class drop-down list)

Not as useful as a full-fledged compendium, but there ya go.

Where did the list go now?

Silver Crusade

After a decade? Who knows...

Edit: *checks link* Ah, DMTools was shut down I believe.

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