New Planet Stories for Q1 2008!

Planet Stories®

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We're pleased to announce the first four 2008 releases in our Planet Stories line!

In January, we've got Northwest of Earth: The Complete Northwest Smith, a collection of stories by C.L. Moore, with an introduction by C.J. Cherryh. (The stories within include “Quest of the Starstone,” which pairs Northwest Smith with Jirel of Joiry, the heroine of Moore's Black God's Kiss.)

For February, there's Lord of the Spiders (aka Blades of Mars), by Michael Moorcock, with an introduction by comic book legend Roy Thomas. This is the sequel to City of the Beast (aka Warriors of Mars).

March will see the release of The Samarkand Solution, by Gary Gygax, with an introduction by Ed Greenwood. This is the followup to The Anubis Murders.

And in April, we've scheduled The Ginger Star, by Leigh Brackett, with an introduction from Ben Bova. This is a followup to The Secret of Sinharat.

Note that these covers are mockups; the final covers will be substantially different.

Great looking line-up. I was tempted to get the Leigh Brackett books used a couple weeks ago, but decided to wait and see if Paizo would have Ginger Star. Can't wait to see these!

Vic Wertz wrote:

For February, there's Lord of the Spiders (aka Blades of Mars), by Michael Moorcock, with an introduction by comic book artist Roy Thomas. This is the sequel to City of the Beast (aka Warriors of Mars).

Hate to pick nits, but Roy Thomas was/is a comic book writer and editor not an artist. Although... He's pretty darn talented, so I guess you could call him an artist. Right?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Michael Churchill wrote:
Hate to pick nits, but Roy Thomas was/is a comic book writer and editor not an artist. Although... He's pretty darn talented, so I guess you could call him an artist. Right?

D'oh! The mistake was entirely mine. Thanks for calling it out. I've amended it to "legend."

Liberty's Edge

Need I even bring it up?

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Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

We're working on this, but it probably won't happen in time for the first few volumes.


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