Individual PDF articles

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Has Paizo considered selling individual articles as PDFs for a lower cost than whole magazines? As an example, if I were interested in only PDF copies of Eberron articles for electronic personal archiving, it would be a lot cheaper to obtain those articles at a cost lower than $5 each for a whole issue. Otherwise, that cost would be too high considering that I already have a hardcopy of that issue.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Heck yeah.

But our license doesn't allow that.

Gary Teter wrote:

Heck yeah.

But our license doesn't allow that.

Let's hope that WOTC gets a lot of this up in their digital initiative.

When Paizo was internally storing articles, were the final edits saved and keyworded or was the final Quark (or whatever publishing software) file the last word? i.e. did you keep a database of articles tagged by keyword/category?

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