D1 elevator


From the description of the elevator in area 17, and the maps of the dungeon in D1 it looks like there is only one winch at the upper level that controls the elevtor. Is this the case? If so then one character must stay up top and lower the others then find a way down himself. Perhaps he uses the crevasse in area 19.

Is this the case or can the elevator be operated from both the first and second levels of the dungeon?

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Liam Whalen wrote:

From the description of the elevator in area 17, and the maps of the dungeon in D1 it looks like there is only one winch at the upper level that controls the elevtor. Is this the case? If so then one character must stay up top and lower the others then find a way down himself. Perhaps he uses the crevasse in area 19.

Is this the case or can the elevator be operated from both the first and second levels of the dungeon?

Although it is not implicitly stated, it was always my assumption that there was a winch on both levels.

Jason Bulmahn
GameMastery Brand Manager

Liberty's Edge

Is it just me or does this "elevator" remind anyone else of the one in the Dragonlance book Dragons of Autumn Twilight.

Liberty's Edge

Describing the Trap in area 17 (page 18) it says that 'A DC 20 Reflex save allows a PC to jump clear as the chains give way and land safely in area 19'. Area 19 is the 'Foundry of Souls', and is not described as having any connection to the 'shaft'. Looking at the maps, it does not appear that area 19 is close enough to easily jump to.

Is the text mistaken? It seems plausible that the Reflex save allows them to land safely in room 17 (avoiding the fall altogether) or in room 20 (jumping off before falling deep into the pit). Any official word on this?

As an aside - just a couple of typos that I think I found. Edgrin's attack bonus with the dagger should be +0 (+1 BAB -1 Str).

Then on Page 10 in the 3rd column, it describes Drungar Glintaxe as looking for 'the Grasp of Droskar, an axe created by one of his ancestors a thousand years ago.' Of course, the item description on page 12 describes a gauntlet, not an axe. I think the gauntlet makes sense based on the name, but any kind of clarification on this would be great.

As for the adventure itself - I really like all of the NPCs presented. Mr. Nicholas Logue, with a few deft pen strokes you've created a very complete concept of the characters without using any cliches. While some of the kobold speak is a bit silly (that also reminds me of the Gully Dwarves in Dragon Lance) I really like the adventure. I'm looking forward to seeing what lies below.

Liberty's Edge

Regarding the attack bonus, I suppose it is possible that it includes the bonus from inspire courage? In that case, though, it doesn't include the damage bonus?

Regarding bardic music, it only affects those within range when the music began, not those that move into it later, right.... The more I think about this one, the more confused I get.....

DeadDMWalking wrote:
As an aside - just a couple of typos that I think I found. Edgrin's attack bonus with the dagger should be +0 (+1 BAB -1 Str).

But Edgrin is a halfling, so he has a size modifier of +1. Edgrin's stats are correct; it's Yagrik's, on the same page, that seem to have a few typos.

Liberty's Edge

Of course. I always forget the attack bonus for being small. I just never seem to use small characters myself. I always have to think twice to apply the penalty to giants and such.

In any case, any ideas on what room you jump to if you avoid the falling elevator? Jumping right it on the soul forging undead seems like a bad way to 'succeed' on a reflex save.

DeadDMWalking wrote:
In any case, any ideas on what room you jump to if you avoid the falling elevator? Jumping right it on the soul forging undead seems like a bad way to 'succeed' on a reflex save.

Since the elevator goes down to room 20, jumping clear of the elevator should land one in 20, only without taking damage.


DeadDMWalking wrote:

In any case, any ideas on what room you jump to if you avoid the falling elevator? Jumping right it on the soul forging undead seems like a bad way to 'succeed' on a reflex save.

The idea here was that you figured out the elevator was gonna fall before it actually did, so you would land back in area 17, not 19.


Vivriel wrote:

But Edgrin is a halfling, so he has a size modifier of +1. Edgrin's stats are correct; it's Yagrik's, on the same page, that seem to have a few typos.

I took a quick glance at Yagrik's stats and nothing jumped out at me. Was there something specific you were looking at?

Jeremy Walker wrote:
I took a quick glance at Yagrik's stats and nothing jumped out at me. Was there something specific you were looking at?

I could be mistaken, but Weapon Finesse should only apply to light weapons, right? That means the shortspear - a one-handed weapon - attack should be +3, not +4. And the damage for a Small shortspear should be 1d4, not 1d3. Same for the javelin damage.


Vivriel wrote:

I could be mistaken, but Weapon Finesse should only apply to light weapons, right? That means the shortspear - a one-handed weapon - attack should be +3, not +4. And the damage for a Small shortspear should be 1d4, not 1d3. Same for the javelin damage.

Hmm you're right, it looks like he's actually wielding a light hammer instead of a shortspear, at least according to the stats.

But the javelin damage is just wrong.

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