Razz |
According to the Eldritch Claws feat in Dragon Magazine #358, you suppres your eldritch blast for two claw attacks that are natural weapons. When hitting you deal unarmed strike damage plus eldritch blast damage.
What if you make unarmed strikes? Say you're entitled to three attacks from your base attack bonus. Could you attack three times with an unarmed strike and then use your other claw as your secondary attack (-5 attack penalty) and they'll all deal eldritch blast damage?
I'm confused exactly how this feat is supposed to work. It seems more fit for a Warlock/Monk combo or a Warlock with Improved Unarmed Strike and Superior Unarmed Strike feats?
Kirth Gersen |
Claws are natural weapons; unarmed strikes are, for whatever reason, not considered in the same boat for effects such as ghouls' paralyzation, etc. that depend on natural weapons (I won't debate that this makes no sense, but them's the rules. Never mind that I personally houserule differently.)
So, by this "official" logic, you could attack with an unarmed strike for your full attack, use the claw as a secondary weapon (at -5), and the eldirtch blast damage would apply only to the claw attack.
Razz |
That's what I figured.
Cause according to Sage Advice, you are allowed to combine Unarmed Strikes and Natural Attacks together. Your Unarmed Strikes count as the "manufactured weapon" and your Natural Attacks all become secondary attacks (giving you -5 attack). However, your Unarmed Strike attacks "replace" one of your natural attacks, specifically a claw or slam if you possess one of those. Therefore, you could attack with your unarmed strikes, then attack with your eldritch claws (albeit one claw is replaced with the unarmed strikes) as a secondary attack.
The feat states "gain two claw attacks as natural weapons" and successfully striking with them means you deal unarmed strike damage plus eldritch blast damage. If you're dealing unarmed strike damage, why are your other unarmed strikes not dealing eldritch blast damage?
If you replace a "claw" with your normal Unarmed Strike attack routine, would those attacks deal eldritch blast damage? Considering, after all, they're dealing unarmed strike damage also. I think it should've been more clear in the text. Probably something along the lines of "when you attack with an unarmed strike, up to two of your attacks can deal eldritch blast damage on a successful hit" or something along those lines.
The feat is a bit confusing.
Kirth Gersen |
The actual core rule is confusing, more so than the feat. Why is a slam not an unarmed strike, for example? In the case of the feat, just because an eldritch claw deals the same base damage as an unarmed strike, that doesn't give your actual Unarmed Strikes the benefits of an eldritch claw. So no, your unarmed strike routine does not get eldritch blast damage, because it's not an eldritch claw.
If you're a multiclassed monk/warlock, however, I see no reason why you couldn't do your whole Improved Unarmed Strike routine, with a stunning fist as one of the attacks (but no eldritch blast damage), and then also attack with one eldrtich claw (at -5) and get the blast damage with that attack. Or you could just attack with 2 claws (one attack each), but then each claw would gain the eldritch blast damage (but neither could be a stunning fist).