Gamers, Post Your Pics

Off-Topic Discussions

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Lathiira wrote:

Oh, why not? =193050861&albumID=0&imageID=50487

From myspace.

I tried to view. It said, Invalid Image ID.

Valegrim wrote:
and you havent seen me sunburned; or embarrasses; yes, i still can blush believe it or not and sometimes bit o hard liquer makes me very red.

So I guess a good few of you slightly resemble your avatar. I'm white and hairy, at least. Oh, and I really dig fire hydrants.

D'oh! 63101fb.jpg

If that doesn't work, so be it. I'm too tired to try to puzzle it out right now. Can't remember how to hyperlink it properly anyway . . . .

I got your back

Thanks! I owe you one.

How do you get pictures on the computer?

Sir Kaikillah wrote:
How do you get pictures on the computer?

Actual printed photos you can scan in using a scanner - several photo places do this now for you if you don't have access to a scanner.

Scarab Sages

My geek-fu is weak for computers, so I'll just do this instead:

Me in uniform, me on my son's birthday, my groomsmen, my little man, and me and my beautiful wife dancing at our wedding... YES, she is really that tall... and a gamer. I am a lucky man.

Check out the Pics link, of course.

Baqubah, Iraq

daysoftheking wrote:

My geek-fu is weak for computers, so I'll just do this instead:

Me in uniform, me on my son's birthday, my groomsmen, my little man, and me and my beautiful wife dancing at our wedding... YES, she is really that tall... and a gamer. I am a lucky man.

Baqubah, Iraq

Dude. Your wife is hot!

El Skootro

Scarab Sages

el_skootro wrote:

Dude. Your wife is hot!

El Skootro

Why thank you!! I rather think so. And she plays a damn fine bard... or rogue... or fighter.

daysoftheking wrote:
el_skootro wrote:

Dude. Your wife is hot!

El Skootro

Why thank you!! I rather think so. And she plays a damn fine bard... or rogue... or fighter.

Er... I can't find a link of any sort, King.

Lilith wrote:
Sir Kaikillah wrote:
How do you get pictures on the computer?
Actual printed photos you can scan in using a scanner - several photo places do this now for you if you don't have access to a scanner.

They'll also put them all on a disk for you. Great back-up should something lousy happen to your photos.

Scarab Sages

The Jade wrote:
daysoftheking wrote:
el_skootro wrote:

Dude. Your wife is hot!

El Skootro

Why thank you!! I rather think so. And she plays a damn fine bard... or rogue... or fighter.
Er... I can't find a link of any sort, King.

Should be fixed now. And I friended you on livejournal, Jade. Camoflagecross is me.

daysoftheking wrote:
Should be fixed now. And I friended you on livejournal, Jade. Camoflagecross is me.

Right back atcha, soldier.

daysoftheking wrote:
The Jade wrote:
daysoftheking wrote:
el_skootro wrote:

Dude. Your wife is hot!

El Skootro

Why thank you!! I rather think so. And she plays a damn fine bard... or rogue... or fighter.
Er... I can't find a link of any sort, King.
Should be fixed now. And I friended you on livejournal, Jade. Camoflagecross is me.

Hmm. Now that there actually is a link, I feel weird. Commenting on someone else's wife when there's only an imiginary picture is funny. Commenting when there is picture is dirty.

Oh well.

El Skootro

I know what you mean, but the fact that you even brought it up means that now you actually want to say she really is hot without seeming the net deviant.

It's a quandry. ;)

Scarab Sages

The Jade wrote:

I know what you mean, but the fact that you even brought it up means that now you actually want to say she really is hot without seeming the net deviant.

It's a quandry. ;)

Hey, she IS hot, so it all works out in the end. I'm 5'8"... she's 6'0"... life is GOOD.

daysoftheking wrote:
The Jade wrote:

I know what you mean, but the fact that you even brought it up means that now you actually want to say she really is hot without seeming the net deviant.

It's a quandry. ;)

Hey, she IS hot, so it all works out in the end. I'm 5'8"... she's 6'0"... life is GOOD.

Nobody needs your affirmation, King. We can see you're not suffering. ;)

Lilith wrote:
Sir Kaikillah wrote:
How do you get pictures on the computer?
Actual printed photos you can scan in using a scanner - several photo places do this now for you if you don't have access to a scanner.

I found one online at a family website. I have it on my harddrive. How do I get that nifty button thingy, so I can post the picture?

I'[m on this here "site/thread!" thingy

Lilith wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
We need to set up some kind of thread, kind of a "I'm going on vacation and will be at or near XXXXX -- anyone want to meet?"
LOL! There already is a site/thread! :D

Scarab Sages

I meant to do this right after this topic opened up, but I forgot about it. Here is my pic on myspace, it's about 6 years old, I believe, but I haven't changed a huge amount... a little heavier (thanks desk jobs!), my hair is shorter and more grey, but the rest still looks much the same.

Sir Kaikillah wrote:

I'[m on this here "site/thread!" thingy

Lilith wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
We need to set up some kind of thread, kind of a "I'm going on vacation and will be at or near XXXXX -- anyone want to meet?"
LOL! There already is a site/thread! :D

Finally get to see the Killah!

Liberty's Edge

Off subject, the dvd. Thanxs, bro.

Excellent. You're most welcome.

Well, that´s me with my fianceé (who is also a gamer and plays the knight in my current Greyhawk campaign I haven´t updated in ages upon this board.)

The pic is not very flattering to me, but I´ve got no better at present.
I don´t have quite the double chin as it looks like...


40 Paizonians identified. Signal the mothership.

Liberty's Edge

Mr Shiny checking in to inform you all that yes, I still look like hell.

Scarab Sages

el_skootro wrote:

Dude. Your wife is hot!

El Skootro

daysoftheking wrote:
Why thank you!! I rather think so. And she plays a damn fine bard... or rogue... or fighter.

Not sure which is the wife; but have you seen the friends?

Is there something in the water round your way?

And gamers/living history re-enactors, too (sigh...)!

Scarab Sages

R-type wrote:

All this talk of extermination makes me think of this guy! :)

The pair who created him went on to write Laser Eraser and Pressbutton in Warrior magazine. Axel Presbutton was even more of a loon than Daak, being a shaven-headed ex-flower-seller, whose entire body below the head had been eaten by a space-slime...his head was mounted on a robot body with a cleaver for an arm, and in return for helping Eraser in her assassination missions, she would press his big red button which gave him waves of orgasmic pleasure...

No surprise how Steve Dillon went on to become a fan-favourite at 2000AD, and then DC, with Preacher.

Not sure what Steve Moore's doing right now, but he was a main writer for Warrior magazine (home of V for Vendetta), but had the unfortunate problem of always being accused of being an alias of Alan Moore, his fellow-contributor...

Well, I might as well humiliate myself too... ;-D

Here's a little journey through time:

Me in 4th grade
8th grade I think
Age 18 in Venice
Around '95
2000, don't mind the moving clutter
Proof that I'm not just a geek, but a jock too!
And finally a somewhat ordinary webcam shot

GentleGiant wrote:

Well, I might as well humiliate myself too... ;-D

Here's a little journey through time:

Me in 4th grade
8th grade I think
Age 18 in Venice
Around '95
2000, don't mind the moving clutter
Proof that I'm not just a geek, but a jock too!
And finally a somewhat ordinary webcam shot

Great pics... thanks for sharing!

GentleGiant wrote:

Well, I might as well humiliate myself too... ;-D

Here's a little journey through time:

After seeing you positioning to pulverize that other baller, I'm glad you're gentle. <:) A tackle from you must be something they'll tell their grandkids about.

The Jade wrote:
GentleGiant wrote:

Well, I might as well humiliate myself too... ;-D

Here's a little journey through time:

After seeing you positioning to pulverize that other baller, I'm glad you're gentle. <:) A tackle from you must be something they'll tell their grandkids about.

Hehe, I usually play offensive lineman (back-up on the D-line) and one of the great things are those times when pulling outside or around, which generally means that I have a fairly open path down to the secondary... now THOSE guys really look funny behind their facemasks when I'm bearing down on them. You can almost see their lips mouth "oh sh*t" while their eyes pop wide open. :-D

But hey, I'd probably be the same if I was 5'4 and had a 6'6 offensive lineman running full tilt at me. :-D

Scarab Sages

James Keegan wrote:
The Shelton Diagram Factory[/url] is the place where I rant and rave about my favorite subject: me. And that crap is in my profile as a link, rather than just a url.

I've had a look at the site; liked the 'Call of Cthulhu'-esque picture (from 27th June).

If I'm not mistaken, you're illustrating a scene from the 'Shadows of Yog-Sothoth' adventure, right?
Them invisible freaks nearly tore me a new one, 20 years ago..
Managed to survive the campaign as only original PC, albeit mad as a hatter, and strapped to a leaking boat, hundreds of miles from habitation. But that counts as a 'win' in CoC...

Scarab Sages

Moff Rimmer wrote:
We need to set up some kind of thread, kind of a "I'm going on vacation and will be at or near XXXXX -- anyone want to meet?"
Lilith wrote:
LOL! There already is a site/thread! :D


Been on, and stuck myself on!

Though it insisted on locating me in Halifax , Nova Scotia, at first.
Been back and moved myself to the UK, now.

It's weird to see how much detail you can zoom in on.
Though the map probably hasn't been updated in a while.
Our old rugby club where the old wargames club used to meet is still highlighted, even though it was levelled and replaced with an Asda supermarket 10 years ago.
And I've been assumed to live in the field, behind the trees, by the factory (now levelled to the ground last week), adjacent to the household waste site, next to the industrial park where I work.
Which is nice.

Snorter wrote:
James Keegan wrote:
The Shelton Diagram Factory[/url] is the place where I rant and rave about my favorite subject: me. And that crap is in my profile as a link, rather than just a url.

I've had a look at the site; liked the 'Call of Cthulhu'-esque picture (from 27th June).

If I'm not mistaken, you're illustrating a scene from the 'Shadows of Yog-Sothoth' adventure, right?
Them invisible freaks nearly tore me a new one, 20 years ago..
Managed to survive the campaign as only original PC, albeit mad as a hatter, and strapped to a leaking boat, hundreds of miles from habitation. But that counts as a 'win' in CoC...

Thanks. I haven't gotten a lot of feedback on the spectral hunter picture and I haven't been able to paint it yet. I may try it again, a bit differently.

Scarab Sages

kahoolin wrote: awesome is this mini? (The one with the toad obviously. Not the pirate, though he's pretty cool too I guess).

Not quite as awesome as THIS!

Do you think they got my good side...?

(Hope that works; I'm still new to this blogging lark...).

Keegan; stop messing with your avatar!
You'll go blind!

Link didn't work, Snorter. Try again?

Scarab Sages

The Jade wrote:
Link didn't work, Snorter. Try again?

OK; got it!

I think the original link was to the intermediate stage, before the final save.

As I say, today was my first taste of blogology 101.
Our wargames club has new website, and I got the call this a.m.

el_skootro wrote:
MaxSlasher26 wrote:
I'd post a picture, but I don't have anything besides MySpace...and mine's private, so you'd be able to see the picture...but not the one I want to show.

If you rightclick the photo you want to show and select properties from the menu, you'll get an url for just the picture. You can copy that and paste it into a message board post.

El Skootro

Really? Let's give this a try...

This is me going nuts in theater class. Pac-Man FTW!

And this is me holding a fetal pig we had to dissect. It's not really gory, but if you're very faint of heart...just don't look. ;)

Hereis what my friend did to me with the Simpsonizer. I'm apparently very skinny in the Simpsons. :D

Scarab Sages

MaxSlasher26 wrote:
This is what my friend did to me with the Simpsonizer. I'm apparently very skinny in the Simpsons. :D

That looks like fun; do you have a link to this?

Dark Archive

Get simpsonized.

With Pumpkin.

Without Pumpkin

I suppose it is time for the rogue to come out of hiding --

My beautiful, lovely, too good for me girlfriend of 5 years

Just plain old me

A rousing game of Edwards 40 hands . . .yes that is 40 as in 40 ounces (I am the tall guy)

If that does not whet your appetite for the rogue, feel free to stalk me down on myspace -- RIGHT HERE!

Check out my acting credit and a bunch of crappy poetry . . .it will be fun . . . or not.

Of course, now that you know what I look like it will be infinitely more difficult for me to sneak attack any of you, and my disguise skill sucks

Great pics, all. Show 'em if you got 'em.

Liberty's Edge

Hey! My driver's licence photo actually isn't too bad. Will post later.

A lot of Paizo posters are being "outed" on the Paizo Blog. :) Just so's you know.

Lilith wrote:
A lot of Paizo posters are being "outed" on the Paizo Blog. :) Just so's you know.

I noticed in 95% of the pictures, no one really looks happy. Why is that?

Scarab Sages

Lilith wrote:
A lot of Paizo posters are being "outed" on the Paizo Blog. :) Just so's you know.


Liberty's Edge

mwbeeler wrote:
Lilith wrote:
A lot of Paizo posters are being "outed" on the Paizo Blog. :) Just so's you know.
I noticed in 95% of the pictures, no one really looks happy. Why is that?

Because, to put it simply, my life sucks.

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