Thank You for the Editorial Erik

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Your editorial in 357 really got me. It's not just what you wrote, it's the fact that you chose to wrote one of the last editorials as a farewell to an audience to whom your publication means so much. As much as I regret the loss of these magazines and all they represent, you reminded me that there are people out there to whom they mean so much more. I'm sure they will write you as well, but I wanted to thank you on their behalf, for the wonderful magazine, and the kindness and dignity that editorial showed to them.

Thank you.

Yes - that was a fine editorial. Not everybody in prison is unredeemable, and there are many that are sincerely remorseful of what they've done - you did a nice job of reminding of that Erik, thanks. :)

Silver Crusade

I would like to add that I found the editorial to be very thoughtful. Perhaps some who read it will learn not to be so quick to judge.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Lilith wrote:
...Not everybody in prison is unredeemable, and there are many that are sincerely remorseful of what they've done...

And a few who are not guilty and a good chunk that should not even be incarcerated for their 'crime'.

I <heart> compassion.

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