Abinadi |
I'm not sure how much I can reprint, but I will try and give you what you need.
5 level progression, d10 HD, fighter BAB, good Fort save, poor Ref and Will Save.
Req: BAB +6, Knowledge (appropriate to creature type) and Sense Motive 4 ranks. Must swear a vow to destroy all creatures of chosen kind which must be in response to a great personal loss by the character because of the creature.
4 skill points per level. Bluff, GI, Knowledge (appropriate to creature type), Listen, MS, Search, SM, Spot, and Survival.
Proficient with simple and martial weapons, all armor, and shields (except tower).
1st level: Sworn foe +1 (vs. creature type on Bluff, Listen, MS, SM, Spot, Survival, weapon damage, stacks w/sworn foe).
2nd level: Animosity +3 (vs. specific kind of creature on sames as sworn foe, stacks w/sworn foe and favored enemy).
Determination +2 (on saves of creature type's special attacks, spells, and spell-like abilities).
3rd level: Nemesis [Exalted] feat (originally appeared in Player's Guide to Faerun, I believe) Can sense creature type within 60 ft. and pinpoint its location and deal +1d6 weapon damage to evil-aligned creature type.
Sworn foe +2
4th level: Animosity +5 and determination +4
5th level: sworn foe +3
Slayer Attack (study specific kind of creature for 3 rounds to make a single melee or 30-foot ranged attack which must make a Fort save [DC 10 + SS class level + SS Int mod] or be killed or destroyed). Must use attack within 3 rounds after completing study.
I hope I don't get into trouble, but there it is. I think it goes without saying that the spcific kind of creature mentioned in all abilities needs to be the same as what was in the req.