Surprised there isn't a Pathfinder forum up yet...

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

...unless I'm just missing it. Where ELSE are we supposed to speculate, rumor-monger baselessly, and pre-emptively criticize? (Aside from the whole of the Internet, I mean).

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Pathfinder forum

Birmy wrote:
...unless I'm just missing it. Where ELSE are we supposed to speculate, rumor-monger baselessly, and pre-emptively criticize? (Aside from the whole of the Internet, I mean).

Heck yeah! I'd just love to hear if it's true that Paizo is designing a new race called the "Mind Skinner". It's supposed to be a sort of green-skinned humanoid with a squid-like head that eats your brain through your ears.

Not really. It'd be funny, though.

Although I DID read on another 'site that there's going to be a floating, orb-shaped creature called the "Eye Fiend" that fires magical beams of various sorts through tentacles located on its underside. Ya just know THAT's not going to happen!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rhothaerill wrote:
Pathfinder forum

D'oh! I just KNEW that someone was going to point right to it the second I posted it!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber


You are hilarious. I love it. After what I have seen on so many threads (especially on the wizards boards) that is perfect. Let's start some rumors...

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