The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergard


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Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

DM--This being the weekend it may be a while before everyone can respond, so I won't do anything until I hear back from them. However, I can't wait, despite the distance, to roll for that Listen check!:)

Vandryl stops and readies his flail, trying to remain as quiet as possible (Move Silently: 4+2-4=2.... yeah here's hoping that's a hell of a distance modifier!). He does not advance, but instead assumes a defensive stance (total defensive posture adds +4 to AC = current AC of 20, assuming we are not flat-footed since we're fully aware of the beastie, and this is actually our action on an unaware foe). If this turns to violence (which given my move silently role seems likely), my initiative role is 18+2 (dex bonus) = 20. He looks over to Telvar quickly, listening for Telvar's response to Harlynd's question.

Telvar feels his heart quicken at his first opportunity to be up close and personal with 'live ammo'. With a certain satisfaction, he realizes he likes this particular adrenaline rush (at least until he takes damage--which he certainly hopes not to) and smiles a bit. He attempts to move quietly to a position where his companions might serve as cover for effectively 4 more points to his very low AC. Move Silently 3+1=4. Wow, you'd think we were wearing bells or something. In response to the situation and his companions question, he searches his memory for any information (identification, strengths, weaknesses, etc) that may be useful to communicate in this situation. Knowledge (Arcana, I'm guessing from the description--if not then refer to character sheet for modifiers) 11+13=24. He will spend his first action communicating any useful information possible and then ready an action to eldritch blast the beastie if it moves aggressively towards us. Initiative 10+2=12 (I'm nothing, if not average). If necessary eldritch blast is 15+2=17 v. touch AC Damage would be 4Hp.

Male Dwarf 1 Cleric

I will move silently to be in front of the wizard, provided he did not just go farther than 20 ft. My skill check is 16.

Initiative if it comes to that is 18. (if bless is suprise round action, then Pull out sling and sling the thing, ac 18, 6 hp dmg)

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

As everyone else is doing it, I might as well join in. Initiative 1+2=3. Off to a srong start!

- If moving and hiding was a surprise round, Harlynd will ready an action to throw a javelin at the creature as soon as it gets within 30 feet. I'm hoping that his Hide check was good enough to catch the creature flat-footed.

- If the beast is already within 30 feet or attacking a party member, Harlynd will throw the javelin, then try to move into a flanking position, drawing his waraxe as he moves.

Take that beasty! Rurik, let's show this humans what dwarven axes can do!

- If the beast has attacked Harlynd, he will pray that he gets cover from the tree he's hiding behind. Then he will take a five-foot step back (hopefully behind a tree) and throw his javelin. He'll then draw his waraxe and call for help.

Help! A great big blasted beast is attacking me! Telvar, what is this horrible thing!

In all cases, his attack with the javelin: 14+4 (including bless)=18 for 3+2=6 damage.

Male Dwarf Scout 1

I will also try and sneak awayfrom the beast roll:16+4=20, also hide, roll: 9+4=13, and a knowledge nature to mabey recognize the creature, Roll:15+3=18. and might as well initiative=roll: 10+7=17, oh and sry for not posting last couple of was a rough weekend.

Male Dwarf Scout 1

If it notices us, Rurik will charge the thing with his axe while bellowing a dwarven war cry.If it dosnt notice us he will wait for someone else to make the first move, but remain ready to leap at the thing

Telvar Quartermain wrote:
Telvar feels his heart quicken at his first opportunity to be up close and personal with 'live ammo'. With a certain satisfaction, he realizes he likes this particular adrenaline rush (at least until he takes damage--which he certainly hopes not to) and smiles a bit. He attempts to move quietly to a position where his companions might serve as cover for effectively 4 more points to his very low AC. Move Silently 3+1=4. Wow, you'd think we were wearing bells or something. In response to the situation and his companions question, he searches his memory for any information (identification, strengths, weaknesses, etc) that may be useful to communicate in this situation. Knowledge (Arcana, I'm guessing from the description--if not then refer to character sheet for modifiers) 11+13=24. He will spend his first action communicating any useful information possible and then ready an action to eldritch blast the beastie if it moves aggressively towards us. Initiative 10+2=12 (I'm nothing, if not average). If necessary eldritch blast is 15+2=17 v. touch AC Damage would be 4Hp.

His adreline flowing, Telvar remembers the following.

The magical beast is a hippogriff. Animal-level thinking, aggressive, territorial, and a fast, fairly maneuverable flyer that can make quick turns.

Impossible for all of you to outrun and it has scent and especially keen eyes. Combat looks inevitiable.

Avoid the full on attack of two claws and a bite--very dangerous.

Vandryl sets himself in a strong defensive stance, making quite a bit of racket as he adjusts his armor. Valic, with a quiet grace rare in most dwarves, moves in fron of Telvar.

Telvar moves to look around Valic. Craack! A loud branch snaps under his foot. He realizes the beast is just out of range and waits to blast it. Telvar quickly communicates what he knows about hippogriffs. Vandryl listens carefully.

Rurik moves away from all the clanging and cracking, readying his axe for a charge when the thing hears the gnomish bagpipe band he brought with him. He wracks his brain for anything about the beast, but all he knows is it is unlike any animal he has seen before.

If the beast acts like a horse, it should run away spooked. If it acts like an eagle, it may consider all of you prey and try to pick one of you off. If fell magic twisted it's animal mind, however...who knows what it will do.

Harlynd adds to the cacophony before disappearing behind a tree. The tip of what could be a javelin or a branch is all that can be seen

Valic cries out a blessing from his god, as the beast can hear half of the group.

The beast's head jerks toward Vandryl and Valic, with Telvar standing behind them. It takes off at a terrifying speed, rushing at you at a speed you can barely believe!

Male Dwarf 1 Cleric

Borren will be with us friends, strike true!

Remember for 10 rounds we all have plus 1 to hit and a bonus to fear saves

A blast of baleful magic energy, a sling bullet, and a javelin strike the beast. Fur and blood shoot into the air.

Rather than stopping it in its tracks, the attacks pry an enraged cry out of the monster and it continues it crashing assault. Screaming a warcry, Rurik charges toward it. He doesn't hear Vandryl shouting about stances and tactics. Rurik's blood is up and his axe will taste blood!

With a terrible crash, Rurik and the beast collide in a dust cloud of roiling feathers, blood, shrieks, and battle cries.

Male Dwarf 1 Cleric

If Ruric looks hurt badly, i will spend a turning attempt and cast cure light wounds on him from my position next round. If he is not badly hurt, I will instead sling him again. Ac 4-4=0 firing into combat, ac 0. To bad this is not second edition :)

DM--nice shooting from the gnomish bagpipe band!

Initiative starting after surprise round:
Telvar (moved up as his had to hold his surprise round action to get the beast in range)--blasted this round. I'll give him a +2 to attack if he blasts again, as he was aiming his shot carefully during the surprise round.
Vandryl--can still act this round after Rurik if he wants to. He's in a defensive stance about forty feet from where Rurik and birdfu are rumbling. I'll allow him a +2 bonus on his next d20 roll as he had time to carefully plan his action and size up the situation before committing himself.
Valic--cast the first stone this round.
Rurik--beatdown time on the birdfu. Please roll attack and damage.
Birdfu--if it survives has started a charge action.
Harlynd--is moving up to flank birdfu and help Rurik unless he changes his mind. He can attack if he charges.

Lothar Hill wrote:

If Ruric looks hurt badly, i will spend a turning attempt and cast cure light wounds on him from my position next round. If he is not badly hurt, I will instead sling him again. Ac 4-4=0 firing into combat, ac 0. To bad this is not second edition :)

I got it for round 2. Rurik, Harlynd, and maybe Vandryl may have actions on round 1 first.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Rule Results wrote:
Harlynd--is moving up to flank birdfu and help Rurik unless he changes his mind. He can attack if he charges.

CHARGE!!! Let Borren guide my axe!

Harlynd will charge into a flank with Rurik if he can. Waraxe 2+7=9 (11 if flanking) for 1+2=3 damage. Got to get the low rolls out of the way early.

Blast! This beast is hard to hit!

Another blast indeed!
"Die you foul (yet oddly intriguing) creature!"
Eldritch Blast 13+2+1(bless)+2(DM bonus)=18 Damage 4hp. Telvar maneuvers as necessary to maintain cover and not be exposed to a charge.

Vandryl looks to see if charging is a viable action. If it is, he will charge as his action, attacking with his flail. To hit: 16+4+2(charge)+2(DM assigned bonus)=24. Damage roll for the charge is 5+4(1.5*str bonus)=9

If charging is NOT a viable option, Vandryl will take a standard move to get closer to the beast and possibly flank it next round. He shifts his grip on his flail to hold it in one hand while drawing a javelin (free action during move). As his attack he will throw the javelin into combat. The above To hit roll translates to: 16+3+2-4(throwing into combat)=17. Damage roll for the javelin is 2+3(str)=5.

Male Dwarf Scout 1

atk roll:16+4+1=21 dmg:9+4=13
"ROAWRRRR, how does my steel taste foul beast."

Rurik Dorak wrote:

atk roll:16+4+1=21 dmg:9+4=13

"ROAWRRRR, how does my steel taste foul beast."

With Harlynd right behind him, Rurik smashes into the bird-horse with his waraxe at a full run. The beast, already bleeding, concussed, and burnt by brimstone takes the chop right on the beak. Blood fountains up as it crumples into a dusty heap, nearly decapitated.

And no one in the party took a single scratch.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

DM--Way to go!

Spilling out of the torn sack are dozens of gold coins and a set of heavy black leather gauntlets set with metal studs.

Three goblins are dead, based on the size two goblins and one hobgoblin.

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

Does anyone know if these things are good to eat? If so I will cut off a flank and keep it for the campfire tonight. Borren blessed us with a fine meal and I think we should enjoy it. I will also thank Borren for our victory while others collect the bounty.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

To Rurik: Good shot! At least one of us reddened the axes of Clan Dorak.

To Valic: I don't think we should have a fire tonight--it would just let the goblins know where we are. We should leave this area quickly before the corpses attract crows and other scavengers--like blasted goblins. Let's take what we can and move on. We may be able to follow the trail of the dead goblins back to their lair.

Harlynd will go over to the goblins to investigate their corpses.
- How were they equiped?
- Were they carrying anything other than the sack of gold?
- Do they look like Eyepopper goblins?

Harlynd will let the rest of the group count the coins and inspect the gauntlets.

After he's finished with the corpses, he'll look for their tracks, taking 10 on Survival for 17. If the tracks are going in the general direction of the goblin's lair he'll suggest that the group follow them.

Male Dwarf Scout 1

"Evil has been destroyed to the glory of Clan Dorak"

Rurik will then proceed to clean his axe

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

Well, If we cannot cook it tonight, I will bury it somewhere. I cut off a nice hunk of meat from a front leg. (should taste more like chicken up there)

Harlynd of Clan Dorak wrote:

Harlynd will go over to the goblins to investigate their corpses.

- How were they equiped?
- Were they carrying anything other than the sack of gold?
- Do they look like Eyepopper goblins?

After he's finished with the corpses, he'll look for their tracks, taking 10 on Survival for 17. If the tracks are going in the general direction of the goblin's lair he'll suggest that the group follow them.

The goblins had leather armor, clubs, and javelins. Nothing else but some raw meat (plus the gauntlets). Not Eyepoppers. Based on the shrunken heads tied to their belts woven of hair and the blood ritually painted on their skin, they are probably from the Shrunken Head tribe.

The Shrunken Heads are primitive compared to the Eyepoppers. They may even have stolen the sack from the other tribe.

The tracks head away from the lair, which lends support to the idea that they stole the sack from the Eyepoppers. They probably lived in some wretched caves in the hills.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

DM--if anyone wants to do anything else with the treasure let me know. I'll assume you have bundled it up and brought it along.

Your party contins on to the box canyon that hides the underground lair of the hobgoblins. The hills have grown enough that bare broken rock breaks through the soil in many places.

The opening to the box canyon looks hewn from the ground and might be a natural fissure or crack in the earth. As soon as you approach the canyon you feel a terrible weight of darkness and horror press on you.

You find breathing more difficult and your minds wander down strange paths of murder and mayhem unless you focus on a task. The air in the canyon is hot and oppressive, wringing sweat from your pores.

In the canyon you see a rough tunnel, steeply sloped and littered with rubble. In only an hour, the little sunlight that illuminates the entrance for tens of feet will be swallowed by the dark.

DM--how to you want to proceed?

Male Dwarf Scout 1

I will begin proceding in normal marching order until someone objects...also I will put a ten or so feet between my self and the rest of the party

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

Let the Words of Borren guide us, I say a prayre and agree to continue as always.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Whispered to Rurik: Go slowly. Keep your eyes out for traps!

Assuming that we're in the stealth marching order, Harlynd moves behind Rurik, 10 feet back. he moves at half speed so that he can make skill checks as he goes.

Whispered to the rest of the group: Light a torch and stay behind us. You should be far enough back that you can just make us out. That means the goblins won't be able to see our torch light before Rurik and I can spot them.

He will take 10 on Listen, Spot, and Survival checks for 15 in each, 17 if goblins. He will also be taking 10 on Search checks for stonework traps and unusual features for 13. He will have a javelin ready.

If he sees goblin tracks, he will try to determine how many goblins made them and how old the tracks are.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Kravell wrote:
Spilling out of the torn sack are dozens of gold coins and a set of heavy black leather gauntlets set with metal studs.

Going back a bit to the treasure we discovered: Are the gauntlets sized for a goblin or a hobgoblin? Does anything happen if Harlynd puts them on?

Harlynd of Clan Dorak wrote:
Kravell wrote:
Spilling out of the torn sack are dozens of gold coins and a set of heavy black leather gauntlets set with metal studs.
Going back a bit to the treasure we discovered: Are the gauntlets sized for a goblin or a hobgoblin? Does anything happen if Harlynd puts them on?

Currently sized for a hobgoblin.

Harlynd puts the gauntlets on. He notices the word Gern written in small letters into the leather.

--DM assumption that Harlynd says Gern.

Harlynd says, "Gern!" and he feels the gauntlets surge with a small amount of magical power. He realizes he can has 1 to 3 charges he can access.

As nothing bad has happened to Harlynd, he continues to experiment. The charges seem to flood hime with great strength, the more charges spent the greater the power.

Harlynd's bravery in trying on the gauntlets has paid off. He has learned what they are and what they do.

--game mechanics results:

brute gauntlets (500 gp)
-3 charges a day, renewed at dawn
-spend 1 or more charges to gain a morale bonus on Strength checks, Strength-based skill checks, and melee weapon damage for 1 round
--1 charge: +2 morale bonus
--2 charges: +3 morale bonus
--3 charges: +4 morale bonus

Harlynd of Clan Dorak wrote:

Assuming that we're in the stealth marching order, Harlynd moves behind Rurik, 10 feet back. he moves at half speed so that he can make skill checks as he goes.

Whispered to the rest of the group: Light a torch and stay behind us. You should be far enough back that you can just make us out. That means the goblins won't be able to see our torch light before Rurik and I can spot them.

He will take 10 on Listen, Spot, and Survival checks for 15 in each, 17 if goblins. He will also be taking 10 on Search checks for stonework traps and unusual features for 13. He will have a javelin ready.

If he sees goblin tracks, he will try to determine how many goblins made them and how old the tracks are.

DM--Scouting - Rurik, Harlynd, Vandryl, Telvar, Valic

(Combat - Vandryl, Rurik, Harlynd, Telvar, Valic)

The 10-foot-wide tunnel descends inot the darkness. Timbers shore up its wall and ceiling and loose stone litters the floor. A long rope has been attached to the middle of the tunnel floor with pitons every 20 feet or so.

The corridor runs for sixty feet. You faintly hear clanking, slight shifting, and some muttered Goblinish once you near the end, which opens into a room.

No stone traps are detected and the tunnel seems stoutly built.

Tracks are common, some only a few hours old. Goblins and hobgoblins moving in small groups.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

==DM: I have a non-Shattered Gates worldbuilding question for all of you. I posted it here:

Go to worldbuilding idea.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Harlynd looks back at the rest of the group. He puts a finger to his lips to indicate silence, then makes an evil looking face and points ahead. He them mimes drawing a weapon and slowly walks his fingers. he then turns to peer ahead.

How big is the room? What's in it? Spot 10+5=15.

If there are no goblins, how many exits are there?

If there are goblins--Initiative 19+2=21, then attack the closest one with a javelin 2+3=5 for 5+4=9 damage and draw waraxe.

Harlynd doesn't intend to show goblins any mercy. If only he could hit them!

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

Valic Stays behind Telvar for now, pulls his sling and follows Telvar while watching behind him for ambush. Spot=3+3=6. He will not try to move silently (I think this means that there is a base dc to hear him rather then him trying to move silently and prove worse than a normal situation), instead relying on the distance to cover his noise. If initiative is needed, 19+1=20

Vandryl suggests that Telvar holds the light source.... Telvar can invoke as long as one hand is free, while Vandryl needs both hands for his flail.

if initiative is needed, Vandryl rolls an 11+2=13

Telvar accepts the light source though he grimaces a bit at being the lit up target. He then moves forward as requested maintaining cover as best he can. Should it come to that, his initiative is 3+2=5. If combat begins, eldritch blast 8+2=10 for 3hp damage. If not, he looks curiously around for markings, creatures, or anything else that might trip the curiosity/knowledge trigger.

Harlynd of Clan Dorak wrote:

How big is the room? What's in it? Spot 10+5=15.

If there are no goblins, how many exits are there?

If there are goblins--Initiative 19+2=21, then attack the closest one with a javelin 2+3=5 for 5+4=9 damage and draw waraxe.

Harlynd doesn't intend to show goblins any mercy. If only he could hit them!

The tunnel opens into a roughly square room about the size of a small tavern with four massive wooden pillars holding up the ceiling. A torch set in a sconce to the east of a set of bronze doors set in the north wall lights the room.

Two hobgoblins, foreheads and shields marked with a dripping eye, guard the doors which depict leering demonic faces. The walls flanking the door, unlike the earth and timber of the rest of the room, are gray-green masonry. The hobgoblins are armored in half-plate and wield heavy picks. A havy is set up near the eastern wall, arrows sticking out of it.

Vandryl takes heed of the warning and readies his flail... all the while trying (perhaps even successfully, this will probably be the first and ONLY time... Move Silently: 18+2(dex)-4(armor check penalty)=16) to be quiet in his armor.

Harlynd rounds the corner and wildly throws his javelin, which ends up sticking in the hay bale. Goblins are harder to hit in real life than in drills!

Sling in hand, Valic moves up on one side. Vandryl, gripping his flail in two hands, quickly moves up as well. As Telvar moves up to throw fire and brimstone, Valic and Vandryl have time to act.

I need initiative and first round action by Rurik please.

Valic moves quietly enough to stand by Harlynd that he startles him, but I'm sure that didn't hurt his aim much.:)

I need an attack roll for Valic, if he slings and Vandryl's standard action (he only moved so far). Then Telvar brings down diabolic hellish doom on the foes (I love the smell of brimstone in the morning). Maybe then the hobs will act or be dead.

Right now, the hobs aren't suprised, but they are flat-footed. One is leaning on his weapon, his finger up his nose. The other is scratching his backside through a chink in his armor with the tip of his pick.

Also, might as well post second round actions in case the hobs get lucky and live for a whole round (Note to self: I must roll better for initiative than Harlynd rolls to attack.:)).

Vandryl, seeing the hated goblinoids, will throw a javelin of his own. Perhaps his keen-edged hatred of goblinoids guides his hand, for his aim is excellent, though whether his throw will edge past the goblin's armor remains yet to be seen. Ranged attack 17+3=20 (18 if they're more than the first 30 ft range increment away). Damage is 5+3=8, provided he hits.

For the second round, given the opportunity, Vandryl will charge (if he can reach the goblins) otherwise he will move 20 ft (standard move) and throw a second javelin.

If charging: attack roll is 5+4(melee)+2(charge)=11 (he must be blinded by his hatred)

If attacking with a javelin (post move): 5+3=8 (yeah, I expect that misses).

Oh well, at least I rolled well for the first round!

Male Dwarf 1 Cleric

May Borrens might crush your bones! Sling Attack the one on the right, 19+1=20. 3 Points of Damage. If I can sling again next round without firing into melee, I will do so. IF not I will charge as well. Second round attack roll, 10+4= 14 if charging with 7 points of damage, If a sling, 10+1= ac 11, damage 5 hp.

Second round Telvar will attempt to stay out of melee/threat range and fire another eldritch blast. 20!+2=22 (15+2=17 to confirm critical) 5hp (8hp if critical) of damage! Assuming the most solid hit he has ever delivered is necessary, he smiles to himself with a sense of self satisfaction and takes a certain pleasure in knowing he is proving his worth to others. That will be handy later. If he has time/action he will use his move action to spot/listen (12-1=11 spot 8-1=7 listen) to learn anything he can.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Harlynd's second round of actions:

If he can charge one of the hobgoblins he will. Waraxe 14+7=21 for 10+4=14 damage.

Harlynd growls in goblin: You've met your doom goblin! How's my axe taste!

If he can't charge he'll move and attack, trying to get a flank without provoking an attack of oppurtunity. He'll use the same attack and damage rolls (-2 to the attack if no flank).

Vandryl hurls a javelin with great force, impaling the nose-picking goblin right in its third eye.

Valic hurls a sling stone and Telvar cuts loose with a brimstone blast, catching the backscratcher in the head and chest respectively. He is hurled backwards and bounces off the bronze doors with a ringing sound before slumping to the floor.

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