The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergard


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If it's early enough Telvar would like to explore a bit and familiarize himself with the town as well as see what information centers (libraries, wizard's schools, large temples, etc) there may be. As always, he is looking to broaden his knowledge as much as possible.
Note: He will only do this if one of the others is kind enough to accompany him. He would be appreciative for the company/protection in such an unfamiliar city. When he returns to the inn (assuming he leaves), he will sit at a table in the corner of the common room and play his flute for a bit if that is not too disruptive. Perform 12+4=16 Finally he will ask,

"What do we know about those we are supposed to meet? We should share this information with each other so as to be better prepared for all eventualities."

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

Valic declines to tour the city tonight, This dwarf has spend enough time walking the last two days and besides, this city stinks.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Thank you for the fine meal Valic. You are a credit to the clan.

Harlynd hopes that the meal is better than the last one. If the ale is any good at the Sly Wink, he will buy a round for whoever wants it. The ale doesn't have to be up to the standards of Spring Stout, just better than the swill at the Do Stump Inn.

Harlynd hands Vandryl an ale. Thanks for backing us up back there with the guards. If you were a little shorter and had a good full beard, you could almost pass for a dwarf.

You still haven't told me if you're good with an axe. What style of warrior are you?

After Harlynd's conversation with Vandryl, he tries to learn a little bit about Keal Kseo and the Chicane Guild. Gather Info 7-1=6. Discouraged, Harlynd heads to bed.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Valic of Clan Dorak wrote:

Well, nice work guys Valic says as we walk to the place where we are to meet with Keal in the morning.

Valic will retire early after buying a decent meal for the party and pray for an hour before Bed.

Let me know how much I spend on the evening GM.

Two gold for all to enjoy beef stew with potatoes, onions, and obelisk 'shrooms.

Five gold for all to have a three course meal: elven greens with sweet honey bacon sauce or sauted obelisk 'shrooms, then a Sumberton onion soup with gorgon cheese and bread, followed by a steak with potatoes, more 'shrooms, bacon, and bread.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Harlynd of Clan Dorak wrote:
After Harlynd's conversation with Vandryl, he tries to learn a little bit about Keal Kseo and the Chicane Guild. Gather Info 7-1=6. Discouraged, Harlynd heads to bed.

"Keal Kseo? No way would he be meeting with you!"


However, everyone knows not to cross the Chicane Guild. They deal fair but they kill those who cross them.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Telvar Quartermain wrote:

If it's early enough Telvar would like to explore a bit and familiarize himself with the town as well as see what information centers (libraries, wizard's schools, large temples, etc) there may be. As always, he is looking to broaden his knowledge as much as possible.

Note: He will only do this if one of the others is kind enough to accompany him.

I wish I had known you wanted to explore the city. I would have accompanied you.

Damn post lag! I missed your post. Harlynd's a much better guard than he is an information gatherer.

Telvar Quartermain wrote:
"What do we know about those we are supposed to meet? We should share this information with each other so as to be better prepared for all eventualities."

You could try asking around the inn. Good luck and you'll need it. They're a tight-lipped bunch.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Harlynd of Clan Dorak wrote:
Telvar Quartermain wrote:

If it's early enough Telvar would like to explore a bit and familiarize himself with the town as well as see what information centers (libraries, wizard's schools, large temples, etc) there may be. As always, he is looking to broaden his knowledge as much as possible.

Note: He will only do this if one of the others is kind enough to accompany him.

I wish I had known you wanted to explore the city. I would have accompanied you.

Damn post lag! I missed you post. Harlynd's a much better guard than he is an information gatherer.

Telvar Quartermain wrote:
"What do we know about those we are supposed to meet? We should share this information with each other so as to be better prepared for all eventualities."
You could try asking around the inn. Good luck and you'll need it. They're a tight-lipped bunch.

Try more ale next time!:)

Both of you can still explore the city. I'll post some info before I post about your meeting with Keal.

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

Five it is, those poor humans looked missarable on that fun march today. I will take you up on your offer of beer tonight cousin.

"I appreciate the company Harlynd. I prefer to know as much as possible about a place. You never know when the information may prove useful..."

To Valic
"Thank you for such a hearty meal. Your kindness is appreciated."

After returning from their trip around town, either before or during his flute playing, Telvar will buy a couple of rounds of dwarven drink for his new comrades if they desire (and I can't imagine they don't). He himself will nurse one for the rest of the evening and retire, as the night before, just before the carousing is taken to the 'next level.'

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

I think we should set up a standard marching order. I propose that we set up a scouting orientated one and a combat orientated one. In both I will offer to take the rear and have the Wizard in front of me. I will defer to the others if they prefer a differant rear gaurd.

Harlynd of Clan Dorak wrote:

Harlynd hands Vandryl an ale. Thanks for backing us up back there with the guards. If you were a little shorter and had a good full beard, you could almost pass for a dwarf.

You still haven't told me if you're good with an axe. What style of warrior are you?

Thanks for the ale! The axe is not my best weapon, I'm afraid. I prefer the flail. I find the vile creatures tend to be easier to hit when they've fallen down.

Valic of Clan Dorak wrote:
I think we should set up a standard marching order. I propose that we set up a scouting orientated one and a combat orientated one. In both I will offer to take the rear and have the Wizard in front of me. I will defer to the others if they prefer a differant rear gaurd.

This makes sense. I propose that I take lead in the combat oriented marching order. For scouting, Rurik and Harlynd are probably better choices to take point.

Male Dwarf Scout 1

Being the scout I will take point if everyone agrees it is the best course of action

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Is everyone OK with these marching orders?

Scouting - Rurik, Harlynd, Vandryl, Telvar, Valic
Combat - Vandryl, Rurik, Harlynd, Telvar, Valic

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

I am fine with that order.

Male Dwarf Scout 1


Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Harlynd of Clan Dorak and Telvar Quartermain explore the city before retiring. The Sly Wink inn is located just to the east of a bridge crossing the Headwater River. It is on the southeast side of an octogon shaped open area.

In the same open area is the Acorn Stamp, a clothing shop that sells durable clothing. Acoss from there is the Faminestri Marine Supply, for riverboatmen.

Down the street to the east they find the Justice Street Arms and Armor shop. And back across the bridge is the Oakleafe Shoppe, fine jewelers capable of making magic items as well.

A little farther to the south they find the road called Pious Way, which is home to various temples. A large temple to Pholtus, god of purity and blinding light, is made of white marble with golden oak doors bound in polished iron. It looks like a fortress. A sign proclaims healing available in exchange for alms for the faithful.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

All of you sit in the Sly Wink in the early morning, eating breakfast and waiting for Keal Kseo. When he arrives, you are suprised by his appearance.

He is accompanied by one guard, which is a low number for most merchants. But he is armed not with a showy weapon but with a servicable and extremely well crafted longsword that must be at least masterwork if not magical. He carries his cloak thrown away from the hilt which seems to show he knows which end to grip and which is the pointy end.

Beneath his finery, you see a glint of metal. He appears to be wearing a light shirt of chain, which is also rare for merchants. He is also fit and lean without the well stuffed look many merchants tend to sport.

It only takes him a moment to spot your mixed dwarf and human party. With what looks like a grin of true appreciation he strides over to your table.

“Good morning Rurik, Harlynd, and Valic of Clan Dorak. And good morning to you, Telvar Quartermain and Vandryl Kiyrson.” He pauses after each of your names as if to commit your face to memory.

“I am Keal Kseo, merchant of the Chicane Guild. My fine companion here is Talon. Welcome to Sumberton. May I sit?” At your invitation he joins you. Talon quietly moves to stand with his back to the wall behind Keal.

“You have eaten? Then I would like to get right to business if I may.”

“Two days ago, goblin bandits raided the Chicane Guild caravan carrying spices and bitter fruit bound for Sumberton and eventually Hemyulak. We need them back. My guild is willing to pay you each 200 gold for this recovery operation as well as keeping any treasure found with the bandits that is not part of the shipment or clearly marked as guild property.”


Male Dwarf Scout 1

"Im always up for smashing some goblin heads"

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

I am definatly willing to get back your property. Where do you suppose that they would have taken it?

I would be foolhardy to go into this situation without asking some questions, though I realize you may not have answers.

Were there any survivors of the raid? Were they able to give you any information about the attackers that we could use (even a "they fled into the woods to the east of the caravan" could help)?

Exactly where did the raid take place? Unless you have an idea of where the goblins may lair, we will need to find the site to track them down.

Do you have a manifest from the shipment? I would hate for a goblin chieftan to have appropriated some unmarked item that we could otherwise return to you.

Vandryl listens to whatever information the Chicane guild agent can impart. He then suggests, barring information that would allow us to start elsewhere, that we prepare to head out to the site of the spice caravan's attack... stopping to get any supplies we may need. He suggests that the group meet in about an hour's time and be ready for travel. In order to track them, time is of the essense (Harlynd, Rurik... am I wrong in this?) so we should proceed as quickly as possible.

*assuming no better start location for the search is forthcoming*

We will proceed, honorable merchant, with this task for you with all due haste. Where can we find you upon our return?

Vandryl indicates to his companions that he is getting some supplies for the journey. In addition to procuring some better rations (one can only survive on trail rations for so long), he stops at Pious Way and stares for a few moments at the marble temple of Pholtus. Knowing he will shortly be among the vile goblin folk once more he enters and to pray for the strength to remain pure and steadfast against his enemies, and ask for Pholtus blessing on what may become a dangerous situation. Vandryl is still uncertain and does not stay in the temple long.

His journey back to inn is quiet one, filled with inner reflection, but he grows a bit more excited and less aprehensive as he returns to the inn. By the appointed time, his demeanor has returned to normal. he stops briefly to gather up his belongings and meets back up with the dwarves and Telvar.

So, are we ready?

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

I can carry quite a lot and still keep moving, but how much supplys are we going to be bringing back, perhaps we should invest in a pack-mule if there is going to be a large load to bring back. IF the party wants to buy one, I will chip in one fifth of the price of a mule and pack saddle.

Valic of Clan Dorak wrote:
I can carry quite a lot and still keep moving, but how much supplys are we going to be bringing back, perhaps we should invest in a pack-mule if there is going to be a large load to bring back. IF the party wants to buy one, I will chip in one fifth of the price of a mule and pack saddle.

Aye Valic, that is a reasonable plan. I will also contribute towards a pack mule.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

At the mention of goblins, Harlynd becomes intensely focused.

My questions are more or less the same as Vandryl's. Do you know how many goblins there were? How were they armed? Do you you know which goblin tribe carried out the attacks? If there was a survivor, we need to speak with them as soon as possible.

I agree that the site of the raid would be the best place to start the search. We need to get there as quickly as possible.You are right Vandryl, tracking the goblins will be more difficult the longer we wait. It's too bad it rained yesterday, that will definately make tracking the goblins more difficult.

With regards to the mule, I think its more important that we get to the ambush site quickly. As the goblins ambushed an entire caravan, I'm not sure a mule would be sufficent anyways.

Harlynd looks directly at Keal Kseo to ask his next question.

As dwarves are not known for their speed, would it be possible for the Chicane Guild to lend us some horses and ponies?

You could send a rider with us to take the horses back as soon as we get to the trailhead. We can walk back once we have defeated the goblins. If we had a way of sending a mesage to you, such as a pigeon, you could send a caravan for your goods.

Knowing that he isn't always great with words, Harlynd won't try a Diplomacy check to try to convince Keal. He will however try to assist anyone else's attempt. Diplomacy 5-1=4 No good.

No mater what Keal's response is, Harlynd will want to head out as soon as possible. He dosen't need buy anything (he doesn't have much money left). If Keal doesn't offer to loan the horses, Harlynd will chip in for a mule and sadlebags.

Male Dwarf Scout 1

" I will also fork for the mule, cant have supplies holding me down."

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

DM--I will get back to you by tomorrow morning at the latest. If I can, I'll look over your questions tonight.


Telvar would contribute to a mule if the group decides to move that direction, but would vastly prefer the horses if they can be borrowed. Though many of his questions would be the same as his comrades, being the curious/suspicious sort, he has a few others as well. He wonders what else other than spices and bitter fruit might be traveling in that caravan ($1000 gp is a hefty reward for just those items). SENSE MOTIVE 18=6=24 (woot!) He wants to treat these gentlemen with respect, but if he can find a way to ask that wouldn't be offensive he does so. In addition, he has the following questions:

"On the way here (and the way we are returning I believe) we encountered an odd dragon droppings. What have you heard or might you know about the activities of the green dragons or elves that may be of help to us? You never know when a seemingly simple goblin raid may be more than meets the eye."
Telvar will follow up on this and any other line of questioning that arises as is his nature.

"Have there been other goblin raids recently? How do we know it was goblins? If someone saw them, did they have any special markings or clothing? Do we know how organized they seemed or if they had a clear leader?"

These types of follow up questions will hopefully give us some clues and allow us to be better prepared. I have 5 days of rations. If my companions think I should carry more, I will purchase some. Otherwise Telvar is as prepared as he ever will be. He does take very careful note of both the merchant and Talon's faces however.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Valic of Clan Dorak wrote:
I am definatly willing to get back your property. Where do you suppose that they would have taken it?

Keal answers, "We believe they are holed up in an old ruin found in Kurkle Ridge. A walk of aboyt 15 miles southwest of Sumberton."

He shows you on a map.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Vandryl Kiyrson wrote:

I would be foolhardy to go into this situation without asking some questions, though I realize you may not have answers.

Were there any survivors of the raid? Were they able to give you any information about the attackers that we could use (even a "they fled into the woods to the east of the caravan" could help)?

Exactly where did the raid take place? Unless you have an idea of where the goblins may lair, we will need to find the site to track them down.

Do you have a manifest from the shipment? I would hate for a goblin chieftan to have appropriated some unmarked item that we could otherwise return to you.

"A caravan teamster escaped just before he was taken into their lair. He reported well-armed goblins and hobgoblins attacked them and took them to Kurkle Ridge. The lair is underground."

Keal says, "The crates are marked with the Sumberton sigil, a crescent moon and a sheaf of wheat. The crates are heavy, so you'll need some way to bring them out."

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Vandryl Kiyrson wrote:

Vandryl listens to whatever information the Chicane guild agent can impart. He then suggests, barring information that would allow us to start elsewhere, that we prepare to head out to the site of the spice caravan's attack... stopping to get any supplies we may need. He suggests that the group meet in about an hour's time and be ready for travel. In order to track them, time is of the essense (Harlynd, Rurik... am I wrong in this?) so we should proceed as quickly as possible.

*assuming no better start location for the search is forthcoming*

We will proceed, honorable merchant, with this task for you with all due haste. Where can we find you upon our return?

Vandryl indicates to his companions that he is getting some supplies for the journey. In addition to procuring some better rations (one can only survive on trail rations for so long), he stops at Pious Way and stares for a few moments at the marble temple of Pholtus. Knowing he will shortly be among the vile goblin folk once more he enters and to pray for the strength to remain pure and steadfast against his enemies, and ask for Pholtus blessing on what may become a dangerous situation. Vandryl is still uncertain and does not stay in the temple long.

His journey back to inn is quiet one, filled with inner reflection, but he grows a bit more excited and less aprehensive as he returns to the inn. By the appointed time, his demeanor has returned to normal. he stops briefly to gather up his belongings and meets back up with the dwarves and Telvar.

So, are we ready?

Keal says, "When you return come to the Sly Wink and tell the barkeep. He will send word to me."

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Harlynd of Clan Dorak wrote:

At the mention of goblins, Harlynd becomes intensely focused.

My questions are more or less the same as Vandryl's. Do you know how many goblins there were? How were they armed? Do you you know which goblin tribe carried out the attacks? If there was a survivor, we need to speak with them as soon as possible.

I agree that the site of the raid would be the best place to start the search. We need to get there as quickly as possible.You are right Vandryl, tracking the goblins will be more difficult the longer we wait. It's too bad it rained yesterday, that will definately make tracking the goblins more difficult.

With regards to the mule, I think its more important that we get to the ambush site quickly. As the goblins ambushed an entire caravan, I'm not sure a mule would be sufficent anyways.

Harlynd looks directly at Keal Kseo to ask his next question.

As dwarves are not known for their speed, would it be possible for the Chicane Guild to lend us some horses and ponies?

You could send a rider with us to take the horses back as soon as we get to the trailhead. We can walk back once we have defeated the goblins. If we had a way of sending a mesage to you, such as a pigeon, you could send a caravan for your goods.

Knowing that he isn't always great with words, Harlynd won't try a Diplomacy check to try to convince Keal. He will however try to assist anyone else's attempt. Diplomacy 5-1=4 No good.

No mater what Keal's response is, Harlynd will want to head out as soon as possible. He dosen't need buy anything (he doesn't have much money left). If Keal doesn't offer to loan the horses, Harlynd will chip in for a mule and sadlebags.

"The goblins were well armed and armored, perhaps from the Eyepopper clan. We believe around ten hit the caravan and made off with several crates. You may speak with a caravan teamster who escaped if you wish."

"If you would prefer, we could provide each of you with a light warhorse or warpony with saddle and bags now. And another 50 gp when you return."

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Telvar Quartermain wrote:

Telvar would contribute to a mule if the group decides to move that direction, but would vastly prefer the horses if they can be borrowed. Though many of his questions would be the same as his comrades, being the curious/suspicious sort, he has a few others as well. He wonders what else other than spices and bitter fruit might be traveling in that caravan ($1000 gp is a hefty reward for just those items). SENSE MOTIVE 18=6=24 (woot!) He wants to treat these gentlemen with respect, but if he can find a way to ask that wouldn't be offensive he does so. In addition, he has the following questions:

"On the way here (and the way we are returning I believe) we encountered an odd dragon droppings. What have you heard or might you know about the activities of the green dragons or elves that may be of help to us? You never know when a seemingly simple goblin raid may be more than meets the eye."
Telvar will follow up on this and any other line of questioning that arises as is his nature.

"Have there been other goblin raids recently? How do we know it was goblins? If someone saw them, did they have any special markings or clothing? Do we know how organized they seemed or if they had a clear leader?"

These types of follow up questions will hopefully give us some clues and allow us to be better prepared. I have 5 days of rations. If my companions think I should carry more, I will purchase some. Otherwise Telvar is as prepared as he ever will be. He does take very careful note of both the merchant and Talon's faces however.

"Perhaps the recent stirring in the Vaathwood is connected to the hobgoblin raid. When you recover the crates perhaps you will learn more. I believe something evil in the woods is stirring up the elves. Perhaps it is enough to push out some green dragons as well. Where the droppings from young dragons?"

"This raid is the first we know of. One of our caravan teamsters was captured by the hobs and escaped."

"Eyepopper hobgoblins have an eye tattooed on their heads. They paint eyes on their shields. And they smear the eyes of enemies on their tattoo and on their shields."

"The raid was led by a goblin with a dog-like companion. The goblin was lightly armored and wielded a sword and bow."

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Keal says, "I believe we have a deal? Please ask any final questions and let me know if you would prefer a warhorse or warpony plus 50 gp in place of the original offer of 200 gp. We could also sell you a mule with saddlebags for 10 gp."

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

I am not much for riding horses. I prefer the ground myself, however if all others want to ride then I must.

I would like to buy that mule with saddle bags though in any case.

Male Dwarf Scout 1

"bach, no pony will carry a dwarf into battle let alon a dwarf ride a pony into battle."

If, indeed we know the location, then extreme haste is not an issue. My training is in infantry fighting, and I will keep my own feet on the ground.

I think we will take you up on the offer for the pack-mule however, as it will help us in transporting the goods back here upon our return.

I will proceed as I described in yesterday's entry, leaving my 2 gp share for the pony with Valic while I continue on to procure some more substantial rations and visit the temple. Upon my return, I expect that we will depart for the location of the goblin lair.

EDIT: conscious of Harlynd's wish to depart quickly, Vandryl will make more haste about his errands. He still visits the temple, but doesn't take the time to go inside.

"The only advantage to the horses is that we may arrive at this camp in daylight (when the humans can still see) as opposed to late evening and that seems not enough to outweigh the value of the gold we will receive upon the successful completion of our journey."

Telvar will contribute his 2gp for the mule as well and is as prepared to go as he gets. He seems a bit nervous as the time comes to put knowledge to the test, but excited at the same time.

Telvar Quartermain wrote:

"The only advantage to the horses is that we may arrive at this camp in daylight (when the humans can still see) as opposed to late evening and that seems not enough to outweigh the value of the gold we will receive upon the successful completion of our journey."

Why evening? It's early morning and even after running the errands, a 15 mile walk should not take more than 6 hours... that would be (by my account) mid-afternoon with some hours left before dark.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Charles Dunwoody wrote:

"The goblins were well armed and armored, perhaps from the Eyepopper clan. We believe around ten hit the caravan and made off with several crates. You may speak with a caravan teamster who escaped if you wish."

"If you would prefer, we could provide each of you with a light warhorse or warpony with saddle and bags now. And another 50 gp when you return."

To Keal:

I think you've given us enough information for us to get started. We won't need to speak with the teamster.

If we know where the goblins lair, we don't need to hurry to the ambush scene. Like Vandryl, I do my fighting on the ground, so I won't opt to take the warpony as part of my payment.

We will however, purchase the mule from you.

To the rest of the group:

We should still hurry--15 miles is a long walk any day and there might not be a trail to the goblin's hideout. It would be nice if we could get to it before nightfall.

Once the group leaves Sumberton, Harlynd will march along following his standard procedures: Taking 10 on Spot and Listen for 15 and taking 10 on Survival checks to check for any goblin or wild animal tracks for 10. He carries a javelin in his hand.

No marching songs today I'm afraid. Everyone one should keep as quiet as possible.

Add taking 10 on Move Silently at full speed for 8.

Could someone else lead the mule? I'm not good with animals.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

To Keal:

I think you've given us enough information for us to get started. We won't need to speak with the teamster.

If we know where the goblins lair, we don't need to hurry to the ambush scene. Like Vandryl, I do my fighting on the ground, so I won't opt to take the warpony as part of my payment.

We will however, purchase the mule from you.

To the rest of the group:

We should still hurry--15 miles is a long walk any day and there might not be a trail to the goblin's hideout. It would be nice if we could get to it before nightfall.

Once the group leaves Sumberton, Harlynd will march along following his standard procedures: Taking 10 on Spot and Listen for 15 and taking 10 on Survival checks to check for any goblin or wild animal tracks for 10. He carries a javelin in his hand.

No marching songs today I'm afraid. Everyone one should keep as quiet as possible.

Add taking 10 on Move Silently at full speed for 8.

Could someone else lead the mule? I'm not good with animals.

Male Dwarf Scout 1

Rurik will take point and lead the party in the proper direction, taking 10 on skill checks whenever possible, also he will attempt to get the party there before or shortly after nightfall

Male Dwarf 1 Cleric
Rurik Dorak wrote:
Rurik will take point and lead the party in the proper direction, taking 10 on skill checks whenever possible, also he will attempt to get the party there before or shortly after nightfall

I will lead the mule from the back. Perhaps we should get more than one, I would think that 3 would be good, I will offer to take the other two out of my share of the payout.

I did bad math on the travel time and I am glad to do whatever makes the most sense (especially if it saves money which can be put to better use). Telvar isn't so good with animals either. As the others, he will take 10 where appropriate. He thinks that multiple mules may be a hassle but if the group feels it is best, he would agree.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Lothar Hill wrote:
I will lead the mule from the back. Perhaps we should get more than one, I would think that 3 would be good, I will offer to take the other two out of my share of the payout.

One mule should be enough. We can use it to take back the most valuble items. We can hide the rest and have the Chicane Guild pick them up.

Any more mules are just going to be difficult to control. However, I won't stop you if you really want them.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Vandryl Kiyrson wrote:

Vandryl indicates to his companions that he is getting some supplies for the journey. In addition to procuring some better rations (one can only survive on trail rations for so long), he stops at Pious Way and stares for a few moments at the marble temple of Pholtus. Knowing he will shortly be among the vile goblin folk once more he enters and to pray for the strength to remain pure and steadfast against his enemies, and ask for Pholtus blessing on what may become a dangerous situation. Vandryl is still uncertain and does not stay in the temple long.

His journey back to inn is quiet one, filled with inner reflection, but he grows a bit more excited and less aprehensive as he returns to the inn. By the appointed time, his demeanor has returned to normal. he stops briefly to gather up his belongings and meets back up with the dwarves and Telvar.

So, are we ready?

Vandryl's first sight of the temple is awe inspiring. The stone temple is built in a large, imposing rectangle. Its white washed walls gleam and not a speck of dirt or grime can be seen on them.

Each corner of the two story building is capped with burnished steel, reflecting the sun's rays in all directions. The massive roof has steel shutters, open to allow the light inside despite a light rain.

As Vandryl turns to head back to the inn, the clouds open and a ray of sunlight strikes one of the corners. The reflected light bathes him in a warm, pure glow washing away two days of hard travel and grime with purifying light. A rainbow appears above the temple, its light reflected and shattered into colorful rays from all four corners.

Pholtus smiles today.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Keal accepts your offer. He will provide two mules if you wish, as a compromise between one and three, for twenty gp.

He wishes you well and tells you he looks forward to your report when you return with the Chicane Guild's goods.

"May Pholtus walk with you," he says. He takes his leave.

DM--I will post your journey, taking into account your matching order and skill use, as soon as possible. I'll try to get to it this weekend.

My work schedule is different next Mon-Wed so I won't be able to post much but will try to follow up at least once before returning to posts in the morning on Thurs.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Your party heads south from Sumberton. The road gradually crumbles into a rough trail. Scattered hamlets give way to solitary dwellings and even those give way to ruined cabins, slowly being taken back by nature.

When the trail dips into hollows, however, you find remains of an ancient road system better made than even the streets of Sumberton. Rather than cobblestones you find crumbling bricks, in some places so cunningly laid that no mortar was needed as the cracks were so small. Strange that someone would build a road to nearly empty hills.

About three hours into your journey you find tracks of goblins. Several hours old, they change from stealthy maneuvering to a flat out run. The tracks end in a mess of trampled grass and mud in a hollow not too far away.

Nestled at the base of a worn cliff, the hollow consists of a few trees fed by a stream that tumbles in a waterfall over the cliff. Beneath the trees, you see the remains of several slashed open humanoids, probably goblins and hobgoblins. You also see a sack, ripped open, and spilling treasure to the ground.

Alert for the possibility of ambush, you carefully look around before going any further. About seventy feet away, something the size of a large horse moves out from the shadows of the trees.

As tall as a man at the shoulder, the beast is as majestic looking as it is deadly looking. What appears to be a golden brown horse from the hindquarters gradually gives way to golden feathers, sharp talons, and the fierce beak and eyes of a giant eagle.

The creature's beak is smeared with blood. Keeping one beady eye on its surroundings, it plunges its head down with lightening speed to rip a strip of hobgoblin steak out, jerks it head back, and gobbles it down.

The bag near the hobgoblin rips further, spilling gold onto the ground.

DM--the beast hasn't seen you yet. Do you try to back away or do you wish to try some other plan?

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Harlynd stops in his tracks. Without taking his eyes off the beast tries to stealthly move behind the nearest tree and hide. Move Silently 3+3=6, Hide 15+3=18. Blast! I'm really counting on those distance modifiers for Listen.

If the beast doesn't turn to attack and the rest of the party manages to get to cover, Harlynd will wisper very, very quietly to Telvar:

What is that thing? Any chance we can make it friendly? Remember, I'm not very good with animals.

Male Dwarf 1 Cleric

I will ready a bless spell, If it starts to move towards us in an aggressive mannor, I will cast it.

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