The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergard


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Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

The Dwarves Head South

Your clan is waiting for a shipment of spices and bitter fruit. They need the goods to produce Spring Stout, a dwarven beer of exceptional quality. You have been tasked with meeting up with two humans in Stump Flat to the south and then proceeding south again to the city of Sumberton. There, you will meet with Keal Kseo, a merchant of the Chicane Guild.

The Chicane Guild is known for always delivering for clients. If they couldn’t get the spices and fruit to Hemyulak then something must have gone terribly wrong.

The dew covering the trees of the Grove of Icicles and the surrounding grasses of the Obelisk Plain glitter like crystal as the sun climbs into the sky. With a final look at the powerful granite walls of Castle Hemyulak, you turn southwest for the thirty mile journey to the village of Stump Flat.

The day is hot for spring and the dew quickly burns into a fine mist. You and your companions travel for miles seeing nothing more than grazing cattle and the occasional farmer.

The sun has moved overhead and is heading west over the Vaathwood. You are almost to Stump Flat.

Movement to the west catches your eye. Four elves wearing cloaks and carrying composite longbows carefully watch your progress south. You know they dislike the humans of Stump Flat, who built their village by cutting down the eastern Vaathwood. The elves do not approach however and fade back beneath the trees.

Stump Flat has none of the charm of Hemyulak. Its paths are not laid out straight and most of its buildings do not include stone in their construction. The buildings are too tall and too narrow.

However, finding the Do Stump Inn is not a problem as it is the only tavern on the road. Groaning inwardly at the beer flavored water they are likely to be serving, you push inside.

You see the normal motley collection of farmers and loggers, the loggers armed due to raids by the elves. In the back, you see two humans one in armor and one in traveling clothes. You make your way to their table as every eye in the village watches your progress.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

The Humans Drink Beer

You sit in the Do Stump Inn, a tavern in the village of Stump Flat. The inn refuses to sell dwarven Spring Stout, which is too bad as the local brew tastes like horse piss smells.

You enter the inn as evening draws farmers in from the fields and loggers back from their dangerous work in the Vaathwood. You are to meet some dwarves traveling south from the village of Hemyulak and then escort them to Keal Kseo, merchant of the Chicane Guild, in Sumberton tomorrow.

You wait and drink beer. When the dwarves finally arrive they make quite an appearance. Every human in the inn watches them as they move toward your table

As those he has been waiting for *finally* enter the room, Telvar takes a moment to assess both them and the situation and smiles slightly at the dwarves as the enter.
sense motive roll 12+6=18 spot 13-1=12
From past experience he has learned that rarely do things turn out as they should so he is slightly suspicious (but not outwardly so) of most situations. Some might call it moderately paranoid--he considers it prepared.

He waits for his companion speak first, knowing that he will. After that, assuming all goes well, he will quietly introduce himself. "I am Telvar. It is good that you have arrived so we might conclude the final portion of our journey. What news do bring from your travels?"

Male Dwarf Scout 1

"What ye lookin at"Rurik howls, he then proceeds to the bar and orders a few flagons of foul human ale, with a scowl he preceeds back to his companions."See them ones we is supposed to be meetin?"He asks the others,"They all look the same to me".

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

Well met in the name of Borren. I am Valic of clan Dorak, this is Harlynd and Rurik also of clan Dorak. We have had the pleasure of traveling overland for a long day and seen many fine sights. WE even had the pleasure of an elven escort for part of the journey. Now I am famished what does this fine establishment make that tastes the best. I already know the beer is not up to dwarven standards so I shall hope for some fine food to make up the differance.

I will get a room for the night, not drink any alcohol, and eat a meal not spending more than 5sp.

Male Dwarf Scout 1

Rurik just stands there an astonished look on his face, froth from his most recent gulp still bubbling in his beard, a moment later the look is gone and he takes Valic's mug and dumps its contents into his own.
Gasp, booze!!!!!!!, blasphemy

Greetings Valic, may your god's blessings fill all your works and those of Clan Dorak. This is Telvar, and I am Vandryl. Come, sit and have a drink with us. It is swill compared to dwarven spirits, but we can imagine it as something greater...

Vandryl frowns a little and arches his eyebrow

... or at least we can try.

Vandryl raises his voice and calls for the barkeep to send some light refreshment, he will pay for decent food for the companions, but won't spend more than a few gold total (he's somewhat local and does his best to leverage the price, but has little in the way of Diplomacy, though he looks imposing enough).

Tonight we should be merry, for tomorrow is a long trek to Sumberton.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Thank you for the hospitality, human. The ale may not be Spring Stout but at least it replaces the sweat we have lost trudging through this blasted sunshine!

Harlynd takes a sip of his ale.

Blast! It tastes like the sweat we lost.

Harlynd puts down the ale and never touches it again. He looks Vandryl in the eye.

The merriment can wait until we have completed our task. We should have a good meal, if that’s possible, and then get early to bed. I want to be up early and traveling for a few hours before the sun starts baking our blasted brains again.

Harlynd turns his attention to the rest of the group.

It would also be good to get moving early to avoid the elves we’ve seen skulking about. You don’t happen to know what’s got them all riled up do you? Have they been causing trouble?

After eating the meal with the two humans, Harlynd will try to Gather Information with the locals in the inn. he wants to know if the elves have been interfering with travellers on the roads. He doesn't particularily care for elves. He rolls a 10 on his Gather Information check for 9 total.

If there are no other events that evening, Harlynd will go to bed early.

Vandryl talks a good talk, but his appetite for the rather poor beer is also quite limited. He has been nursing a single drink most of the afternoon. As he starts eating he tries to get some general information from the dwarves
So, Harlynd, you seem a no-nonsense type. You mentioned elves... were they patroling the Vaathwood? They consider that place theirs, I reckon, and you can see by the mood here that they don't like us humans venturing into it. Stump Flat and the elves just don't get along, and you're probably being lumped in with us because of your visit. I don't reckon the elves like sympathizers either. Anyway, unless they actually approached, I wouldn't worry about it.
Vandryl doesn't have any special info here, he's making a guess to try to look like he knows something. He eats heartily, unless the food is bad (he paid for better and expects it). He also retires early after some friendly carousing. He's a visitor and is careful not to carouse enough to rouse the ire of the populace. He makes a point of rising early to watch the sunrise though, down to stopping the group for a few minutes to watch it if they've already started toward Sumberton.

Male Dwarf Scout 1

after a night of boozing though poor it was, and a hearty meal Rurik takes his time to rest, and he sleeps untill roused by others. In the morning he is groggy and mumbles about his mouth tasteing like piss, other than that he is in a hurry to get along on the journey

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

This conversation can be inserted into the dinner that night.

Harlynd is impressed by Vandryl’s knowledge and his shared distaste for elves.

Then it’s agreed--we rise three hours before dawn and start on our trek early! We can make our offerings to Borren at dawn by the side of the road and continue on our way. If we see any elves, we’re to keep our distance--unless they provoke us.

Harlynd knows full well that not everyone agreed to this plan, but he’s decided to try to be decisive. As the meal progresses, Harlynd slowly warms towards Vandryl.

So, you look like a fighting man. Are you any good with an axe? Have you fought goblins? They’re vicious brutes, not to be shown any mercy. I almost hope some of them try to waylay us on our journey, just so I could teach them a thing or two about dwarven axe fighting.

Male Dwarf Scout 1

"ohhhhhh, three hours before sunrise? Why in great Borren's beard would we do that, do we want the humans to be toteing around torches and annoucing our place to every elf and gobin around" with that said Rurik looks to the others for support.

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

I doubt that elves will be fooled by an early departure, and I know they see better in twilight than our new companions. I also dont see the elves as a threat. If we were messing around in the wood, or cutting down trees that would be differant. They are not the sort to waylay travelers for no good reason, and we have done nothing to incur their wrath. I think leaving right at dawn is plenty early enough.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

I had forgotten that humans could not see in the dark. I had merely wanted to avoid walking for hours in the blasted sunshine.

Harlynd looks glum.

Dawn it is then...

Telvar Quartermain wrote:

sense motive roll 12+6=18 spot 13-1=12

From past experience he has learned that rarely do things turn out as they should so he is slightly suspicious (but not outwardly so) of most situations. Some might call it moderately paranoid--he considers it prepared.

The dwarves seem straight forward decent folk and less rigid than many dwarves. Like most dwarves they are well armed and well armored.

Harlynd of Clan Dorak wrote:

After eating the meal with the two humans, Harlynd will try to Gather Information with the locals in the inn. he wants to know if the elves have been interfering with travellers on the roads. He doesn't particularily care for elves. He rolls a 10 on his Gather Information check for 9 total.

If there are no other events that evening, Harlynd will go to bed early.

At first, the humans turn to talk to you. After looking you over though they mutter about no problems and go back to drinking.

Unless the other PCs get something going the evening goes quietly.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

You retire for the evening after a simple but hearty meal of potato soup and bread.

The night passes without incident. A light rain is falling as you gather your gear to start the trek south.

--DM: feel free to converse on the way to Sumberton. The adventure continues tomorrow morning.

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

So Telvar, have you heard of Borren and his wonderful ways? I assume you to be a man of knowledge and would love to share with you the ways of Borren.

Valic spends the morning and afternoon clarifying what the worship of Borren entails without pressuring Telvar to worship him himself.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Harlynd wakes three hours before dawn and starts to get ready for the day's journey. Five minutes later, he has finished his preparations. He spends the next two hours and fifty-five minutes impatiently waiting.

Once everyone else has gathered to leave, Harlynd says a quick prayer to Borren with Valic and then heads off down the road. Having exhausted his meager supply of small-talk the night before, he travels slightly ahead of the group, scanning the horizon for any sign of elves or goblins. He carries his heavy shield in one hand and a javelin in the other.

He takes 10 on his Spot and Listen checks for 15 in each. He also takes 10 on Survival checks to check for any elf, goblin, or wild animal tracks by the side of the road. With the -5 for moving at full speed, his result is 10.

Valic of Clan Dorak wrote:

So Telvar, have you heard of Borren and his wonderful ways? I assume you to be a man of knowledge and would love to share with you the ways of Borren.

Valic spends the morning and afternoon clarifying what the worship of Borren entails without pressuring Telvar to worship him himself.

"I have indeed somewhat familiar with Borren, but I would love to hear more."

Telvar asks many, many, many questions about Borren throughout the morning and subtly expresses his appreciation for not being pressed to worship him. He carefully takes not of all details, even pausing to write down any he feels he may not easily remember. He does all of this with genuine respect, though with no interest in worship.

If asked why he is so interested in Borren he says:
"I am a pursuer of knowledge in all it's forms. Some would say I am highly curious, but that would fail to express the depth of my passion for learning. New knowledge seems as necessary as breath each day to me. In particular I am very interested in learning more about faith and it's objects, magic and it's source, and the mysteries of the planes. Thank you for being so kind as to share your knowledge, thoughts, and impressions with me. It has been quite enlightening."

Telvar will also ask questions regarding the dwarven views of magic and about anything else in his area of growing expertise

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

Valic Spends 20 minutes in the pre dawn hours spending 2 turn undead attempts to create divine wards with both his cousins.

Come my cousins, let us prepare for the journey with the blessings of our god.

Telvar eats his meal and intently listens to all around him rather than talking much. He tends to try to learn as much as he can. He does answer small talk, but more often than not does so with a question.

He seems undisturbed by the proposed early departure, though he votes in favor of waiting until dawn for vision purposes.

He nurses a drink for most of the night and retires somewhat late but before the carousing around him gets excessive.

He agrees that it is best to avoid the elves unless they should provoke an undesireable situation. Everyone in the new 'party' gets the feeling that while he will put on a good face, Telvar would strongly prefer to avoid combat if possible. He seems somewhat ill-suited to the task for an adventuring type.

During the walk he begins to share bits of knowledge he has gained (nothing outlandish or high DC, but enough to establish that his opinion has value) and is very respectful of others without creating discomfort.

At the first rest or lunch break, he will pull out a beautiful reed flute and play a hauntingly beautiful melody which seems to be calming to him. (Perform check 14+4=18) He says it is a song his mother taught him when he was young. When he is done, he carefully puts the flute away.

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

Valic gladly shares what little knowledge he has of dwarven views on magic.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Valic of Clan Dorak wrote:

Valic Spends 20 minutes in the pre dawn hours spending 2 turn undead attempts to create divine wards with both his cousins.

Come my cousins, let us prepare for the journey with the blessings of our god.

Thank you for Borren's blessing, honored cousin. I shall strive to make myself worthy in his eyes.

Could you remind me what Divine Ward does?

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Telvar Quartermain wrote:
At the first rest or lunch break, he will pull out a beautiful reed flute and play a hauntingly beautiful melody which seems to be calming to him. (Perform check 14+4=18) He says it is a song his mother taught him when he was young. When he is done, he carefully puts the flute away.

Harlynd looks away and wipes some 'dirt' from his eye. He then looks back at Telvar and speaks to him in a softer than normal voice:

Well played human. Your tune reminded me of my own mother and a time when I was younger...

Harlynd's voice trails off then abrubtly changes tone.

Well, we better get moving again if we're going to get to Sumberton before nightfall.

Harlynd resumes his place slightly ahead of the group.

Harlynd of Clan Dorak wrote:
He takes 10 on his Spot and Listen checks for 15 in each. He also takes 10 on Survival checks to check for any elf, goblin, or wild animal tracks by the side of the road. With the -5 for moving at full speed, his result is 10.

You notice farmers to the east, staying well away from the elven woods. Several small groups of deer are also seen heading east. About halfway through the day you see something that almost makes your heart stop.

You see the droppings of two small green dragons, maybe wyrmlings or young. You have heard rumors that the elves of the Vaathwood have a sinister bond with them and sometimes encourage them to attack travelers. Perhaps this sign has nothing to do with the elves and the greens were just following the deer.

Male Dwarf Scout 1

"Borren forever favors the Dorak clan." with this Rurik takes up the rear since we dont know where we are going.

Harlynd of Clan Dorak wrote:
Could you remind me what Divine Ward does?

You are marked with the divine ward of Borren. Valic can now change the range of touch spells cast on you to short range (25 feet at 1st level) by channeling positive energy (ie using a turn undead attempt).

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Rule Results wrote:
You notice farmers to the east, staying well away from the elven woods. Several small groups of deer are also seen heading east. About halfway through the day you see something that almost makes your heart stop.

Harlynd stops suddenly and picks up something from the groud. He crumbles it between his fingers and sniffs it. Survival check 11+5 for 16. How fresh is it?

All the color drains from Harlynd's face. He scans the horizon furitively (Spot 19+5=24) and assuming he doesn't see anything hurries back towards the group.

In a hushed voice: Everyone! Be very careful! Dragons have been by here recently--two small green ones by their droppings. Everyone pick a section of the sky and keep your eyes peeled for anything flying. We should space out a bit so the dragons can't catch us all together.

Keep moving, the sooner we're away from these blasted woods the better!

Harlynd scurries back to his spot in the front of the group, javelin in hand, worriedly watching the sky in front of the group. Spot 15+5=20.

"First elves, now dragons? This seems a dangerous path indeed. It is my sincere hope that we do not encounter the full extent of this apparent threat."

Torn between fear and interest he examines the area around the droppings for any more clues. He also shares what regarding Green dragons that may be of help in the unfortunate circumstance that we should encounter such a beast. Knowledge arcana 9+13=21 regarding green dragons. He also make sure to stand in the middle of the group so as to be as protected as possible.

"I understand the elves have had frustrating experiences with the humans, but why would they risk the dangers of encouraging open attacks?"

"If we have opportunity, we should ask the next group of farmers we see if they know anything. And I agree, the sooner we are past the woods, the better."
spot 7-1=6

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

Dragons! You cannot be serious. You had me going that time... You are not joking...

well then, I pull my sling out and ready the componants to cast magic stone.

Perhaps the dragons are why the elves are about. They are guarding the people around here from the dragons. We should approach the next elves we see and palaver.
Spot, 13+3=16.

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

What do green dragons do in combat telvar?

Harlynd Wrote:
Harlynd looks away and wipes some 'dirt' from his eye. He then looks back at Telvar and speaks to him in a softer than normal voice:

Well played human. Your tune reminded me of my own mother and a time when I was younger...

"Your compliment is most kind. Music, as knowledge, is filled with power when presented in the proper application. The music of the flute triggers a certain cleansing and calming of my soul I remain at a loss to explain."

He notes the change in tone and respectfully does so as well

"Onward indeed."

Harlynd of Clan Dorak wrote:

Harlynd stops suddenly and picks up something from the groud. He crumbles it between his fingers and sniffs it. Survival check 11+5 for 16. How fresh is it?

Harlynd scurries back to his spot in the front of the group, javelin in hand, worriedly watching the sky in front of the group. Spot 15+5=20.

The droppings are a couple of days old.

You watch the skies but see no flying forms.

Telvar Quartermain wrote:

Torn between fear and interest he examines the area around the droppings for any more clues. He also shares what regarding Green dragons that may be of help in the unfortunate circumstance that we should encounter such a beast. Knowledge arcana 9+13=21 regarding green dragons. He also make sure to stand in the middle of the group so as to be as protected as possible.

You know that green dragons use acid for a breath weapon, are immune to acid, they can breathe water, and they are quite skilled at sneaking and hiding. If they want to set an ambush it will be hard to detect before it is too late.

Telvar Quartermain wrote:

"If we have opportunity, we should ask the next group of farmers we see if they know anything. And I agree, the sooner we are past the woods, the better."

spot 7-1=6

Woods? What woods? I don't see any woods.

Valic of Clan Dorak wrote:

Dragons! You cannot be serious. You had me going that time... You are not joking...

well then, I pull my sling out and ready the componants to cast magic stone.

Perhaps the dragons are why the elves are about. They are guarding the people around here from the dragons. We should approach the next elves we see and palaver.
Spot, 13+3=16.

You don't see any elves but you do see a group of human loggers just entering the forest. Before they disappear from sight you notice something odd. They don't appear nearly as fearful as humans violating an elven wood usually look. In fact they seem to be swaggering, joking, and quite confident.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

The Dwarves Head South Again
The mystery of the woods is left behind. Perhaps when you feel confident enough to face dragons you may return to investigate.

As night draws close you march comfortably towards Sumberton hoping it has more to offer than Stump Flat had. The light rain cools you and you move comfortably despite your arms and gear.

When you see your human friends eating the stringy dried beef and hard bread they bought in Stump Flat you feel sorry for them. Each of you carries real iron rations: dried beef patties mixed with berries, chewy bread, and cheese. Each round patty fills your hand and fills your belly. Humans can’t make beer and now you know they can’t make trail rations either.

Maybe a rousing marching song would cheer them up!

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

The Humans Head South
The mystery of the woods is left behind. Perhaps when you feel confident enough to face dragons you may return to investigate.

You’re wet. You’re cold. Your belts and straps rub your flesh raw. Gear soaked with rain drags at your steps.

The dwarves march cheerfully which doesn’t make the rain any less uncomfortable. Your meager rations do not compare to the large beef patties they consume. Damn, they are even singing a marching song!

Your only solace is that you could run faster than them if you really tried. And Vandryl realizes that in his armor he can’t even do that. You cannot wait to get into a decent city with a warm fire and decent food.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

You reach the city just as night is falling. The gate is closed even though the light from the setting sun still shines on it. You bang on it and shout.

The guards open it, reluctantly. “Get in, get in, we’re shutting the gate for the night.” They eye your mixed group of dwarves and humans with a critical eye.

“Where ya stayin?” one of them barks. You are to meet Keal Kseo at the Sly Wink. The guard gives you directions and laughs. It is almost all the way across the city and over the river.

“Kennick’s and Anchor’s Rest are closer,” the guard says. “’Course Kennicks’ll cost ya gold and Anchor’s Rest’ll cost ya a peaceful night’s sleep. Gotta take back alleys either way, which can be dangerous.”

“Me and my boys are goin’ off duty soon. We could escort you for a gold apiece.”

Perhaps, in its own way, the city can be just as dangerous as an elven wood full of dragons. Where do you head next and do you take the guard's offer?

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

Sence Motive on the guards:18+3=21

I may be inexperianced, but wisdom is not lacking in my head. I tell the gaurd we would like to discuss their offer privatly and step to the side out of earshot. I then say to the group, (waiting for results of sense motive)

Vandryl glares at the guards, as the water drips down his face, but he waits to see what Valic does before he does anything rash.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Quietly to Valic: I do not think we need a guide. We have just walked through dragon-infested woods. What dangers could a city hold? It's a fine night for a walk. If we can't find the Sly Wink, we can always stay at another inn.

Male Dwarf Scout 1

"Aye,I'm with Harlynd on this one, we dont neet these humans squandering our coin to guide us through a city that can be no worse than a forest infested with dancing fairies and blasted dragons."

sense motive 16+6=22 on guards

If he senses they are untrustworthy, he says quietly to the group:
"Sometimes it is safer to enter danger oneself than to pay others to lead you into it. Although I appreciate the 'noble' offer of an escort, I suspect we may be better on our own."

If he senses they are trustworthy, he will suggest quietly to the group that he thinks it might be a good idea to accept their offer, but not at those prices and offers to speak with the guards. If the group agrees, he will do so in an attempt both to lower the price and find out more specifically what's going on. Intimidate 15+5=20

"In any case, lets get going. It's been a long day and an inn, whatever part of town it may be in, sounds like a much better place to be than out here."

As he walks he looks for evidence of prevalent local faiths, obvious magical connecttions, etc (items that might relate to his knowledge focuses) as well as any danger. Spot 11-1=10

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Telvar Quartermain wrote:
If he senses they are trustworthy, he will suggest quietly to the group that he thinks it might be a good idea to accept their offer, but not at those prices and offers to speak with the guards. If the group agrees, he will do so in an attempt both to lower the price and find out more specifically what's going on. Intimidate 15+5=20

If it comes to this, Harlynd will try to assist Telvar's Intimidate check, glowering at the guards in a menacing manner. Intimidate 18-1=17. A sucessful aid another!. If these negotiations are sucessful, Harlynd will grudgingly pay his share only when the guards have delivered them to the Sly Wink.

In any event, whether escorted by the guards or not, Harlynd will be just as cautious travelling through the city as he was on the road, taking 10 on his Listen and Spot checks (for 15) and having his javelin ready in one hand.

Harlynd of Clan Dorak wrote:

If it comes to this, Harlynd will try to assist Telvar's Intimidate check, glowering at the guards in a menacing manner. Intimidate 18-1=17. A sucessful aid another!. If these negotiations are sucessful, Harlynd will grudgingly pay his share only when the guards have delivered them to the Sly Wink.

Vandryl will also aid another on the intimidate check, though he didn't do nearly so well on his roll as Harlynd Intimidate 8+4=12.

While the guard does not appear ready to try to lead you into harm he also doesn't seem entirely convincing in his arguement that you need a guide. With five strangers staring intently at him and visibility touching weapons his cocky demeanor quickly wilts.

"Uh, on second thought," he says, "you all should be fine on your own. Just follow my directions and you won't get lost. Good luck."

His men have backed away from him and when he looks around for them he does a visible double take when he realizes he stands alone before he regains his composure. "Have a nice night," he stammers. He hurries back into the guard post. You see him watching you anxiously through the window, his men crowded around behind him.

If you wish, you may proceed on your journey. Feel free to check out the city.

The dwarves find the buildings too narrow and too tall. It also stinks.

To humans, Sumberton is the height of human invention and power. Strong walls, prosperous subjects, and many inns to choose from.

No brigands accost your well-armed party this night.

DM--tomorrow morning you meet Keal Kseo.

M Dwarf 1 Cleric

Well, nice work guys Valic says as we walk to the place where we are to meet with Keal in the morning.

Valic will retire early after buying a decent meal for the party and pray for an hour before Bed.

Let me know how much I spend on the evening GM.

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