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The Party:
Breca: Cliff Dwarf, male, Cleric of Procan 12/Demonwrecker 5
Tommen: Human, male, Wizard 5/Loremaster 10/Fatespinner 1
Alanna: Human, female, Wizard 3/Cleric 3/Mystic Theurge 10
Yyv: Human, female, Sorcerer 6/Malconvoker 10
Argent: Air Gensai, Fighter/Swashbuckler/Wizard/Abjurant Champion/Eldritch Knight 16
Kitty: Yvy's bound Ice Devil
Game Session #36 (Dividend’s Ire continues): The huge double doors into the southwester quadrant of Dividend’s Ire are made of greenish hued iron and glisten with moisture. No party member is eager to make contact with the doors, so “Kitty” (the Ice Devil) is ordered forward and pushes them open with no ill effects. However, as the doors open, a sorrowful wailing sound emanates from the room beyond, beckoning to the adventurers. Magic infuses the forlorn melody and Breca, Yvy and Kitty are all unable to resist its lure. They stagger forward into the room. The centre of the chamber houses a 10’ diameter iron column that goes from the floor to the ceiling. Sprouting out of the column like thorns are thousands of grisly looking hooks, razors and barbs, and caught up in the hooks is ghastly display of dozens of flayed faces. Bones lay scattered on the ground around the pillar. The three are drawn to the pillar, unable to control their legs. Alanna, Argent, and Tommen watch on in horror, unable to react in time. As Breca, Yvy and the Ice Devil reach the iron column the hooks and razors suddenly animate, and go to work with unbelievable speed and surgical precision. In mere seconds, the faces of the three have been flayed from their skulls and added to the collection on the pillar. The trio staggers about clutching the bloody pulp of the fronts of their skulls where their faces once were, blood streaming out of their now eyeless sockets, gushing between their fingers.
Both Yvy and Kitty are overcome with madness, and Kitty reacts by charging blindly westward down a long hallway, bouncing off the walls as he goes. Meanwhile, Alanna rushes to Breca’s aid casting a heal spell that relieves the dwarf of any madness and goes a long ways towards healing his wounds. Unfortunately, he is still without eyes and quite blind. Likewise, Yvy is also healed, but like Breca is left blind and without eyes. Argent blasts the cursed column with a disintegrate spell and destroys much of it, but he chooses not expend any additional magic on the magical monstrosity.
As Kitty rushes down the hall angelic voices are heard shouting out to the Devil, “Halt, you are now entering the lands of Lord Saureya. Stop and state your business.”
Apparently Kitty does not stop, as the voice then pipes, “You are now leaving the lands of Lord Saureya. May the minions of Orgosh the Despoiler strike you down foul Devil!”
The party moves forward towards the hall that Kitty stumbled down and in the direction of the voice. Argent guides Breca and Alanna guides Yvy, since neither can see on their own. The hall is dimly lit, by haphazardly spaced, skull shaped braziers of iron that protrude from the iron walls. They glow with a bloody hued light, bathing the hall in red. Out of the shadows, an angelic figure steps into view at the far end of the hall. The party recognizes the being as a trumpet archon, one of the servants of the Seven Heavens. However, there is something strange about the archon. Its sword looks more like a demon’s blade, and it wears no gleaming armour of gold or silver. Its skin looks gray and pallid, its face is deeply sorrowful, and its wings tattered and mutilated.
The angel sees the party and calls out to them. “Hail mortals, behold the kingdom of Saureya, what errand brings you to this forlorn land?”
Breca does the talking. “Though my eyes have been taken from me, I can clearly hear the beauty in your voice, and my friends tell me you are an angel of the heavens. Perhaps you can aid us, and perhaps you would to be willing to share with us how it is that you came to call this “land” your home.”
The angel responds cautiously, “I was once a prisoner of this place, but Kulublax, the warden has grown lazy and weak. There have been many escapes of late, and my master and I were but a couple of those. This jail has fallen into anarchy, and we stay to restore it to a place of order and justice.”
“May we speak with your lord?”
“My lord is in an ill and brooding mood right now. He does not wish to parlay with visitors. If you bring him the head of our most hated enemy, the warden Kulublax, he may be willing to speak with you.”
“And what exactly is Kulublax?”
“Kulublax, is a nasty glabrezu demon. He has caused us much pain and suffering, and we thirst for vengeance.”
“I see, we have had dealings with such demons before. Well we need a safe to place to rest and recover from our trials before we could go dispatch Kulublax. Can you offer us refuge? (Breca then proceeds to roll a natural 20 on his diplomacy check)”
“I suppose. Come forward, you may stay in our hall, but then you must go forth and slay Kulublax.”
"Thank you for your generosity.”
With that the heroes move deeper into the complex. At the end of the lengthy hall they come to a short flight of wide stairs that lead down to an intersection where the hall is bisected by another hall. This hall is ornate and made of blocks of white marble. It is tiled with colourful stones in swirling and unsettling patterns. Stone columns carved with moaning and terrified faces line the hall, rising up the 25’ high, vaulted ceiling. Another archon waits in the hall, and watches the characters suspiciously as they enter. The two archons introduce themselves as Danel and Uzza, and welcome them to heart of Saureya’s domain.
The heroes get settled in the hall, all but Argent, who decides to head up a short flight of stairs exiting the halls western side. He heads off after Kitty, and as he departs the archons call out to him. “Beware, you head towards Orgosh’s realm. He is a powerful lich and has many undead minions.”
Argent scoffs and hurries off.

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Game Session #36 part 2: Following Kitty’s trail Argent soon finds himself in another vast, vaulted chamber. High up in reaches of the cavernous ceiling float dozens of motes of magical blue light. They bathe the entire room with dim blue light. Like the first section of Dividend’s Ire they entered, this area also holds a small village of squat, one-story stone buildings and heavy pylons that help support the great ceiling high above. The indoor village is infested with undead. Spectres, wraiths, shadows and other haunts drift lethargically through walls and alleys. They watch intently and hungrily, their eyes blazing with undead hatred. Yet, Argent is concealed with invisibility magic, and though they seem to be able to sense that one of the living is among them, they do nothing other than whisper among themselves and stare, possibly unsure of Argent’s exact location.
Argent bravely makes his way down one of the streets/halls, following a trail of ichor left behind by the wounded Ice Devil. It comes to an end at the site of huge statue. The statue is actually multiple statues of bronze sitting on a circular dias. Each one depicts a different demonlord prostrated before the might Demogorgon, who stands in the centre, towering over his lessers. Argent doesn’t reocognize all the demonlords bowed before Demogorgon, though he suspects one is G’razzt, and another might be Orcus.
Kitty is also at the statues, and though he is a Devil, he is bowed before them and clicking his manibles in some sort of insectile expression of worship. Argent watches for a moment. He observes that Kitty’s face has mostly regenerated, but the Devil still seems quite mad, for he sometimes slaps his chitinous tail on the ground and breaks into wild spasms for no apparent reason. Argent considers trying to lead the Devil back to his allies, where Breca or Alanna might be able to heal the fiend, but he does not want to approach the demon statue, so he decides to abandon his quest, figuring he’ll see about bringing Breca to the site later, so that the dwarf might heal Kitty’s mind. Thus, he hastily returns to his companions.
The heroes rest for several hours under the vigilant watch of the two trumpet archons. Not trusting the tainted angels, they post their own watches. Argent assumes most of the burden of this duty because he requires the least amount of rest. However, as the night goes on, the air gensai finds his surroundings more and more to his liking. He begins to develop a deranged notion of cleansing the place of its demonic taint and turning it back into the pleasure palace it was in the past. By the time the heroes are ready to continue this notion has become an obsession, and he has no wish to leave, for he plans to rule over the brothel in the name of his godess Lastia once it has been established. He keeps his plans mostly to himself, other than the odd muttering about how he’d like to make some changes to the décor. He also convinces his friends to come see the statue and help Kitty. As they proceed, Argent imagines how Breca would look in leather chaps, and wonders if Yvy would be willing to retire from binding devils to become a harem girl.
When the band arrives in Orgosh’s realm, they are not invisible, but still the undead that stalk the streets of Orgosh’s realm watch with hatred yet do not attack. The heroes venture to the demon statue, where they find kitty still enraptured in mad worship. Breca bravely strides forward using silence magic to mask his movement. He then casts a heal spell that restores the devil’s infernal mind, allowing Kitty to return to his duties as the party’s bodyguard, and accompanies them as they make their way back to Saureya’s realm. However, as they are about to leave, Breca decides he wants to see if he can arrange a parlay with the lich. Breca calls out to the whispering undead and requests an audience with Lord Orgosh. It isn’t long before the lich appears. Orgosh is not exactly what one might expect when one thinks of a lich. The being that appears before them is skeletal, and all flesh has long since left his bones, but the skeleton that remains is the skeleton of Bullywug not a human. Its big empty eye sockets glow with pinpoints of supernatural light, and it demands to know who the heroes are and why they have intruded into his realm.
This time Yvy does the talking, since she is truly the most eloquent and charismatic member of the party. She explains that they have come in search of an undead monstrosity named Vanthus and a captive woman that may be in his possession. Luckily for them, Vanthus turns out to be an enemy of Orgosh as well. It seems that the Deathknight’s potent undead aura is a beacon to other undead, which draws them to serve him. This has been a problem for Orgosh since the lich has many undead minions of his own and presumably does not wish to see their loyalty shift to a new master. Orgosh is eager enough to send the party against Vanthus, and he describes to them that his lair is located in a small section of the prison that extends out over the volcano, balanced on a tenatious column of rock that rises out of the lava. This portion of the prison was once a guard station, and after the prison fell into anarchy it became a nest for a flock of vrocks. When Vanthus arrived he destroyed the vrocks and made the place his own.
As they leave, Orgosh offers them the prospect of additional aid/information should they manage to bring him proof of the Deathknight’s destruction. The conversation is short, for it is clear that Orgosh’s tolerance for he living is quite limited. However, as they depart, he mentions that he believes there is a powerful creature lairing in the depths of the volcano that might prove a distraction against their enemy should they become desparate.
With the knowledge of Vanthus’s whereabouts in their hands, the adventurers set out to find and destroy the death knight and hopefully rescue Lavinia.

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Game Session #36 (finale) Using invisibility magic to mask their approach, the heroes fly over the mouth of the volcano, heading towards a small structure that is built on a rocky column that rises out of the caldera. It is connected to a wing of the main complex by a small stone bridge. Toxic smoke and gases burn their lungs and hamper visibility as they make their way. Only Kitty remains visible, and soon the Ice Devil is spotted. Suddenly a flock of six shadow demons emerges from the smoke and swarms towards Kitty. Shadow demons are nasty critters, semi-incorporeal, but still capable of rending flesh with their talons. Bat-like wings protruding from their shadowy backs propel them towards Kitty with speed.
It isn’t long before battle has begun. Other than Yvy, who hides behind her cube of force, the heroes try to stay invisible and let Kitty remain the focus of the demons’ attention. Initially, this proves quite successful, but the Devil’s attacks do not prove overly effective against the demons, and their own attacks cause the devil little harm. Argent swoops in to aid Kitty, relying on his improved invisibility to keep him unseen, as he attacks. Breca also tries to close in, mostly to allow Kitty and Argent access to his demonwrecker aura, which lends holy and cold iron traits to their weapons, allowing them to strike true.
It is Tommen that first unleashes a spell on the shadow demons. The orb of force he conjures blasts one with a solid hit, but the demon proves to be hearty and shrugs off the damage. This leaves Tommen visible and draws their attention; the demons spread out, though a few stay to deal with Kitty. They target Tommen with a barrage of unholy blight spells that burn the wizard with greasy abyssal energy. Tommen realizes that since he is the only vulnerable target for the demons, he is in trouble. He hastily casts a dimension door spell and teleports himself far off into the smokey haze. There he heals and again makes himself invisible. Yvy conjures a pair of Bone Devils to join the battle, while Argent fights at Kitty’s side attacking shadow demons with his sickle. Though the demons can’t see Argent, they have a sense of where he is and blast the general area with more unholy blight spells. His rod of absorbtion takes some of the damage, but his wounds begin to accumulate.
Soon reinforcements join the fight in the form of nearly a dozen wraiths that emerge from the very walls of the building that the heroes believe to be Vanthus’ lair. The wraiths bear a striking resemblance to pirates of the Crimson fleet. However, with Kitty and a pair of Bone Devils being the only visible targets, it is the devils that bear the brunt of their undead wrath. The Bone Devils are soon overwhelmed as the wraiths suck out their infernal lifeforce and send them back to the Nine Hells. Even Kitty is hard pressed, and eventually succumbs to their constitution drain, plummeting to the lava down below.
Breca is the next party member to start tossing off offensive magic, which dispels his invisibility, and turns him into a magnet for the shadow demons and undead. They swarm the dwarf, but he is well protected from the life drain of the wraiths, and only the shadow demons manage to scathe him with their vile claws. Argent hurries to his captain’s aid and slashes at the shadow deomons. Breca fais to turn the wraiths,so he destroys several with a horrific burst of holy energy. The shadow demons prove hearty and survive the attack. Furthermore, additional shadow demons target Breca with unholy blight spells, which take their toll on both Breca and Argent.
Seconds later, Vanthus himself steps out of the entrance to his lair, accompanied by additional shadow demons! The first thing the Death Knight sees is Breca, and he hammers the dwarf with a blast of abyssal flame. Fortunately, the dwarf and the gensai are both protected by a fire resistance spell, and they shrug off most of the damage. However, Vanthus’ arrival is enough to convince Breca to dimension door to the other side of the structure where he can heal his wounds and regroup.
With Vanthus now in the fight, Argent, Tommen and Alanna all focus their attacks on the Death Knight, while Yvy continues to blast away at the Shadow demons. They keep their distance, and Vanthus has little opportunity to close into melee with any of the spellcasters. Tommen promptly uses one of his most potent spells, a maximized, repeating orb of acid. The acid orb sears through Vanthus’ armour and continues to burn and melt the skeleton of the death knight for several seconds later. The deadly arcane acid combined with the spells of Argent and Alannah, inflicts enough damage to send him spiraling down into the lava far below. Argent laments the loss of Vanthus’ magical gear, but the rest of the party is pleased to see the end of their bothersome foe.
After laying waste to Vanthus, Tommen promptly flies off into the smoke, in attempt to escape the inevitable retribution of the shadow demons, of which there are still many (only one or two had been destroyed by this point). Yvy remains protected by her cube of force, but decides to attempt to use a dimension door spell to teleport herself into Vanthus’s lair. Argent remains invisible, so Alannah becomes the single target of the demons’ wrath, and they unleash a barrage of unholy blight spells on her that nearly destroy the woman. Taking desparate measures she casts a mislead spell on herself that sends an illusionary duplicate flying off away from her, while her true form becomes invisible. Her ploy is successful, and it draws their attacks, buying her time to use her divine powers to heal her wounds.
Yvy is able to access the small building with her magic, and in the first chamber she finds nothing but the rotting corpses of Vanthus’s former crew. The room beyond proves to be equally forlorn and empty. There is no sign of a captive Lavinia. Using the telepathic bond put in place by Tommen, she calls to the party and informs them of the news. Meanhwhile, Breca, Argent and Tommen have gathered together, again invisible, near the wall of the structure. Here they plot their next manouver and continue to heal their wounds. It is then that some unseen foe targets them with powerful dispelling magic that attempts to negate the numerous magical effects aiding them in battle. Argent’s ring of counterspells counters the attempt on him, but Breca loses a number of useful spells. They are unable to locate their assailant, and it seems to know where the are, so after tossing a few more spells at a couple of more shadow demons, and incurring another barrage of unholy blight effects, they teleport to join Yvy in Vanthus’s lair.
After a brief conference, they decide it is time to return to the Tempest to recover from battle before continuing to attempt to locate Lavinia. However, none of the party members are pleased about the number of shadow demons still lurking about outside, and all (other than Yvy) have suffered extensive pain from their unholy blight spells. Retribution is required.
Staying hidden in the doorway to Vanthus’s lair, Breca conjures one his most potent spells and rains flaming commets down into the caldera of the volcano far below. For a moment all that can be heard is the shrieking of the shadow demons darting about outside. Then there is a low rumble. The rumble builds, and suddenly a gargantuan draco- from surges up out of the lava. The draconic beast’s body bears more similarities to a wyvern than a true dragon, but it is much larger than any known wvyern, and its body seems to be formed of blazing magma. It circles around the volcano, bellowing with fury.
The party decides not to stick around to see what sort of havok the raging drake will unleash, so they teleport back to the Tempest and hastily make sail, hoping to put some distance between themselves and the island before settling down to rest.

P.H. Dungeon |

The Party:
Breca Angsparr: Cliff Dwarf, male, Cleric of Procan 12/Demonwrecker 5 (17)
Tommen Taskerhill: Human, male, Wizard 5/Loremaster 10/Fatespinner 2 (17)
Alanna: Human, female, Wizard 3/Cleric 3/Mystic Theurge 10
Yyv Sparks: Human, female, Sorcerer 7/Malconvoker 10 (17)
Argent: Air Gensai, Fighter/Swashbuckler/Wizard/Abjurant Champion/Eldritch Knight (17)
Game Session #37 Part #1: Back on board the Tempest all is not well. Breca finds Vex sulking at one end of the ship and Harliss chewing out crew members, as only she can, at the other. It seems that a nasty hezrou demon attacked the Tempest while the heroes were busy on the island, and it took the skills of Vex, Harliss and Jaheria to fight the thing off. Vex did most of the hard fighting and suffered a nasty bite wound as a result, which has ye t to heal. To make matters wore, hezrou haven’t been the only problem. The evil of the Abyss has begun to take its toll on the crew. Everyone has become more irritable than usual, and crew members are quick to argue and fight at the slightest provocation. This has already resulted in one nasty brawl that Vex was forced to break up. Unfortunately, they made the mistake of directing their anger towards the warrior elf and she gave four sailors a thorough thrashing with her orc flail. When she was done with them they were barely clinging to life and they have since been deposited in their hammocks below deck. Breca and Alannah use their healing magic to clean up the mess, and Breca promptly goes about concesecrating the Tempest in hopes that this will reduce the tension among the demoralized and hostile crew. With these tasks taken care of the party takes a much needed rest and makes plans for the continuation of their expedition.
Yvy decides that she needs a replacement for Kitty, and she feels that she is now experienced enough in her summoning skills that she is ready to attempt to call forth the most powerful fiend she has yet tried to bind- a mighty pit fiend. Browsing through one her most valuable and diabolical tomes, she discovers a name- Barbagg. According to her book Barbagg is a pit fiend from the eigth lair of the Nine Hells and an out of favour advisor of the Arch Duke, Mephistophocles. Several steps are taken before the summoning begins. Firstly, Yvy sends forth a message spell to the Barbagg, introducing herself and making offers of coin and the chance to gain glory and fame in the Blood War by combating the hordes of the Abyss in exchage for a brief period of serivce. Barbagg proves responsive to her overtures and agrees to come when called to negotiate possible terms of such an arrangement. To further help ensure her success, she contacts the mercanes and pays a hefty fee to have them deliver her a thoroughly despicable, death row criminal that could be used as a sacrifice during the binding ritual. With these tasks done, the only remaining step is to find a suitable location to scribe her calling diagram. It is decided that the Tempest is not the place for such endeavours, so Tommen sacrifices a potent scroll to conjure an extra dimensional manor, complete with a summoning chamber.
That night a great party is held aboard the Tempest, and the crew is allowed into the magnificant manor where they take part in a nine-course meal that lifts their bodies and spirits. Argent, Alanna, Vex and Harliss are left to monitor the crew while Yvy, Breca and Tommen take care of business in the summoning chamber. First, Yvy carefully traces the calling diagram and dimensional anchor with powdered silver. Next, she begins the ritual. After several minutes of chanting a blaze of fire erupts in the centre of the summoning circle; the smell of Brimstone washes over the room, and the form of menacing, flame wreathed pit fiend takes shape. It quickly surveys its surroundings and its eyes fix on Yvy. The sorceress maintains her composure, and begins the delicate negotiations. She is a shrewd and capable bargainer with a shrewd tongue, and intimate knowledge of the crafty ways of devils. She offers the fiend twenty thousand gold pieces in exhange for his service as an integral part of the bargain. When the agreement has been reached she sacrifices the captive tiefling obtained from the mercane. Barbagg watches on, his eyes gleaming with pleasure as she willingly commits ths dubious act with her friends watching on. However, in the end the fiend is bound to her service, and by default the service of the party as well.
After the diabolical ritual, Breca staggers out of the summoning chamber. The very presence of the devil makes his soul feel wretched and vile, and knowing that he took part in the summoning makes him feel even worse. Over and over again he tries to convince himself that the end justify the means, but uncertainty about his choice weighs heavy on his soul, and he locks himself away at his own private altar in the magical manor to pray and attempt to atone for the horrible deed.

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Game Session #37 part 2 (Dividend's Ire take 2)
The next day Tommen bonds the band’s minds with a telepathic link, and the heroes make sail back towards Dividend’s Ire. With their new, infernal ally in tow, Breca, Argent, Tommen and Yvy head back towards Orgosh’s realm to seek council with the lich. Allanah remains aboard the Tempest to help tend to the crew and defend the ship against any further threats, for they do not want a repeat of the incident with Vex and the hezrou. They keep their eyes altert for any signs of the great magma drake, but the creature seems to have disappeared, as they see no sign of the beast.
Shortly after their arrival back at Dividend’s Ire, the heroes pass through the domain of Seauraya, and they find the all traces of the archons have disappeared. In their place are several brutish, four armed blood fiends. The blood fiends hail the characters and seem to already know that they are the ones who destroyed Vanthus. They inform the adventurers that Orogosh is expecting them, and one of them leads them to an audience with the bullywug lich.
The undead in Orgosh’s realm are no longer lethargic, and they now move with hateful purpose. The heroes are certain that if it weren’t for Orgosh’s will the horrors would descend upon them. After somewhat of a wait, Orgosh makes his appearance. Tommen, who is under the influence of a true seeing spell, telepathically informs his companions that the lich that has appeared before them is actually a projected image and not the real thing. However it still seems quite capable of speaking to the party. The heroes explain that they have successfully defeated Vathus, but found no sign of Lavinia. Orgosh in turn informs them that he suspects he might know where she is. He goes on to tell them that one of the other powers in Dividend’s Ire is a marilith demon named Lilanth. She was once one of Demogorgon’s generals, and somewhere along the way, she displeased him enough that she was tortured and imprisoned in the dungeon. Since prison fell into anarchy, Lilanth has been attempting to assume control over the place, and she is now one of Orgosh’s more potent foes. The lich believes that she was attempting to coerce Vanthus into supporting her and that she may have kidknapped Lavinia to use as leverage. He informs them that her lair is in the section of the complex that is located on the opposite of the caldera, near to where they battled Vanthus. He also suggests that if they defeat Lilanth, he may be able to provide them with some useful information, on the condition that they leave the place to him to do with as he sees fit. Breca and company agree with the arrangement, and they set out to find Lavinia and Lilanth.
Argent is elected to do some scouting, and since Tommen has taken to using a telepathic bond on the heroes everyday, they are easily able to keep tabs. Argent turns invisible and transforms into a gaseous form. He then takes one of Breca’s silenced crossbow bolts and drifts under a crack in the great, green iron doors that leads into the next section of the prison. Unfortunately, as he enters he is again overcome with the overwhelming urge to stay in Dividend’s Ire. This urge intensifies as he passes through a grand hallway lined with beautifully carved statues of naked succubi bent in various lewd positions. He once again finds himself fantasizing about turning the place into his own personal pleasure den, and he wonders if Lavinia would be willing to serve as one of his harlots after she is rescued.
Despite his perverse distractions, Argent’s scouting mission is a success, and he eventually locates another sprawling, rectangular chamber. This one features a deep pit in the centre, which is filled with lava at the bottom. Several metal cages are suspended from the ceiling by chains, and dangle over top of the smoking lava pit. One of the cages holds a terribly battered and downtrodden Lavinia. Another holds an angry Ice Devil, and a third has a trumpet archon imprisioned in it. At the back end of the room is a large pool of water, surrounded by various rugs, pillows and vases. There a deadly marilith demon is enaged in ghastly acts of lust with a pair of frog-like hezrou demons. Several more hezrou guard the halls outside this room, presumably ready to come to the marilith’s aid should trouble arise.
Argent reports these details to the party via his telepathic bond, and they begin making plans. It is decided that Breca will use a stone shape spell to carve a hole through the exterior wall directly into the room. The dimensional lock effect present in the dungeon prevents demons from being able to teleport. Thus, Yvy plans to block the real entrance to the room with a pair of earth elementals; she hopes this will buy them time to deal with the marilith and her two guards, recscue Lavinia and get out before any reinforcements arrive.

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Dividend's Ire (The rescue of Lavinia)
The next day Tommen bonds the band’s minds with a telepathic link, and the heroes make sail back towards Dividend’s Ire. With their new, infernal ally in tow, Breca, Argent, Tommen and Yvy head back towards Orgosh’s realm to seek council with the lich. Allanah remains aboard the Tempest to help tend to the crew and defend the ship against any further threats, for they do not want a repeat of the incident with Vex and the hezrou. They keep their eyes alert for any signs of the great magma drake, but the creature seems to have disappeared, for they see no sign of the beast.
Shortly after their arrival back at Dividend’s Ire, the heroes pass through the domain of Seauraya, but they find the all traces of the archons have disappeared. In their place are several brutish, four armed blood fiends. The blood fiends hail the characters and seem to already know that they are the ones who destroyed Vanthus. They inform the adventurers that Orogosh is expecting them, and one of them leads them to an audience with the bullywug lich.
The undead in Orgosh’s realm are no longer lethargic, and they now move with hateful purpose. The heroes are certain that if it weren’t for Orgosh’s will the horrors would descend upon them. After somewhat of a wait, Orgosh makes his appearance. Tommen, who is under the influence of a true seeing spell, telepathically informs his companions that the lich that has appeared before them is actually a projected image and not the real thing. However it still seems quite capable of speaking to the party. The heroes explain that they have successfully defeated Vathus, but found no sign of Lavinia. Orgosh in turn informs them that he suspects he might know where she is. He goes on to tell that one of the other powers in Dividend’s Ire is a marilith demon named Lilanth. She was once one of Demogorgon’s generals, and somewhere along the way, she displeased him enough that she was tortured and imprisoned in the dungeon. Since the prison fell into anarchy, Lilanth has been attempting to assume control over the place, and she is now one of Orgosh’s more potent foes. The lich believes that she was attempting to coerce Vanthus into supporting her and that she may have kidnapped Lavinia to use as leverage in her negotiations. He informs them that her lair is in the section of the complex that is located on the opposite of the caldera, near to where they battled Vanthus. He also suggests that if they defeat Lilanth, he may be able to provide them with some useful information, on the condition that they leave the place to him to do with as he sees fit. Breca and company agree to the arrangement, and they set out to find Lavinia and Lilanth.
Argent is elected to do some scouting, and since Tommen has taken to using a telepathic bond on the heroes everyday, they are easily able to keep tabs on him. Argent turns invisible and transforms into a gaseous form. He then takes one of Breca’s silenced crossbow bolts and drifts under a crack in the great, green iron doors that leads into the next section of the prison. Unfortunately, as he enters he is again overcome with the overwhelming urge to stay in Dividend’s Ire. This urge intensifies as he passes through a grand hallway lined with beautifully carved statues of naked succubi bent in various lewd positions. He again finds himself fantasizing about turning the place into his own personal pleasure den, and he wonders if Lavinia would be willing to serve as one of his harlots after she is rescued.
Despite his perverse distractions, Argent’s scouting mission is a success, and he eventually locates another sprawling, rectangular chamber. This one features a deep pit in the centre, which is filled with lava at the bottom. Several metal cages are suspended from the ceiling by chains, and dangle over top of the smoking lava pit. One of the cages holds a terribly battered and downtrodden Lavinia. Another holds an angry Ice Devil, and a third has a trumpet archon imprisoned in it. At the back end of the room is a large pool of water, surrounded by various rugs, pillows and vases. There a deadly marilith demon is engaged in ghastly acts of lust with a pair of frog-like hezrou demons. Several more hezrou guard the halls outside this room, presumably ready to come to the marilith’s aid should trouble arise.
Argent reports these details to the party via his telepathic bond, and they begin making plans. It is decided that Breca will use a stone shape spell to carve a hole through the exterior wall directly into the room. The dimensional lock effect present in the dungeon prevents demons from being able to teleport. Thus, Yvy plans to block the real entrance to the room with a pair of earth elementals; she hopes this will buy them time to deal with the marilith and her two guards, rescue Lavinia and get out before any reinforcements arrive.
They set their plan into motion. Yvy summons a pair of massive earth elementals outside the building, where her summoning magic will actually work. She then sends them through the earth beneath the complex and up into the room above. This happens just as Breca carves a gaping hole through the three-foot thick stone wall. Breca, Tommen, Yvy and Barbagg fly through the gap, invisible but ready for battle. Argent, who is already waiting in the room, assumes material form high up in the shadows of the vaulted ceiling; he also remains concealed by his own invisibility spell. He prepares to fly down and try to break Lavinia out of her cage, while the rest of the party distracts Lilanth.
Lilanth is fast to react to the heroes’ arrival and is immediately hostile. She seems to see Breca and company just fine despite their invisibility spells, and she quickly blocks the hole with a blade barrier spell that carves into the adventures. Yvy is particularly injured by the blade barrier, and it nearly kills her. When the hezrou demons follow up with a pair of unholy blight spells the sorceress crumbles to the ground. Death washes over her, but it triggers a contingency revivify spells she had placed on herself, and she is brought back to life, though still horribly injured and unconscious. Breca is forced to abandon any offensive tactics and resort to a healing role. He drags Yvy’s body free of the blade barrier and then locates her cube of force. Barbagg begins by dispelling the blade barrier, while Tommen strikes at Lilanths and her minions with a devastating cacaphonic burst. Barbagg is then ordered to destroy the marilith, and the pit fiend takes up the challenge with glee. He flies down to the marilith and the two powerful fiends enter into a titanic melee. The marilith’s six arms and enchanted weapons fight with deadly skill and precision, but the pit fiend is no minor devil. His natural armour is tough as dragon hide, and highly resistant to her weaponry. Though she lands a few strikes, she causes the devil little true harm. With Breca’s demonwrecker aura active on Barbagg’s own weapons, the strikes that he lands prove deadly to the marilith, but she too is very well protected, and she easily parries and deflects the majority of his blows.
While this fight is taking place, Argent takes advantage of the distraction to swoop down to Lavinia’s cave. He uses a disintegrate spell to destroy the lock, and then hauls her wounded body to safety on the ground below.
The elementals also prove successful at fending off the hezrou demon reinforcements that are trying to get into the room to aid their mistress. The hezrous keep their distance, attempting to destroy the elementals with unholy blight spells. However, their magic is only somewhat effective against the neutrally aligned earth elementals, and they soak up several unholy blights before they even begin to feel their effects in a significant way.
Tommen hits hard again, and he blasts the marilith with one of his maximized, repeating orbs of acid. She howls in pain, as the magical acid burns through her. She then unleashes another blade barrier that cuts through Tommen; the wizard is badly wounded. Fortunately, by this time Breca has triggered the cube of force, and at least the dwarf and the sorceress are sheltered in its safety, thus avoiding damage from Lilanth’s second blade barrier. Breca then uses his most potent healing magic to bring Yvy back to her full health. Suddenly, Barbagg is attacked from behind by a sneaky babau assassin who lunges from the shadows with a nasty halberd. The pit fiend shrugs off the blow, and snatches the babau up with his serpentine tail. The tail constricts and begins to crush the life out of the foul demon. With Yvy revived, and both her and Breca in the safety of the cube of force, the heroes go on a full offensive, launching devastating combat spells at the demons, including a meteor swam from Barbagg. Lilanth finds herself unable to get off the ground to deal with her flying attackers, and has already sustained significant injuries; it isn’t long before she finally succumbs to the magical onslaught and collapses along with her hezrou minions. Barbagg then tears apart the babau assassin, who has been unable to escape his crushing tail.
With the battle over, magical healing is doled out, and Breca and Tommen fly to the hanging cages where they see about freeing the imprisoned archon. Argent carries Lavinia towards safety, and Barbagg keeps a keen eye alert for any additional foes. Yvy aids Barbagg in his task by casting a true seeing spell on him. Then the sorceress sends her elementals back beneath the earth, for the unholy blight spells they have been blasted with by the hezrou outside have taken finally started to add up. In their place she blocks the entrance with a wall of force.
Unfortunately, while Breca and Tommen are busy with the task of freeing Lavinia, the wall of force suddenly winks out. It is unclear exactly how this happens, for walls of force are immune to dispel magic effects. However, with the wall down, the hezrous storm forward, into the room, leading their assault with a bombardment of unholy blight spells. The spells blast Tommen and Breca, and deal death to the archon. Luckily, Argent had the foresight to get Lavinia away from the cages, and she is out of range of the vile magic.
Tommen’s foresight spell suddenly triggers, and the sixth sense provided by the spell tells him that there is danger very nearby. Whatever it is seems to have slipped past Barbagg’s watch. At any rate, by this time Barbagg has become preoccupied with the incoming hezrou, and he uses a hold monster effect to freeze a couple of the demons in place. Tommen shouts a telepathic warning to Breca that comes too late. Suddenly, a series of slash wounds open up on the dwarfs back, causing him dire pain. He is nearly dead, and his body starts drifting down towards the lava below. The effects of the fly spell keep it from plummeting. Yvy comes to his rescue, using a telekinesis spell to catch his body and start levitating it towards her cube of force. Tommen, now sees the attacker, it is a red skinned female demon. She is kelvezu, a type of demon specifically bred for stealth and assassination. They are deadly creatures, rightly feared for their incredible stealth, agility and deadly sneak attacks. She wields a scimitar in one hand and a sickle in the other; both weapons drip with Breca’s blood, and an evil grin crosses her face. Tommen is tempted to retreat, but he holds his ground, fearing that she will go to finish off Breca if he runs, though at this point he is unsure if the dwarf is even alive. Yvy does what she can to help Breca, while Argent and Barbagg battle against the hezrou. This leaves Tommen alone against the assassin. Tommen fires a deadly ray spell at her, but even though she is only a few feet away, she dexterously flies to the side and avoids it. She then lunges in with a flurry of her abyssal weapons as Tommen attempts to cast another spell. He is well protected with his own abjurations, but still sustains a couple of cuts. She looks a little annoyed that he is still alive, and with her next assault she activates a wraith strike spell. This time she lands a solid flurry of slashes that sends Tommen’s bloodied corpse plummeting towards the lava below. However, Argent was already making his way to help the mage, and he swoops down, catching Tommen’s body just in time.
At this point in the fight, the hezrous have either been incapacitated by Barbagg’s hold monster spells or are retreating. This leaves the heroes free to deal with kelvezu. However, she’s smart enough to realize that she has lost the element of surprise and is now well out numbered, so she makes a retreat, vanishing before the adventurers can retaliate. The heroes deal with the remaining hezrou and secure the chamber.
Barbagg is again set on watch duty, and the characters loot the corpse of the marilith and the babau assassin. They then prepare to return to the Tempest. This proves problematic because Argent refuses to leave, and no one else in the group has any magic to help break the enchantment. Thus, they decide to leave him behind until they can recover their spells and then come back for him. Though Argent is obsessed with the place, he’s not stupid, and realizes it is dangerous, so he too decides he wishes to rest for the night. He hides in the marilith’s pool, using his amulet of adaptation to prevent him from needing to breath. He also has Breca cover the pool with a magically created wall of stone that seals him inside the like a tomb.
Several hours pass, but eventually Argent’s friends return for him, and they free him from his entombment, break the enchantment afflicting him, and then return to again meet with Orgosh. The lich keeps his word, and tells them a story about the former resident of the place- Shami Amoure. It seems that the powerful succubus was a consort of Demogorgon, and she found out a way to manipulate the Prince of Demons. She used her power over him to vie for the title of Queen of Succubi, which was and still is held by Malcanthet. Somewhere along the way, Demogorgon grew wise to her tricks, and when he did, he was filled with terrible rage. Shami was tortured for several years, and finally when he was done with her Orgosh thought he would destroy her. However, instead Demogorgon imprisoned her in a place called the Wells of Darkness, which a remote and inaccessible layer of the Abyss. It is said that only the direct intervention of a deity could possibly free a being from the Wells of Darkness, and even the gods fear to take such action. Orgosh suspects because Demogorgon does not wish for anyone to learn the secrets she had learned about him. Killing her would have left the potential for her to be resurrected, and thus was not as guaranteed a means of keeping her quiet as the Wells of Darkness are.
Orgosh suggests that if they are going to try to stop Demogorgon, the secrets held by Shami Amoure could be most useful. However, getting those secrets may be terribly difficult. It is said that only a handful of beings have ever been freed from the Wells in the eons that they have existed for. However, if this is quest they wish to undertake, Orgosh suggests that they begin by meeting a succubi named Red Shroud on the Abyssal plane of Pazunia, in the town of Broken Reach. Orgosh claims that Red Shroud is the foremost scholar on Shami Amoure in existence.
The heroes are unsure of the motivations behind Orgosh’s aid, but he seems to have his reasons. They keep their end of the bargain, and after their conversation they leave Dividend’s Ire, teleporting back to the Tempest. The Tempest sets sail, and Breca activates the wake portal, transporting the ship from the Abyss back to the place waters near Scuttlecove on the material plane.

P.H. Dungeon |

Dividend's Ire (The conclusion, and the rescue of Lavinia)
They set their plan into motion. Yvy summons a pair of massive earth elementals outside the building, where her summoning magic will actually work. She then sends them through the earth beneath the complex and up into the room above. This happens just as Breca carves a gaping hole through the three-foot thick stone wall. Breca, Tommen, Yvy and Barbagg fly through the gap, invisible but ready for battle. Argent, who is already waiting in the room, assumes material form high up in the shadows of the vaulted ceiling; he also remains concealed by his own invisibility spell. He prepares to fly down and try to break Lavinia out of her cage, while the rest of the party distracts Lilanth.
Lilanth is fast to react to the heroes’ arrival and is immediately hostile. She seems to see Breca and company just fine despite their invisibility spells, and she quickly blocks the hole with a blade barrier spell that carves into the adventures. Yvy is particularly injured by the blade barrier, and it nearly kills her. When the hezrou demons follow up with a pair of unholy blight spells the sorceress crumbles to the ground. Death washes over her, but it triggers a contingency revivify spells she had placed on herself, and she is brought back to life, though still horribly injured and unconscious. Breca is forced to abandon any offensive tactics and resort to a healing role. He drags Yvy’s body free of the blade barrier and then locates her cube of force. Barbagg begins by dispelling the blade barrier, while Tommen strikes at Lilanths and her minions with a devastating cacaphonic burst. Barbagg is then ordered to destroy the marilith, and the pit fiend takes up the challenge with glee. He flies down to the marilith and the two powerful fiends enter into a titanic melee. The marilith’s six arms and enchanted weapons fight with deadly skill and precision, but the pit fiend is no minor devil. His natural armour is tough as dragon hide, and highly resistant to her weaponry. Though she lands a few strikes, she causes the devil little true harm. With Breca’s demonwrecker aura active on Barbagg’s own weapons, the strikes that he lands prove deadly to the marilith, but she too is very well protected, and she easily parries and deflects the majority of his blows.
While this fight is taking place, Argent takes advantage of the distraction to swoop down to Lavinia’s cave. He uses a disintegrate spell to destroy the lock, and then hauls her wounded body to safety on the ground below.
The elementals also prove successful at fending off the hezrou demon reinforcements that are trying to get into the room to aid their mistress. The hezrous keep their distance, attempting to destroy the elementals with unholy blight spells. However, their magic is only somewhat effective against the neutrally aligned earth elementals, and they soak up several unholy blights before they even begin to feel their effects in a significant way.
Tommen hits hard again, and he blasts the marilith with one of his maximized, repeating orbs of acid. She howls in pain, as the magical acid burns through her. She then unleashes another blade barrier that cuts through Tommen; the wizard is badly wounded. Fortunately, by this time Breca has triggered the cube of force, and at least the dwarf and the sorceress are sheltered in its safety, thus avoiding damage from Lilanth’s second blade barrier. Breca then uses his most potent healing magic to bring Yvy back to her full health. Suddenly, Barbagg is attacked from behind by a sneaky babau assassin who lunges from the shadows with a nasty halberd. The pit fiend shrugs off the blow, and snatches the babau up with his serpentine tail. The tail constricts and begins to crush the life out of the foul demon. With Yvy revived, and both her and Breca in the safety of the cube of force, the heroes go on a full offensive, launching devastating combat spells at the demons, including a meteor swam from Barbagg. Lilanth finds herself unable to get off the ground to deal with her flying attackers, and has already sustained significant injuries; it isn’t long before she finally succumbs to the magical onslaught and collapses along with her hezrou minions. Barbagg then tears apart the babau assassin, who has been unable to escape his crushing tail.
With the battle over, magical healing is doled out, and Breca and Tommen fly to the hanging cages where they see about freeing the imprisoned archon. Argent carries Lavinia towards safety, and Barbagg keeps a keen eye alert for any additional foes. Yvy aids Barbagg in his task by casting a true seeing spell on him. Then the sorceress sends her elementals back beneath the earth, for the unholy blight spells they have been blasted with by the hezrou outside have taken finally started to add up. In their place she blocks the entrance with a wall of force.
Unfortunately, while Breca and Tommen are busy with the task of freeing Lavinia, the wall of force suddenly winks out. It is unclear exactly how this happens, for walls of force are immune to dispel magic effects. However, with the wall down, the hezrous storm forward, into the room, leading their assault with a bombardment of unholy blight spells. The spells blast Tommen and Breca, and deal death to the archon. Luckily, Argent had the foresight to get Lavinia away from the cages, and she is out of range of the vile magic.
Tommen’s foresight spell suddenly triggers, and the sixth sense provided by the spell tells him that there is danger very nearby. Whatever it is seems to have slipped past Barbagg’s watch. At any rate, by this time Barbagg has become preoccupied with the incoming hezrou, and he uses a hold monster effect to freeze a couple of the demons in place. Tommen shouts a telepathic warning to Breca that comes too late. Suddenly, a series of slash wounds open up on the dwarfs back, causing him dire pain. He is nearly dead, and his body starts drifting down towards the lava below. The effects of the fly spell keep it from plummeting. Yvy comes to his rescue, using a telekinesis spell to catch his body and start levitating it towards her cube of force. Tommen, now sees the attacker, it is a red skinned female demon. She is kelvezu, a type of demon specifically bred for stealth and assassination. They are deadly creatures, rightly feared for their incredible stealth, agility and deadly sneak attacks. She wields a scimitar in one hand and a sickle in the other; both weapons drip with Breca’s blood, and an evil grin crosses her face. Tommen is tempted to retreat, but he holds his ground, fearing that she will go to finish off Breca if he runs, though at this point he is unsure if the dwarf is even alive. Yvy does what she can to help Breca, while Argent and Barbagg battle against the hezrou. This leaves Tommen alone against the assassin. Tommen fires a deadly ray spell at her, but even though she is only a few feet away, she dexterously flies to the side and avoids it. She then lunges in with a flurry of her abyssal weapons as Tommen attempts to cast another spell. He is well protected with his own abjurations, but still sustains a couple of cuts. She looks a little annoyed that he is still alive, and with her next assault she activates a wraith strike spell. This time she lands a solid flurry of slashes that sends Tommen’s bloodied corpse plummeting towards the lava below. However, Argent was already making his way to help the mage, and he swoops down, catching Tommen’s body just in time.
At this point in the fight, the hezrous have either been incapacitated by Barbagg’s hold monster spells or are retreating. This leaves the heroes free to deal with kelvezu. However, she’s smart enough to realize that she has lost the element of surprise and is now well out numbered, so she makes a retreat, vanishing before the adventurers can retaliate. The heroes deal with the remaining hezrou and secure the chamber.
Barbagg is again set on watch duty, and the characters loot the corpse of the marilith and the babau assassin. They then prepare to return to the Tempest. This proves problematic because Argent refuses to leave, and no one else in the group has any magic to help break the enchantment. Thus, they decide to leave him behind until they can recover their spells and then come back for him. Though Argent is obsessed with the place, he’s not stupid, and realizes it is dangerous, so he too decides he wishes to rest for the night. He hides in the marilith’s pool, using his amulet of adaptation to prevent him from needing to breath. He also has Breca cover the pool with a magically created wall of stone that seals him inside the like a tomb.
Several hours pass, but eventually Argent’s friends return for him, and they free him from his entombment, break the enchantment afflicting him, and then return to again meet with Orgosh. The lich keeps his word, and tells them a story about the former resident of the place- Shami Amoure. It seems that the powerful succubus was a consort of Demogorgon, and she found out a way to manipulate the Prince of Demons. She used her power over him to vie for the title of Queen of Succubi, which was and still is held by Malcanthet. Somewhere along the way, Demogorgon grew wise to her tricks, and when he did, he was filled with terrible rage. Shami was tortured for several years, and finally when he was done with her Orgosh thought he would destroy her. However, instead Demogorgon imprisoned her in a place called the Wells of Darkness, which a remote and inaccessible layer of the Abyss. It is said that only the direct intervention of a deity could possibly free a being from the Wells of Darkness, and even the gods fear to take such action. Orgosh suspects because Demogorgon does not wish for anyone to learn the secrets she had learned about him. Killing her would have left the potential for her to be resurrected, and thus was not as guaranteed a means of keeping her quiet as the Wells of Darkness are.
Orgosh suggests that if they are going to try to stop Demogorgon, the secrets held by Shami Amoure could be most useful. However, getting those secrets may be terribly difficult. It is said that only a handful of beings have ever been freed from the Wells in the eons that they have existed for. However, if this is quest they wish to undertake, Orgosh suggests that they begin by meeting a succubi named Red Shroud on the Abyssal plane of Pazunia, in the town of Broken Reach. Orgosh claims that Red Shroud is the foremost scholar on Shami Amoure in existence.
The heroes are unsure of the motivations behind Orgosh’s aid, but he seems to have his reasons. They keep their end of the bargain, and after their conversation they leave Dividend’s Ire, teleporting back to the Tempest. The Tempest sets sail, and Breca activates the wake portal, transporting the ship from the Abyss back to the place waters near Scuttlecove on the material plane.

P.H. Dungeon |

Yvy is a master summoner/malconvoker, and the pit fiend proved to be pretty darn useful. It is only bound for a few days, so it won't be around much longer. They will of course likely try to summon it again or summon another one. However, they spent a lot of gold to buy its services, so it hasn't been cheap. Furthermore, I plan to use it to begin corrupting various party members, so I look forward to that aspect.
One thing I had been wondering that came up- Yvy died, albiet very briefly, and I was trying to decide what happens to the binding if the caster dies. I think the fiend goes free, but given that an instant after she died, she was alive again, I decided he'd still be bound. I'm hoping for a longer death from Yvy, so that I can have the pit fiend free to wreak havoc.

Turin the Mad |

Yvy is a master summoner/malconvoker, and the pit fiend proved to be pretty darn useful. It is only bound for a few days, so it won't be around much longer. They will of course likely try to summon it again or summon another one. However, they spent a lot of gold to buy its services, so it hasn't been cheap. Furthermore, I plan to use it to begin corrupting various party members, so I look forward to that aspect.
One thing I had been wondering that came up- Yvy died, albiet very briefly, and I was trying to decide what happens to the binding if the caster dies. I think the fiend goes free, but given that an instant after she died, she was alive again, I decided he'd still be bound. I'm hoping for a longer death from Yvy, so that I can have the pit fiend free to wreak havoc.
One way to interpret this is the classic "even a brief moment of cessation of Will can be taken advantage of by any fiend" type of thing. Besides, it is a Pit Fiend - who is to say it doesn't take advantage of that brief moment of death to plant a 'hidey hole' or something analagous in her form for later possession or worse...
Being a Pit Fiend - maybe it permits her to believe she still has command despite her death breaking control, all the better to unravel her morals from within as commands a lawful evil fiend to perform various acts and services?

P.H. Dungeon |

Well we had some interesting developments with the fate of Yvy's soul in today's game session, as my next couple of journals will detail.
But first a letter from Captain Breca
To those I serve,
The mission to rescue Lavinia has been successful. We have explored a small portion of one of the layers of the Abyss, and located her in a degenerate prison of Demogorgon's. It took several days and much effort to free her, but we have been lucky and she is now recovering from the physical wounds of her experience, though I do not know if she will ever recover from the other horrors visited on her by Vanthus and the other denziens of that accursed place. Vanthus has been vanquished and his remains consumed in a fiery caldera.
The search for the shadow pearls and the mechanism for their activation continues, leading us further down into the politics of beings no ordinary mortal should contemplate. It seems we are to uncover some of the nature of Demogorgon by freeing a consort of his from a prison called the Wells of Darkness - information provided by a lich fighting for control of the Divided Ire prison. I cannot guess what motivations have lead to the lich sharing information that will lead us against his master, but then perhaps I have not found the clarity of insanity that seems to govern most creatures in that blasphemous plane.
I have considerable concerns about the sanity and the souls of my companions. Yvy has bound to service two devils, one a minor being, the other a considerable fiend. The rituals of bindng, which I have had to assist out of necessity, leave me sickened and only deep prayer and atonement have cleansed me of the taint of dealing with such beings. Yvy, on the other hand, seems to relish her ability to bargain with the devils, and I suspect the lure of power is affecting her. I am almost powerless to stop her gradual corruption, particularly with a telepathic pit fiend urging her on at every moment. I can only hope she recognizes the danger inherent in the path she follows - mortal power is not worth an eternity in the machineries of infernal torture.
Argent as well has been particularly susceptible to the influences in the Divided Ire, and twice we have had to use divine spells to free him of the lure of the place. The ghastly pleasures engaged in by the demons seem to have unhinged a portion of him, and I think his hedonistic nature has felt the call of unimagined pleasures offered by many demons in the Abyss. I do not know if our next source of information on Demogorgon, the succubi Red Shroud, will be the final straw, but I suspect that this mission will claim my companions in ways beyond their bodies. I devoutly pray for strength and follow daily purification rituals so that you know your servant in this matter remains uncorrupted.
Peace of the depths upon us all,
Breca Angspar

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Well we had some interesting developments with the fate of Yvy's soul in today's game session, as my next couple of journals will detail.
Wow, the plot thickens. I will be curious to see what comes of Yvy's soul. The Malconvoker as written in the Complete Scoundrel has tremendous role-playing potential, but I haven't really seen anyone delve into the long term consequences of willingly "bluffing" evil creatures as Malconvokers do. That said, I think binding a Pit Fiend to aid in the assault on a place like Demogorgon's realm is a smart move as it plays on the fiends natural inclination to seek glory in the blood war. Taking part (or by prearrangement credit) for the death of Demogorgon would be enough to promote virtually any Pit Fiend to the rank of Duke at minimum or lord of nine on the high end depending on how Asmodeus took the whole thing.
I really love reading your journal PH Dungeon. Since Steve Greer and James Jacobs respective journals stopped, you and Guy's journal on Tristan Lidu have been among the best journal reads on this site along with Turin's and Allen's various campaigns. Can't wait to hear what corruption is occuring to the souls of Breca's crew.

P.H. Dungeon |

Game Session #38 part 1 (The Wells of Darkness)
The Party:
Breca Angsparr: Cliff Dwarf, male, Cleric of Procan 13/Demonwrecker 5 (18)
Tommen Taskerhill: Human, male, Wizard 5/Loremaster 10/Fatespinner 2 (17)
Alanna: Human, female, Wizard /Cleric /Mystic Theurge (17)
Yyv Sparks: Human, female, Sorcerer 7/Malconvoker 10 (17)
Argent: Air Gensai, Fighter/Swashbuckler/Wizard/Abjurant Champion/Eldritch Knight (17)
Barbagg: Yvy's bound pit fiend servant.
Back on the material plane the party takes care of some quick business before returning to the Abyss. Tommen is resurrected. They again meet with the mercanes and manage to sell off the magical weapons they took from the marilith, and the babau assassin. They also purchase a portal key that will allow them to plane shift to the Pazunia, and another that will take them back to the material plane. In addition, a few other minor items are bought, and some pricey spell components restocked. Argent wishes to take some more time to relax and engage in some studies and womanizing, but Breca urges the party to move quickly, as he fears the Savage Tide is rapidly approaching, and both he and Yvy wish to take full advantages of Barbagg’s service.
Lavinia is brought back to Sasserine where she can begin to recover from her ordeal. She is highly grateful to the heroes, but has little she can offer them for her rescue. Allanah again chooses to stay behind, and she makes herself busy in the city of Greyhawk researching her enemies and looking for a means of preventing the Savage Tide. Whether her studies will bear fruit remains to be seen.
A few days later the band is ready for their second major expedition into the Abyss, and Breca, who has grown weary of the constant duties of leadership, transports the party to Pazunia with a plane shift spell. The goal is get to the town of Broken Reach and secure an audience with Red Shroud, so that they might learn more about the succubi, Shami Amoure, in hopes that they can somehow wrest from her whatever secrets she knows about Demogorgon. When they arrive, they find themselves standing on the top of a high rocky plateau overlooking a deep chasm. The landscape is barren and rocky. Endless planes stretch out around them, but great jagged and craggy tors burst up out of the plains, disrupting their flatness at every opportunity. The sky is red and hazy, and a blazing orange sun bakes the land, making it dreadfully hot. Across the bottomless chasm and far below, they can see garish iron fortress crouching on the edge of the pit. Beside the fortress, a flock of vrocks makes itself busy herding a pack of manes off the edge of the pit, sending the wretched fiends tumbling down into unending darkness one after the other.
Breca decides to let the other party members decide how to proceed, but after Tommen is unable to get his bearings, the best idea they can come up with is going down to the fortress to ask for directions. Seeing that things are going nowhere, Breca casts a windwalk and find the path spell, and then the adventures speed toward their destination.
They are soon hovering over the town of Broken Reach, and can see that most of the buildings emerge at varying levels from the crags that the town is built among. However, in the centre of town is relatively flat area that is interrupted only by a single tor of stone. On top of the tor is a small palace of red and white stone. It overlooks a seething market place, filled with stalls and tarps. All manner of fiendish merchants and prospective customers do business in the bustling market. The heroes decide to browse the market and ask around about Red Shroud, but before doing so they send Barbagg to a nearby plateau where they had previously spotted a horde of Manes. They give Barbagg full leave to take out his frustrations on the manes, but with their telepathic bond joining his infernal mind with their own, and his ability to teleport, he remains at their call should they need him.
Barbagg eagerly flies off, while the heroes materialize in the market. They assume magical disguises appropriate to the Abyss, and Yvy quickly locates a mercane merchant. She buys some info from him, and learns that Red Shroud is the ruler of the town, and can be found in her palace on the tor just above them. He mentions that she will often part with information for a price, and that she has a love for exotic poisons and gifts of such can serve to help one ingratiate one’s self to her. With this in mind, Yvy rendezvous with Barbagg outside of town. The fiend is covered with gore from his afternoon of slaughtering manes and seems to be in a good mood. Thus, for an additional fee, Yvy convinces Barbagg to sell her a small sample of his natural and deadly poison. The pit fiend then happily returns to his fun.
With their gift ready, the party plods up the winding causeway to the mighty palace gates. Standing before the doors, is a slathering nalfeshnee demon. The massive creature towers above them, and looks like an unholy combination of a gorilla and a boar with a pair of small feathered wings sprouting from its back. It glares down at the mortals, vile drool dripping from its tusked mouth. He telepathically demands to know what business brings them to the palace of Red Shroud, and he makes it clear that he can see through their magical disguises. Yvy does most of the talking, and is quick to point out the gift that they have brought the succubus. The nalfeshnee approves, and after telepathically communing with his mistress, he informs them that she will grant them an audience if they agree to her terms. Her terms require any who enter her palace to remove all their gear, and to dispel any active magic upon them. He ensures them that Red Shroud will know if they come in with any spells upon their person, and that she will not take kindly to those who have violated her terms. Yvy and Tommen bravely agree to do as required, but Argent and Breca choose to remain outside and guard their gear. Tommen dismisses the telepathic bond, and all other spells active on his person, and he removes his gear, so that he is only wearing a pair of mundane trousers. Yvy takes similar measures, though she is slightly more clothed when all is said and done. The great doors to the palace swing open, and the pair take tenacious steps into Red Shroud’s throne room.
The doors shut behind them with an ominous boom. Before them stretches a long pathway of smooth, blood red glass. Intricately sculpted iron braziers flank the path, and their flickering light reflects off the red glass in a creating disturbing patterns. The path leads to the opposite end of the room, ending in a great dais. Stone steps lead to a throne that sits upon it. The remainder of the chamber has a floor that is tiled with huge hexagonal tiles of veined marble. Slender, serpentine columns, thread their way up to a high domed ceiling that sparkles with gold. However, all of this opulence cannot distract the pair from the true focal point of the throne room- the gorgeous succubus lounging on her throne, flanked by four vulgar hezrou demons.
Slowly, and with as much respect and as they can muster, Yvy and Tommen walk up the glass path toward the throne. As they get closer, they see that Red Shroud is an appropriate name, for she has long, straight, glistening, crimson hair. Her skin has a golden hue, and a pair of tiny, polished horns protrude from her forehead. Her body is a work of exquisite, erotic beauty, scantily clad in a shroud of red, threaded with gold that is made from the finest Shendilavrian silks. A pair of bat like wings rise from her back, making her demonic nature plain to all. In her supple hand she idly tosses a ball of iron bands, and that repetitive motion, combined with the bored look on her face, makes her disposition clear.
Yvy and Tommen bow before the sucubbus and wait for her to speak. She soon has them lift their heads, and Tommen finally gets to take in her beauty from close up. He finds himself horrified by the overwhelming carnal impulses that surge through him as he gazes upon her, and he wishes he had a set of loose fitting robes on, for his pants are suddenly feeling overly tight. Even Yvy finds herself feeling unusually randy, but at the same time a little plain and dumpy, despite being a great beauty in her own right.
Yvy is quick to offer the pit fiend poison as a gift, and Red Shroud calls upon a halfing-like servant with sharply pointed ears and fiery orange hair to bring her the gift. He bursts out of the shadows from behind her throne and tumbles across the floor to Yvy. He then snatches the vial from her hand with a grin, and glides up to his mistress. Red Shroud appraises the poison, and seems impressed by its quality and freshness. She accepts the offering with a seductive smile and negotiations begin.
The information doesn’t come cheap, but when all is said and done they have a portal key to the Wells of Darkness, and some information regarding the 73rd layer of the Abyss, as well as some rumors regarding a fortress on the plane known as Overlook, which may house clues or possibly even a means of freeing Shami from her prison.
When Tommen and Yvy come out of the throne room, they are pleased with the success of their negotiations, though Tommen, who is normally quite reserved, makes a few rather lewd comments to Argent regarding Red Shroud.
Next the heroes seek out an Inn where they can rest and ready themselves for their journey to the Wells of Darkness. The place they find is stone structure carved in the cliff face of a crag. Their room has a sturdy door that is all but useless in the Abyss. Barbagg is set to stand in the centre of the room as a watch. However, Argent requires only a couple of hours rest, so he spends most of his time keeping an eye on the pit fiend, which he does not trust, despite Yvy’s assurances of the strength of her binding. That night a trio of succubi appears in the room, but as soon as they see Barbagg’s hulking, infernal form they teleport away, much to Argent’s disappointment. He reprimands Barbagg for scaring away the ladies, and he pouts on his bed while Barbagg glares at him, huffing brimstone and dripping poison. The pit fiend telepathically details to the air gensaii the method by which he will one day flay his flesh from his body, but Argent merely scoffs at the threats and admires the flickers of lightning that continually streak across the blade of his sickle.
The next day the adventurers transport themselves to the 73rd layer of the Abyss- the Wells of Darkness where they hope to converse with Shami Amoure.

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Game Session #38 part 2 (The Wells of Darkness)
The next day the adventurers transport themselves to the 73rd layer of the Abyss- the Wells of Darkness where they hope to converse with Shami Amoure.
They find themselves standing in the bottom of deep shaft, about fifty feet across. They stand on top of a circle of inky blackness that shudders like gelatin. Trapped beneath the surface, is the outline of a scorpion-like demon lord. Its form is difficult to make out, and it seems to have no awareness of the adventurers standing over top of it. Tommen sets about examining the form of the creature, and he recalls some half forgotten bit of demonic trivia about a demon-lord of scorpions that once opposed Obox-Ob, the demon-lord of vermin. It seems that Obox-Ob won the conflict.
The heroes quickly fly up out of the pit, and they are finally able to take in their first view of the 73rd layer of the Abyss. It is a small layer, probably only a few miles in diameter. The landscape is made entirely of jagged rocky crags, and the sky is continually night, lit only by a blue moon that bathes the land in pale light. It is a cold place and banks of dense fog hang in the low valleys. The most prominent feature of the layer is the white stone path that seems to wind its way through the broken, jagged hills. It is said, that the path leads to all the different wells in the layer, and the bottom of each well is a pool of blackness that imprisons a powerful entity. In the entire history of the Abyss, only a small handful of creatures have ever been freed from the Wells of Darkness.
In addition, to the marble path, the heroes can make out the form of a crumbling stone fortress standing on top of the highest hill top. According to Red Shroud the fortress is called Overlook. It was built ages ago by the followers of the demon lord Ahazu, who was the demon-lord of night and abduction. Ahazu “the seizer” was believed to have been the creator of the wells in the layer, and the one who first began imprisoning fiends within them. Legends state that ages ago, he made the mistake of trying to imprison Orcus in one of the wells. His attempt failed and Orcus marched his legions against Ahazu. It is unclear what happened to Ahazu after this, but at some point he disappeared. Centuries later the Fraternity of Order, an organization from the material plane, led by Ulricon the necromancer, discovered the layer. They took up the fortress as their base for exploring the wells and attempting to learn their secrets. Ulricon and his followers are now thought to be long gone, though some say they still haunt the place in the form of wraiths and specters. Finally, it is thought the within the fortress there is a map of the layer, showing the names of all those imprisoned in the wells and possibly even a means of controlling the layer.
Tommen encourages the party to head for Overlook, but warns that he has heard that those who stray from the stone path will incur the wrath of the Abyss itself. Unfortunately, there is no path leading to Overlook. The companions do their best to stay on the path, flying just a few inches above its stone surface. However, it seems that the layer is not entirely without inhabitants, and as they proceed they suddenly find themselves victims of a deadly ambush.
Their attackers leap down from the rocky crags. Two land silently on the path in front of them. The creatures are gaunt giants, with pale dead skin, and bodies completely devoid of hair. They are obviously undead, and Tommen and Breca recognize them as giant bodaks- undead capable of killing with only a gaze. Unfortunately, by the time the heroes realize the nature of the horrors they face, they are already looking upon them.
Argent is spared by his death-warding shield, which saves him from the gaze of one of the bodaks. Breca’s enchanted deathward ring protects him, but Tommen and Yvy have no such aid. Fortunately, they both have strong wills, and though they feel their souls being tugged from their bodies, they refuse to let go and cling to life.
Suddenly, they hear a thudding sound behind them. They spin around in time to see Barbagg fall backwards and land prone on the path. The pit fiend is dead! Yet another bodak stands ready to start slaying party members. Seeing their pit fiend fall shatters the moral of the adventures, and they immediately teleport to Overlook, not wanting to face terrors that can slay a pit fiend with a single glance. Only Argent protests, as he seems to be itching for a fight.
An instant later they find themselves standing outside the great round tower that is the fortress’s most prominent feature. There is no sign of any danger about, but they hardly feel safe. Tommen summons forth magical, prying eyes that he sends into Overlook through the various holes and rents in the battered walls. The place certainly looks like it has been through a siege, which lends some weight to the stories about Orcus and his legions attacking the structure. Eventually, the prying eyes return to report. They show Tommen that the interior section of the fortress is deserted other than piles of rubble and guano that litter the floor. The ceiling has collapsed in the main halls, leaving them exposed to the elements. The round tower, which is by far the most intact area of the fortress, proves more interesting. On the floor of the tower is built a large, circular, stone disk. Etched into the disk is a map of the Wells of Darkness, showing the location of all the Wells, along with a symbol. Tommen believes the symbols are to indicate the name of the individual imprisoned in each well. He sets Zamboza (his monkey familiar) to work sketching out the map onto paper based on the images projected by the prying eyes.
Argent, who has grown thoroughly bored with watching a monkey drawing pictures, decides to fly up and investigate the tower. He finds a hole in the upper wall that he can squeeze through, and he attempts to enter. However, he instantly finds himself victim of a nasty forbiddance effect that causes him excruciating pain. He is unable to proceed, and he returns to the party, coughing up blood and bile. This dissuades the heroes from attempting further investigations of the tower. However, with the help of Zamboza’s map they are able to pin point the location of Shami Amore’s well. Tommen also notes, that where Overlooks should be on the map is the icon of Ahazu, and he suspects that the circular disk may, in fact, be a lid of sorts for yet another well- a well that may hold Ahazu himself.
After brief discussion, the adventures decide that their next order of business shall be to investigate the well of Shami Amore.

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Game Session #38 part 3 (A visit to Shami-Amore's well)
The Party:
Breca Angsparr: Cliff Dwarf, male, Cleric of Procan 13/Demonwrecker 5 (18)
Tommen Taskerhill: Human, male, Wizard 5/Loremaster 10/Fatespinner 2 (17)
Alanna: Human, female, Wizard /Cleric /Mystic Theurge (17)
Yyv Sparks: Human, female, Sorcerer 7/Malconvoker 10 (17)
Argent: Air Gensai, Fighter/Swashbuckler/Wizard/Abjurant Champion/Eldritch Knight (17)
Once again they follow the marble path, this time using a windwalk spell to make them insubstantial and lend speed to their journey. They arrive at the edge of Shami’s well without incident, where they materialize into their tangible forms. Looking down into the well, they find their view completely obstructed. A veritable jungle of strange foliage is growing up from the bottom of the shaft, and it is dense enough to block all sight down into the pit. The vegetation most closely resembles bamboo shoots from the material plane, but it is certainly something different. The rank stench of urine and wet fur wafts up out of the canopy, accompanied by savage shrieks and howls. The foliage sways back and forth, suggesting movement somewhere beneath the canopy.
Tommen casts a detect thoughts divination, and quickly determines that there are four nearly sentient minds down below; their thoughts are consumed by primal lust and rage. Argent volunteers to investigate, and he boldly flies down into the well. It is about a thirty-foot drop before the canopy begins. For most folk the canopy and thick foliage would make movement very difficult; however, Argent’s enchanted ring allows him to glide through among the tangled vines and stalks with ease. It isn’t long before he spots the source of the ruckus. A pair of nasty, four-armed, gorallons dangle among the branches, snarling and clawing at one another. They are much larger than the ones found on the material plane, and probably only loosely related to those creatures. It is also clear to Argent that there are more further down the well, even though the greenery blocks his view.
He decides to fly back up, and as he goes, he pulls out his wand of fire balls and detonates a fiery explosion below. The howls intensify, and the rest of the party readies their own attacks. Yvy begins summoning, while Tommen conjures a cloud of corrosive fog into the well and Breca brings forth a cloud of scalding steam. Down below the beasts continue to howl with agony, and soon they come clambering up the walls of the shaft with incredible speed, desperately seeking escape from the deadly magic.
Yvy tries to block their exit with a pair of bone devils, but two is hardly enough, for the shaft is wide, and there are four of the enormous apes. The gorralons hardly even slow down. They hurry past, and scramble out of the well; the bone devils claw at the one coming over the lip nearest to the party, but it seems not to notice the gashes being torn in its back.
Yvy and Tommen take shelter in Yvy’s cube of force, while Argent and Breca fly up into the sky.
Breca keeps a safe distance, and summons forth a pair of huge earth elementals that rival the gorallons in size. He uses them to block the path to Yvy and Tommen, for he is confident that even the cube for force would not stand up long to the beating the furious apes are ready to hand out. He then begins using his crossbow to drive bolts into the critters from a safe distance. Yvy and Tommen keep busy by launching their own offensive magic. Tommen continues to make use of his orbs of acid, causing his enemies great suffering. He hits one in the face and melts its head to goo (a crit with a maximized orb, for 180 damage). Argent takes a much bolder approach, and he engages a pair of them in in melee.. He slashes away with his sickle, and the animated longswords from his steel-dance spell, cutting into the apes and spurring on their anger. They begin swiping at him with their hulking arms, and though Argent is well protected and able to dodge out of the way of some of the attacks, several blows connect. The strength behind them rattles his bones and insides, despite the protection afforded by his magic. He does his best to fight on, but soon a blow shatters a collarbone, and he can barely swing his weapon. Ribs crack, and then a lung is punctured. He feels his throat filling with blood, and he lets his body drift to the ground. Argent struggles to stay conscious, and just as he’s about to go out, his indomitability spell triggers and repairs some of the damage. He then lays still, trying to play possum, for he knows that a couple of more hits from his foes will finish him.
Luckily, the tactic works. The apes turn their attention on the bone devils, and Breca sends his earth elementals to aid the fight, which further distracts them from Argent. Tommen and Yvy keep hammering the surviving apes with spells, while Breca launches more bolts from his crossbow. Finally, the remaining gorallons fall, and Breca hurries to Argent’s side and heals the foolhardy gensaii. The battle has been won, and four huge gorallon corpses now lay strewn about the edge of the well.
The adventures again approach the edge of the well, and Tommen and Breca dismiss the clouds of scalding steam and acidic fog. The spells have done their work and the vegetation has been all but destroyed. Smoke and other noxious vapors still linger in the air, which prohibits a clear view to the bottom of the well. Yvy sends the bone devils down to scout. Only one returns, and informs his mistress that there is a gargantuan arachnid lurking at the bottom, a being capable of shooting rays of magic from its eyes. From the sounds of the description Demogorgon has a retriever construct guarding Shami-Amore’s prison.
Breca decides to handle the bulk of the matter, and he begins casting his most potent summoning spell. From the depths of the earth he calls upon a towering elemental monolith. The great titan of stone and earth emerges from the side of the shaft at the bottom of the well. The ground quakes, and the thundering sound of crumbling stone bellows across the Abyss’s 73rd layer. The monolith is easily as big as the retriever. In addition, he sends down the pair of elementals that he had previously summoned. The monolith faces off against the retriever, and pummels it with the geological force. The spider fights back, scathing the monolith with its terrible scythe-like arms. The heroes contribute a few spells of their own into the fray, but leave most of the work to Breca’s monolith and elementals. The clash between the titans only last a few seconds, but at the end, it is the monolith that proves to be the victor. The retriever crumbles to the ground, a massive pile of shattered wreckage.
With the final guardian of the well defeated the adventures move down to investigate. At the bottom they find another pool of inky blackness. In this one they can see a form of a luscious succubi trapped beneath. Presumably the creature is Shami-Amore, but she shows no signs of being able to sense the presence of the heroes above her. They make a few feeble attempts to communicate with the woman but have no success. They conclude that in order to free the fiend they will need to return to Overlook and more closely investigate the tower and the well of Ahazu.
It is decided that more preparations must be made before this event takes place, and they plane shift back to the material plane.

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Yeah a gargantuan earth elemental, two huge earth elementals, and gargantuan retriever all pounding away at one another in the bottom of Shami's well was quite a spectacle. It felt like a scene out of a godzilla movie. The PCs pretty much sat back and watched the show. Too bad there aren't any minis to actually do it properly with. Oh well, our imaginations aren't broke.

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Game Session #38 (The conclusion)
Back on the material plane the heroes ready themselves to return to Overlook. Tommen teleports to Greyhawk, to engage in arcane studies and expand his spell repetoir, as well as see how Alannah has been doing with her own research. His goal is to master a few very potent spells that he has been studying. One of which is Mordenkeinan’s Disjunction, and with this powerful spell at his disposal he hopes to be able to remove the forbiddance effect from Overlook’s tower.
Argent also travels to his own magical school, the Greymalkin academy in Gradsul, where he too puts himself to work expanding his own spell book. He also has Breca do him the favor of transporting his three gensai servants/harlots from Vessarin to Gradsul. He has been missing his tavern, the Parrot Docks, for some time, but Breca has forbade all party members from visiting Vessarin, for fear of bringing the wrath of Demogorgon down on the settlement. Having the beautiful gensai bar wenches with him at the Greymalkin academy at least helps to relieve some of the stress his adventures have burdened him with, though they do cause him some distraction from his studies.
For their part, Breca and Yvy stay near Scuttlecove. Yvy consults her tome, The Vital Pact, searching for replacement for Babagg. There is only one other pit fiend named in the book. This fiend is named Antharax. Unfortunately, Antharax is not as well suited to her purposes as was Barbagg. Barbagg was an out of favor Bloodwar general in the service of Mephistophocles, as such giving him the opportunity to earn glory by battling the minions of the Prince of Demons provided him with an excellent opportunity to try to regain favor in the eyes of his liege.
Antharax is different breed of pit fiend. According to the vital pact, he hails from the sixth layer of Bator, and is a servant of Mammon. Mammon is an arch devil obsessed with wealth and material gain. He has many mortal followers, and is one of the arch devils most obsessed with harvesting mortal souls by corrupting them with wealth and greed. Antharax, serves Mammon in this task, by acting as a soul harvester. It is said that he deals with the highest ranking members of Mammon’s material plane cult and helps them to corrupt more and more souls to later be harvested by the devils. Antharax will prove to be more insidious than Barbagg, but Yvy figures he may still suit her purposes.
She contacts Antharax with a sending spell, and informs him that she can provide him with great wealth (20 000gp) if he will serve her in her mission to the Abyss. Antharax, is a greedy fiend, and much less eager to negotiate with Yvy than Barbagg was. He sets his price high, asking for double the wealth that Yvy has promised him. Unfortunately, Yvy doesn’t have the money to meet Antharax’s demands. She asks if there is anything else she can offer instead of wealth. The only other currency of interest to the fiend is souls. He claims that he will take her offer of twenty thousand gold if she makes up the difference of his fee by providing him with thirteen souls. Yvy realizes that she is walking on the edge of razor, and her own soul is at stake. However, in the end she concludes that her soul was probably forfeited the lords of the nine long ago. She agrees to Antharax’s terms, and a dark shadow weighs upon her heart.
Yvy sets about preparing for the calling. She ventures into Scuttlecove searching for potential souls to sacrifice. The people of Scuttlecove tend to be a more chaotic in nature than what the Nine Hells prefers, but after some effort, she manages to recruit some thirteen lost souls of a slightly more lawful bent with nothing to loose (so they think). They are taken in by the promises of the seductive sorceress. She invites them to a party she is hosting, and promises it will conclude with a chance for them to witness her magic.
Yvy again has Tommen create a Mordenkeinan’s mansion on the Tempest, which is docked in Scuttlecove harbor, but this time she has it shaped to better fit the sort of party she is hosting. This time only Yvy is involved in calling. On a dark, stormy evening her guests board the Tempest and step through the door to the cabin. To their disbelief they find a sprawling ballroom stretched out before them, complete with a succulent feast served by unseen servants. The cultists eat and drink their fill. Then Yvy begins leading them in a series of dark ritual songs and chants that will help to prepare their souls for sacrifice. Once these steps have taken place, she takes them into the summoning chamber, where she has prepared her magic circle. She checks the circle for flaws. She looks over her lambs, and a feeling of dread overtakes her soul as she contemplates what she must do. For a moment she considers calling off the ritual, but in the end she finds the strength. She tells herself over and over that it is all for the greater good, and that these few sacrifices will be a small price to pay if Antharax can provide her with the edge she needs to foil Demogorgon’s cataclysmic plans.
She begins the calling ritual, and as it reaches its climax there is a flash of fire in the circle, and the flame wreathed form of the pit fiend coalesces before the gathered mortals. The cultists gasp in horror and fear, unprepared for the sight of the most powerful form of devil known. Antharax locks eyes with Yvy and she can feel his honeyed voice in her head. He tests her circle for flaws, but the calling diagram is secure, and he is trapped. The final negotiations begin, and Antharax does what he can to forge a contract that will take advantage of the sorceress, and leave him opportunities to exploit her instructions to suit his own agenda. Yet, Yvy is no novice when it comes to dealing with devils. Her entire existence has been dedicated to the study of these fiends, and she knows all their tricks; few mortals are more suited to bargaining with them than she. She gives the fiend no quarter, and in the end, Antharax is forced to make many alterations to his contract, much to his consternation.
With the negotiations over, the time has come to seal the bargain. Yvy takes a glance back towards her minions. She sees them quaking with fear, heads bowed low, afraid to even look upon the horror that is the pit fiend. Antharax nods, signaling for her to make the sacrifice. She swallows down a sudden urge to vomit. Tense seconds pass. She does nothing. She hears the fiend in her head, coaxing her along.
“Remember milady, it is all for the greater good. If the tide of chaos is to be stemmed you will need my aid. You have the strength. Show me.”
More time passes, and still she does nothing. The voice continues to echo in her mind
“Do it now milady. We need these souls to help us in the Bloodwar. Souls such as these form the base of our legions, and those legions are the only thing holding back the hordes of the Abyss, the only thing maintaining order in the multiverse. Fear not, these souls will be put to good use.”
“Enough fiend. I know full well what will happen to these souls, and I know full well the suffering they will endure”
“Still milady, it is for the greater good, and you have already agreed to my terms. You must uphold your end of the bargain. If you can’t do this how will you possibly overcome the trials that you will face before your quest is done. Find the strength; you have it in you.”
She again swallows down her own bile. Then she begins chanting a spell, and suddenly her eyes flare and a infernal scream exits her mouth as she spins around to face her terrified followers. Bolts of deadly magical lightning streak from her fingers. They blast the cultists, branching off from one to the next. The screams of the dying fill the air, merging with the smell of ozone and the stench of seared flesh. Yvy stares on in horror, and time seems to slow down as she watches one cultist after another fall dead to the floor. Antharax watches on from inside the magic circle, a diabolical grin stretches across his monstrous face.

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Unfortunately we aren't gaming today, so this journal will be pretty quiet this coming week, though I do have really good in character journal entry written by Yvy's character that I still need to post. Next weekend I hope that we can wrap up WoD. Enemies of my Enemy might be my favourite adventure of the AP, so I'm really looking forward to running that one in the next couple of weeks. We hope to finish the campaign by the end of June or early July.

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This is an in character journal entry written by Yvy's player, regarding her recent sacrifice of some 13 mortals in order to bind pit fiend to aid the party.
From The Fiendish Trials of Yvy Sparks
The afternoon aboard Captain Breca's vessel passes slowly beneath an
unnervingly calm sky. An uneasy pall of unrest washes over the crew
and the quiet becomes unbearable. For many hours the members of the
party distract themselves from the one dreadful thought lurking
within their minds: "What is happening below decks?".
At long last, the silence is broken by light footsteps tottering
unsteadily across the deck. Captain Breca is met with a grim sight -
Yvy's trembling form lurching slowly toward him. Her ordinarily serene
face is a pale, shattered mask of horror, sallow as a corpse, damp
locks of sweat-drenched hair twined like ivy across her sunken eyes.
Her dark lips quiver and glassy eyes stare into space as she stumbles
to the side of the boat and steadies herself.
With a a grotesque spasm, she doubles over and vomits into the sea,
her whole body shuddering and heaving. When the last dregs of her
stomach are spent, she struggles to her feet, coughing and gasping and
turns slowly to meet Breca's eyes. In a voice gravelly heavy with
regret she murmurs:
"Captain, I must speak with you in private..."
Before her eyes flutter and body falls limp to the deck.
Later (presumably in the captain's quarters)
That evening Breca learns of the dreadful thing that has happened
aboard his ship. 13 bodies lay hidden within the magnificent mansion,
the door to which Yvy has sealed with a note forbidding anyone to
After informing the captain of her misdeeds, Yvy is silent for some
time before raising her head. In doing, a subtle illusion melts from
her visage, revealing concealed facets of her appearance. Her chestnut
hair is in fact lustrous black, her eyes blaze orange as if brimming
with fire, and although comely, her face bears a disturbing hint of
inhuman heritage. Wiith a hoarse, strained whisper she speaks:
"About me you must know this. I am a child of the Nine Hells. My
father, a half-fiend sorcerer took as his wife a mortal, my mother. He
begat from her eight sons and me, his only daughter and greatest
disappointment. It was my mother that sent me hence from that plane
that I might escape his wrath and bloodline, but it seems as though it
has caught up with me. My blood has always been thick with fiendish,
arcane power. Power that frightened me, intimidated me. I sought to
reject it, to conceal it until I discovered... This."
Reaching into the folds of her dress, Yvy withdraws a thin folio bound
in scaly flesh.
"The vital pact. The source of my ways and conduct, the ray of hope
that wicked powers might be bent to just ends.
But I fear I have allowed myself to be led astray. Perhaps my father's
bloodline, perhaps my own blurred judgement has led me to the awful
place upon which I stand, corrupt and damned as I am. I have spent so
much of my life dedicated to turning evil upon itself, but this time I
have gone too far. The price was too high, and I fear without your
help nothing will stop my backslide into evil. My resolve to vanquish
evil remains, but what will come of it if I become what I behold and
merely replace that which I have fought so hard to destroy?
I still burn with the desire to foil Demo-Gorgon's plot but I have
made vile mistakes. Please, tell me it is not too late for me. Tell me
that I can return to the path and fulfill the maxim etched upon my
very flesh - to cheat the devil and fight fire with fire.
Can I atone for my sins and serve the righteous cause as I intended?
Help me.
Yvy clutches her hands together in a penitent gesture, her face twists
in woe and she weeps freely. Within moments she is a helpless wreck
upon the floor, awash in self-loathing and choking on deep sobs.
Above decks the sun sets on the quiet afternoon.
Below, a monster broods in satisfaction.

P.H. Dungeon |

Atonement could work for Yvy, but in the case of those who willfully commit evil acts, the caster of the atonement spell must pay 500xp for the spell to work. Thus, Breca will need to dump 500xp to help Yvy atone for her actions. Yvy's pestige class allows her to summon and call fiends without threatening her alignment. However, making sacrifices and other such nastiness to bind a fiend will have an impact on the fate of her soul.
Does an atonement spell work if you made a conscious choice? Seems a bit of a get-out-of-jail-free card to me. Never used it, I'll have to go read it :)

Captain Da Fighter of Kraken |

Atonement could work for Yvy, but in the case of those who willfully commit evil acts, the caster of the atonement spell must pay 500xp for the spell to work. Thus, Breca will need to dump 500xp to help Yvy atone for her actions. Yvy's pestige class allows her to summon and call fiends without threatening her alignment. However, making sacrifices and other such nastiness to bind a fiend will have an impact on the fate of her soul.
carborundum wrote:Does an atonement spell work if you made a conscious choice? Seems a bit of a get-out-of-jail-free card to me. Never used it, I'll have to go read it :)
Atonement is a slap on the wrist to the character/player that if you don't watch out, your alignment will permanently change to reflect your actions. Everybody, even good guys can have a slip due to person feelings, annoyance, whatever, in and out of character. This spell is available in my opinion to give that character a second chance and force them to pay for their mistake. If you are a paladin for example, and you kill an innocence for whatever reason, once. Atonement would represent you realizing what you did was wrong and that you want a second chance. If you kill an innocences, atone, kill another innocense and atone again, etc etc etc; atonement would be irrelivant, your alignment is not good in this case if you continually kill innocents
Playing an alignment means that you are actually playing that character as such an attitude, if that changes or you choose to only have that lawful good be something written down on your character sheet, it is not accurate and you should change it or the GM should for you.
Also, as for the XP cost, a common house rule in our games is that spells of any sorts that have XP costs can be paid by other players instead of the caster if they directly involve both parties. So instead of the poor cleric burning 500xp, the character needed atonement would have to burn 500xp for their mistake.

P.H. Dungeon |

Yvy's actions were certainly quite premeditated and intention. She was initially a chaotic good character, but after the last game session I asked her to move her alignment to CN. I'd like to get her to LE, and I think that though an atonement can help to save her from her downward spiral, she will have to watch her actions closely over the next little while. She has decided to have gentle repose cast on all the bodies, and she is even planning on trying to raise them from the dead as time and money permit. However, her player is interested on playing PC that teeters on the edge of eternal damnation, and it is quite possible that she could plummet off. Right now I think she is barely clinging on. If she does any more of that kind of nastiness its over for her. I will try to use the pit fiend to corrupt her as much as possible over the remainder of the campaign.
P.H. Dungeon wrote:Atonement could work for Yvy, but in the case of those who willfully commit evil acts, the caster of the atonement spell must pay 500xp for the spell to work. Thus, Breca will need to dump 500xp to help Yvy atone for her actions. Yvy's pestige class allows her to summon and call fiends without threatening her alignment. However, making sacrifices and other such nastiness to bind a fiend will have an impact on the fate of her soul.
carborundum wrote:Does an atonement spell work if you made a conscious choice? Seems a bit of a get-out-of-jail-free card to me. Never used it, I'll have to go read it :)Atonement is a slap on the wrist to the character/player that if you don't watch out, your alignment will permanently change to reflect your actions. Everybody, even good guys can have a slip due to person feelings, annoyance, whatever, in and out of character. This spell is available in my opinion to give that character a second chance and force them to pay for their mistake. If you are a paladin for example, and you kill an innocence for whatever reason, once. Atonement would represent you realizing what you did was wrong and that you want a second chance. If you kill an innocences, atone, kill another innocense and atone again, etc etc etc; atonement would be irrelivant, your alignment is not good in this case if you continually kill innocents
Playing an alignment means that you are actually playing that character as such an attitude, if that changes or you choose to only have that lawful good be something written down on your character sheet, it is not accurate and you should change it or the GM should for you.
Also, as for the XP cost, a common house rule in our games is that spells of any sorts that have XP costs can be paid by other players instead of the caster if they directly involve both parties. So instead of the poor cleric burning 500xp, the character needed atonement would have to burn 500xp for their mistake.

P.H. Dungeon |

This is a journal written by Argent's player. It takes place shortly during the most recent down time, as the party prepares to return to the Wells of Darkness.
Argent guffaws at the lewd joke the man across from him has just told, raising his glass filled with the finest spirits that the Grey Malkin Academy has to offer.
“Robert, it is good that you were here at the academy, it has been too long. I hear you have made captain and have a ship of your own and a crew.”
The man across from him was dressed in a fine silk shirt and his hands gleamed with expensive rings. His long black hair held back in a ponytail and Argent couldn’t help but notice the ladies admiring his slim physique out of the corner of his eye. A rapier lay at his side and the man walked as if it was a part of him. Robert was his mentor and his rival; an accomplished rogue and a man gifted with the ability to channel arcane energies naturally.
Robert leans back, “You have not done so bad for yourself either Argent. I hear that you are in league with a dwarf sea captain; the one who, as rumour has it; brought down Cold Captain Wither himself”, he looks over to Argent for any sign of confirmation but Argent merely smiles drunkenly and watches keenly as one of the air genesai sisters comes in to fill their glasses. Robert accepts his refill graciously, looking deeply into the woman’s eyes and unabashedly admiring her figure. She blushes and hurries off.
“I can’t even imagine where you could have found such beautiful air gensai women; they are the rare sight. They can’t be staying with you voluntarily.”
“Oh I employ them”, blusters Argent interrupting his glare, “I own a bar now, named after my dear familiar who gave his life to save my own. I am involved in some delicate business now, but when its all sorted out you should come and visit, it is a wonderful place and the surrounding flora provides an unending inspiration for beverages that you simply cannot get anywhere else. There is a small gnome there, Kurt, who is simply a genius when it comes to distillation. There have been a few unfortunate, mishaps, but hair grows back and fortune favours the brave eh?”
“Yes, about your current whereabouts, last I heard Harliss had tossed you overboard somewhere near the island of Dread; really it was to be expected, how she could ever choose you over me I will never know. Are you sure you can’t tell me what you’ve been up to?”
Argent happily drinks from his glass, “ ‘fraid not, the walls have ears my friend, and I have made some powerful enemies. When it's all settled I will be more than happy tell you all about it, but till then all I can tell you is it has been hell”
“You’ve been a wonderful help by the way; I must commend you Robert”, pointing over at a half ruined wooden practice dummy, its pieces shattered. “Channelling your own arcane energy directly into your weapon like that, pure genius. Thank-you for showing me the secrets of it”
“Well I hear that the ‘Steeldance’ spell was one of yours, it’s the least I could do. Besides I know you Argent, you focus too much of your energy on defence and not enough on offence; it was no surprise when you confided in me that you haven’t been able to get a good strike on your enemy in quite some time. Being immune to most types of energy and all metal weapons is all well and good BUT it does you no good if you can’t kill your enemy before that protection wears off.”
Argent splutters, “The energy protection lasts for 48 hours…’
“My point exactly. Now as lovely as your ladies company is, let us hit the taverns. There is a new one that just opened up down on Turner Row. I would recommend that they stay behind though, it’s one of the ‘rougher’ establishments, and I intend to cause some trouble. I haven’t had a good fight in ages, and a brawl will do me good.”
Argent prepares to leave. Smiling he remembers the old days when he would be the one to draw the attention of any brawlers, giving Robert a chance to get behind them and bring them down. He would never sully his hands if he could help it and Argent could believe that even if a fight happened around him Robert would be nowhere to be found. Well until you found him behind you.
“Incidentally, about your ‘employees’; I had heard that all air genesai were the product of one air elemental; I hope that it did occur to you that these women could be your sisters.”
Argent starts choking on his drink.

Turin the Mad |

P.H. Dungeon wrote:What, you didn't have some big ol' rocks from your backyard? <grin>Yeah a gargantuan earth elemental, two huge earth elementals, and gargantuan retriever all pounding away
...Too bad there aren't any minis to actually do it properly with.
And clods of weed-riddled dirt, don't forget those.

P.H. Dungeon |

Game Session #39 part #1.
Breca Angsparr: Cliff Dwarf, male, Cleric of Procan 13/Demonwrecker 5 (18)
Tommen Taskerhill: Human, male, Wizard 5/Loremaster 10/Fatespinner 2 (17)
Alanna: Human, female, Wizard /Cleric /Mystic Theurge (17)
Yyv Sparks: Human, female, Sorcerer 8/Malconvoker 10 (18)
Argent: Air Gensai, Fighter/Swashbuckler/Wizard/Abjurant Champion/Eldritch Knight (18)
Antharax: Yvy's bound pit fiend servant.
After finishing their business on the material plane the heroes return to the 73rd layer of the Abyss. This time both Tommen and Alannah remain behind. It is unclear as to exactly why they make this choice. Perhaps the Abyss is weighing heavy on their souls and they need time to recover; perhaps consorting with pit fiends has been too morally taxing; perhaps they need additional time to focus on their studies (perhaps their players were absent). Regardless of the reasons, it is only Breca, Argent and Yvy along with Yvy's newly bound pit fiend Antharax that return to the Abyss. However, the entire party remains connected by a telepathic bond cast by Tommen.
In nearly an instant they have plane shifted to the Wells of Darkness and teleported to the fortress of Overlook. There they stand before the reddish hued stone of the structure's great round tower, where they ready themselves to confront whatever dangers might be inside.
Yvy pulls out a scroll of Mordenkeinan's Disjunction, and she targets it on the tower. The highly potent spell, removes the forbiddance effect protecting the tower, which allows the heroes to enter freely. They fly up to one of the largest holes in the towers walls; a hole that was presumably made long ago, when Orcus and his armies lay seige to the place. Next they send Antharax through to scout things out. The pit fiend grudgingly obeys and flies into the tower. As he does so, he scans up and down. He senses an evil and unnatural chill in the air, but he sees no sign of guardians. Suddenly, rays of vile black energy streak down from the shadows in the ceiling, blasting Antharax. To most creatures the rays would be deadly. Yet, the pit fiend is highly resistant to magic, and only one of the rays causes him any real pain. He looks up, and this time he sees four enormous bat-like creatures dislodging themselves from the rafters. They appear to be made of solid darkness, which is why even the pit fiend had trouble seeing them. The devil isn't sure exactly what they are, but he is certain they are some kind of nasty undead. He casts a powerful hold monster spell (which I forgot shouldn't have affected them, as they are immune to mind effecting effects), and three of the four creatures are suddenly paralyzed. They plummet to the ground below, falling some seventy feet before hitting the hard stone floor. On their way down, he activates a quickened fireball that causes them even more pain. Only one remains in the air, and it unleashes a cone of cold at the pit fiend. Again the spell is ineffective, and now the heroes are beginning to enter the tower. Breca swoops through the gap in the wall, and glides down to the floor below, where he summons a bolt of glory to smite one of the creatures. He recognizes them as nightwings, rare and powerful undead native to panes of shadow and negative energy. Yvy summons a huge earth elemental, which appears near Breca and begins pummeling the paralyzed undead with its own mighty fists. Yvy adds additional aid with magical blasts of acid that causes the nightwings' shadowy flesh to bubble and steam. However, they quickly muster the force of will to break free of Antharax's paralyzing enchantment, and they screech with pain and rage. They then lunge into battle. One of them snaps at Breca with his fangs, biting into his animated shield and attempting to leech the magical energy from it. Another hits the dwarf with a cone of cold that turns his beard to ice, and burns him with bone numbing cold. With great effort the freezing dwarf summons the will of Procan, and he finds the strength to move his frozen hands so that he can keep casting his spells.
Up above, Argent and Antharax confront the only nightwing still in the air. Antharax, uses his constricting tail to grapple with it, while Argent takes advantage of its lost mobility to drive his rapier into its night black hide. The rapier seems to have little effect, but the orb of sound stored in the blade jolts the fiend and makes it howl. The remainder of the fight wraps up quickly. Together Argent and the pit fiend finish off the flying nightwing (though the pit fiend does most of the work). They then fly down to help on the ground. Here Yvy and the earth elemental take care of one, while Breca uses his spells to finish another. The final one is destroyed by a combined effort from the entire party, and it is only Breca who sustains significant injury, due to another cone of cold that blasts him. Argent rejoices in his new elemental immunity magic, which completely negates the effects of a cone of cold that he finds himself in the midst of.
With the tower secured, Breca calls upon the power of Procan to heal himself. The companions then set about investigating the large, circular stone map that dominates the floor of the chamber. The map shows the location of all the Wells of Darkness, and how the white stone path that winds through the layer connects them. Where each well would be is a circular symbol representing the creature that is imprisoned in the well. Most of the names are unfamiliar to the heroes despite their vast knowledge of the planes. However, where the fortress of Overlook would be on the map, is the symbol of Ahazu the Seizer, and if the heroes are correct, the map itself is actually some kind of cover for the well that Ahazu is imprisoned in.
The adventurers aren't sure exactly how to proceed from here, but Breca decides to pull out the tooth of Ahazu, which he has been carrying around in his Haversack from since he found it in the shrine of Zotzilla on the Isle of Dread several months before. He turns the demon lord's tooth over in his hand a few times, examining it closely. A cold chill runs down his spine- maybe just the lingering remnants of the two cones of cold he suffered from minutes before. Yet, as he examines the tooth, a strange compulsion overcomes him. The image of Ahazu's sign appears in his mind's eye. Looking at the map, the sigils of the prisoners suddenly seem like stars in the sky, and a pattern emerges. He realizes that if the right signs were somehow activated he could recreate the sign of Ahazu in a manner similar to an astrological pattern. He flies over the map, and carefully begins touching the symbols. It turns out that each symbol is actually a button of sorts, and when he touches them they depress slightly. Moving from symbol to symbol, Breca presses the buttons necessary to create the sign of Ahazu.
As soon as he finishes, potent magic is activated, and the map begins to fold in on itself, opening up to reveal the deep, dark well beneath- the well of Ahazu. Cautiously, the heroes move to the edge of the well. They peer over the edge, but even with darkvision, it is far too deep to see to the bottom. However, the well is far from empty. Thousands of eyes stare back at them. The eyes belong to locusts, undead locusts. Each of the nasty insects is about a foot long, and thousands of them cling to the walls of the shaft. The sound of the locusts taking flight is deafening, and in an instant the party is being swarmed by the creatures; they buzz and fly around their heads, tearing at them, stripping the heroes of their flesh.
Antharax takes to the air, flying up out of the swarming vermin. He then rains fireballs down into the swarm. His fireball tossing is careless at best, and one of the blasts "accidently" tags Breca. Still, the fireballs are effective, and the charred locust husks plummet down into the well. Breca and Yvy hurry towards a section of the room that is now clear of locusts, and they take shelter in Yvy's cube of force. Argent, who has made himself immune to virtually every energy type via his energy immunity spells, is not bothered by the fireballs. He happily basks in the heat, as Breca unleashes a firestorm, and Antharax blasts the room with more fireballs. In seconds the locust swarm has been decimated.
After taking a few moments to heal the stinging bite wounds inflicted by the locusts, the party returns to the edge of the pit. Breca pulls out the leaf of Procan and casts a light spell upon it. He then drops the leaf down the pit, and they watch as it drifts towards the bottom far below. It illuminates the pit as it goes, and Breca estimates that the well is nearly two hundred feet deep. Near the bottom of the well they catch a flicker of movement, possibly winged creatures, maybe the size of man or a little larger. They also see that at the bottom there is a circle of inky black liquid, similar to the other wells they have visited. Surrounding the pool of darkness are numerous piles of books and scrolls. However, they don't have much of chance to take any of this in, for as the leaf hits the pool its light winks out, and the well goes dark.
A daylight spell is cast well down the shaft, in hopes of illuminating whatever creatures may be hiding in its depths. It works and the heroes spot three winged, bat-like humanoids clinging to the walls. The creatures are invisible, and it is only with the aid of true seeing and see invisibility spells that the heroes can see them. Breca recognizes them as Varangoins, a race of extraplanar bat-like humanoids native to the lower planes. His experience and knowledge of them is limited, but he recalls an encounter with one long ago on his voyage to the Isle of Dread, in the ruins of Tomoachan. These varangoins have a strange look about them, their flesh is withered and decayed. In many places bones protrude, and all traces of skin have vanished; black smoke drifts from their mouths. It seems that they may be some sort of undead.
The heroes are quick to act. They seal off the well with a wall of force, which comes into being just below the varangoins. A cloud of acid fog is summoned on top of the force wall, and then a second wall of force closes over top of the varangoin, trapping them in the cloud of caustic vapors. The party then uses dimension door spells to transport themselves to the bottom of the well. The heroes aren't the only ones capable of teleportation magic, and in seconds the varangoin are among them. The undead fiends are competent spell casters, and a spell battle erupts at the bottom of the well. Breca gets a solid blast from a bolt of glory in early that severely weakens one of the fiends, but they retaliate with spells of their own. Both sides are careful not to use magic that will be too damaging to the books. A dispel magic suppresses Yvy's cube of force, and then a series of chain lightning spells from the varangoin hammer Yvy and Breca. Argent is unharmed due to his own abjurations, but Yvy is forced to teleport to safety where she can use potions to heal herself. Breca and Argent keep on fighting, along with Antharax, who tears into the varangoin with his powerful melee attacks. One of the creatures casts a truly horrible spell on Breca, a spell that causes Breca's stomach to burst open, and his innards start oozing out of his armour. The horrific spell is enough to nearly kill the dwarf, and he forced to use his most potent healing magic to save himself. However, after Breca's near death the party strikes back hard. Argent, who has recently mastered a means of better channeling his magic through his blade, lands several solid arcane strikes, and the pit fiend continues to wreak havoc in melee. The adventurers soon have the varrangoin on the run, and they teleport out of the fight. The heroes keep their guard up, but the undead seem to think it wise to stay away, and the well is quiet.
The books and scrolls at the bottom of the well form a vast collection of knowledge related to things demonic, with a particular focus on obscure demon lords. In addition, there are numerous spell books, many of them the former property of Ulricon the necromancer. The magical lore inside is vast, and Argent finds himself giddy with excitement. Finally, it should be noted that one of the tomes is worth more than the rest of the collection combined. The thick tome is bound in brass with a cover of deep purple leather of unknown origin. A clasp shaped like a three fingered demonic hand holds the book tightly shut. This book is a previously unknown seventh copy of the most famous tome on demonology ever penned- The Demonicon of Iggwilv. The book itself is known to be a minor artifact, and is rumored to have pages with demons bound inside them, as well as the true names of several powerful fiends, and finally several unique spell crafted by Iggwilv herself.
The name Iggwilv is known to all members of the party. She is believed to be dead, but was known to be one of the greatest authorities on the Abyss who ever walked the Flaness. Iggwilv was known as the matriarch of demonologists, daughter of Baba Yaga, lover and enemy of the demon lord Graz'zt, mother of the demigod Iuz, Witch Queen of Perrenland, and apprentice of the archmage Zagig.
They take the time to load the entire collection into their portable hole. Next they decide to deal with the well. Looking closely into the inky black disk situated on the floor at the bottom of the well, they can make out the form of a great demon imprisoned beneath. It is a tall gaunt humanoid with long, boney limbs. Its head is elongated, and it has a wide mouth filled with rows of needle-like fangs. Breca, tries make contact with the demon lord, but has no success. He then again pulls out the tooth of Ahazu. With the tooth in one hand he kneels down and reaches out with his other stubby arm to touch the surface of the black pool. Instantly, the still blackness comes to life and envelopes his arm, pulling him forward as if trying to drag him into the well. He uses all his will power to resist and manages to maintain his footing. He then feels the cold, empty voice of the seizer in his mind, and thanks to his telepathic bond his allies feel it too, even Tommen and Allanah who have remained on the material plane.
"Who are you that dares to make contact with my well?"
"I am Captain Breca Angsparr, servant of Procan. I come to request a favor. I understand that you are the warden of the wells, and have the power to allow your prisoners to go free. I wish to speak with Shami-Amore, and I am her to negotiate her release."
"That is a very bold request servant of Procan. In the countless years I have dwelled here only the tiniest handful of captives have left their prisons. My prisoners are of great value to me; parting with them is not a request I will even consider entertaining. You would be wise to leave now before you find yourself among the lost souls trapped in this realm of darkness."
"I understand that what I ask is great request. However, I ask that you reconsider, for I have something that once belonged to you, and if you help me I will see that it is returned."
"My tooth. You have my tooth. Throw it into the well dwarf. Throw it into the well or suffer for eternity."
"Not unless you agree to bargain with me. Besides you've already tried to pull me into the well. Procan the great god of the sea steels my will. The harder you pull the more strength he gives me to resist. If you want your tooth you will have to play nice."
"Curse you dwarf. I will consider your request. Here are my terms. First you will return my tooth. Then I will give you the means to free Shami from her prison. After that you will have sixty days to add a new prisoner to her well. The prisoner must be fiend of great power. I will not accept being of lesser power than Shami. You will have sixty days to complete this task. If you fail you and all your companions will join me here. Do you agree to these terms?"
"I agree."
"Good. Now give me my tooth."
Breca then throws the tooth into the blackness, and it vanishes. All is still and silent for several moments. Then a mist forms on the top of the pool. It moves towards Breca and soon covers his arms. He feels something heavy in his outstretched hands, and as the mist dissipates, he sees that a book. It is a book of infinite spells, but as he opens it sees that only one spell remains. On the page is a freedom spell, the key to Shami's prison.

P.H. Dungeon |

With the key to Shami's prison in hand, the heroes plane shift back to the material plane to regroup before they return to the well of the succubus. Back home they take the time to unload the majority of the books they pillaged from Ahazu's well. Beyond that they don't dally. They prepare spells, and the next day they plane shift back to the Wells of Darkness.
Soon they have teleported into Shami's well. Only some charred trunks are left of the strange Abyssal trees that once chocked the well, and piles of rubble and the husk of the retriever construct remind them of the guardians that Demogorgon left behind to protect his secrets. Breca suspects that their may still Demogorgon might yet have more contingencies in place to keep Shami silenced, and it doesn't take him any effort to convince his friends on the this point. Thus, two walls of force are conjured to block the shaft of the well, just in case any more intruders attempt to enter. With this done, they cast a number of defensive spells upon themselves, so that they are fully ready, should trouble arise. Next, Yvy takes the book of infinite spells and reads the freedom spell that is the key to Shami's prison. At first nothing happens, but eventually the black liquid at the bottom of the well begins to ripple, and slowly a beautiful, naked female rises from the blackness. The oily liquid slides off of her like water, revealing her to be one of the most gorgeous blonde beauties that any mortal has set eyes on. Only three things remind the heroes that she is no woman; the prehensile tail, the demon wings, and the pair of tiny horns protruding from her forehead. She scans her surroundings, and look of surprise and confusion crosses her face, a look that is quickly replaced by a broad, sumptuous smile. She then seems to take note of the heroes. Her gaze turns suspicious, but her smile remains.
The party is about to make their introductions when they notice the deep, festering gash in her neck. Suddenly, a rasping snake squirms out of the wound. Shami's face goes blank, and it seems as though the snake has taken control of her. Its telepathic voice is suddenly screaming in the heroes' heads.
"You shall not have her. I will use her to destroy you all!"
At the same time further events take place. High above the well, a rift opens in the sky, and dark, rancid water begins cascading down. It is the waters of the river Styx itself, and water isn't the only thing to exit the planar rift. Two gargantuan creatures that resemble six armed marilith demons also come flying out. They are made of deep purple hued stone and seem to be some sort of construct. Instead of the head of a woman, each has the head of a howling baboon. Breca recognizes them as blackstone gigantes, another form of terrible construct originally devised by Demogorgon. The gigantes immediately begin pounding on the walls of force with their fists, trying to get to Shami and the heroes but their attacks have no effect on the wall. The walls of force are impervious, and the creatures seem to have no means of dispelling them or teleporting down into the well.
Down in the well, battle ensues. Breca and Yvy take shelter in the cube of force. Breca focuses on the snake, using a destruction spell to try to obliterate it. Unfortunately, it fails. Yvy attempts feeblemind spells, also targeting the snake, but finds she's unable to penetrate its spell resistance. Both of them keep repeating the same magic, but each time they fail. Antharax and Argent attempt a different approach. Antharax moves to try to engage her in melee, but Shami hits him with a energy drain ray that leeches away the fiend's life force. After a second energy drain, Antharax is severely weakened, and can't muster much fight against the succubus. Argent, who has been quietly biding his time and casting his steeldance spell moves in to strike. Using his a wraith strike spell combined with an arcane strike, he stabs at the writhing serpent. The blade bypasses its scaly hide and plunges into its neck. The succubus attempts to strike back, but Argent's abjurations hold. Argent sees the snake is wounded and presses the attack, and It isn't long before Argent's dancing blades cut the serpent down. The creature's dead corpse slides out of Shami's neck and tumbles into her former prison (which she and Argent are hovering above) The vile snake is devoured by the inky black liquid, drawn into shattered night. Expression returns to Shami's face. She smiles with pleasure, but quickly realizes the fight is not yet over.
Breca decides to capitalize on Antharax's weakened state. He and Yvy had been secretly discussing trying to put Antharax into the well as an exchange for Shami, and it seems that the time to act on this idea is now, for Antharax has been greatly weakened. Breca initiates the betrayal by hitting the pit fiend with a dimensional anchor, which prevents him from teleporting away. The pit fiend howls in rage at the sudden betrayal, and he retaliates with a meteor swarm and fireball, but Yvy and Breca remain in the cube of force, and the devil is unable to bring it down. Breca then weakens the devil's will with a miracle spell. Next Yvy casts a feeblemind spell at him, and with his weakened reslove, the devil is unable to cling to his faculties. He is transformed into a blathering idiot, and with the aid of an earth elemental, Yvy has the devil pushed into the pool of blackness. There is little Antharax can do to resist, and dark tendrils grab him and haul the blathering fiend down to Shattered Night, thus fulfilling the heroes' bargain with Ahazu.
Up above, the glackstone gigantes continue to hammer on the walls of force with no effect. Down blew, the party finally has the chance to parlay with Shami-Amore. After some coaxing the fiend agrees to share with them her secrets. She seems to still hold a grudge against Demogorgon, and is not adverse to helping his enemies. She explains to the heroes that Demogorgon is a being of two minds. He is essentially two creatures sharing the same body. One of his personalities is called Amuael, and the other is known as Hethriadrah. Amuael is more calculating and rationale and Hethriadrah is more savage and feral. Both hate one another, making him his own worst enemy. This dual nature also makes him easier to manipulate, and Shami had found ways to play one against the other, which enabled her to manipulate and control him to some extent. When he caught onto her schemes he was worked into a terrible rage, and he threw Shami into the Wells of Darkness. Both Amuael and Hethriadrah have for many ages been secretly looking for means to win the war against one another. Amuael's scheme involved murdering Hehtriadrah and then using life energy from the bastion of unborn souls to cauterize the wounds. His most recent attempt at this failed. Hethriadrah's plan revolves around the shadow pearls. By completing a ritual known as the savage tide, and sowing mass insanity on the material plane, Hehtriadrah plans to siphon the resulting surge of energy into Gaping Maw, where he found a means of harnessing the energy and using it to absorb his unwanted half.
Shami suspects that the time for the ritual is drawing near, and if heroes want to stop it they need allies. For the heroes to mount a direct assault on Demogorgon and his forces alone will be suicide. However, she explains that Demogorgon's dual nature always results in two reactions, and that sometimes in situations where a lot is happening at once this can cripple him. She suggests that any distraction will have to be a big one, such as multiple armies assaulting Gaping Maw at the same time. Fortunately, Demogorgon has plenty of enemies in the Abyss and beyond. She concludes by advising the heroes to speak with one of the true experts on the Abyss, Iggwilv the Witch Queen- a legendary archmage long thought deceased by the people of the material plane.
Shami then takes her leave, teleporting away, to rebuild her own Abyssal fief and plot her vengeance against her enemies.
The heroes are also about to plane shift back to the material plane, when another being appears before them. This creature looks like the grim reaper himself. He's a skeletal man of imposing stature in dark gray, cowled robe. He in his boney hands he holds a wooden pole, and beneath his feet is a long skiff that is still dripping with water. The skiff hovers in the air just above the Shami's Inky prison pool.
"What have you done to my river?" he says.
At this moment Breca recognizes the being. It is Charon, the ferryman of the river styx. The being charged with ferrying souls of the damned through the lower planes. Terrible power radiates from this creature, and the heroes wisely bow down before him.
"We are terribly sorry mighty Charon," grovels Breca.
"This is the doing of Demogorgon. He was the one who has caused the diversion of your river."
Charon is a creature of few words, and after a moments silence he speaks again.
"I believe your words mortal. You would not have the power to accomplish such a blasphemous feat. Yet you are partially responsible. If it weren't for your meddling this would not have happened."
"Again mighty Charon, we offer you our most humble apologies. We are foes of Demogorgon, and we seek to oppose him. His arrogance has obviously gone too far. Please spare us and allow us to be your instrument by which to punish him," says Breca.
Charon considers Breca's offer for many moments.
I overheard the end of your conversation with Shami, dwarf. She is right. Demogorgon has many enemies. I am now one of those. If you seek to oppose him you will need allies. I too agree that seeking out iggwilv may be in your best interests; she is truly one of the great scholars of the Abyss, and if you garner her favor it could be of benefit. Those who travel under her favor and blessing have much sway in the politics of the Abyss.
Few know where she lives these days. She likes her privacy. I am one of those few. If you wish, I will take you to her. Mention my name when you speak with her. It may carry some weight.
What say you?"
The party looks at one another with obvious trepidation, but they have no desire to further offend the boatman of the styx.
Breca speaks, "Mighty Charon, we thank you for your generous offer, and we accept. Again we offer our sincere apologies regarding the diversion of your river."
Charon silently nods.
"Come aboard my skiff."
The party complies, and suddenly they are no longer in the Wells of Darkness, but in the middle of the river styx, on the barge of its ferryman. Charon poles the barge in silence, leaving the heroes to their thoughts.

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Nice work on avoiding the Styx there! And nice work summoning a pit fiend as powerful as Shami! (Or was he? Is Ahazu unhappy?)
Time will tell... great writeup again, Mr. Dungeon!
One of the interesting facets of Shami-Amoure is that she is only a CR 19 creature. As such any CR 20 creature or greater will fulfill the terms of Ahazu's agreement. So even a generic Pit Fiend of CR 20 is enough. Even if the Pit Fiend were not an option, there are many demons over the final 2 chapters that qualify.
I liked the parties perparedness, although I am a bit disappointed we didn't get to see a throw down with those blackstone gigantes. That is a custom change I assume as the actual module calls for Barl-grua Bloodhounds on retriever mounts. They are getting close to the finish. Enemies of my Enemy is one of the best modules in all 3 AP's if only for the legendary personages that show up therein. I will be looking forward to how all that plays out.

P.H. Dungeon |

I didn't like the end encounter for Wells of Darkness. The idea of bar iguara archers being held in stasis didn't jive well, and the idea that the only protection they had from the styx was the canopies of on the hoodrahs also seemed lame. Unfortunately, the gigantes didn't have teleport, and I figured I'd reward the party fore their foresight, but not fudging a way for the gigantes to come in after them. It was good playing on their part.
We started EomE today, and it has been good times so far. I'll be posting the details over the course of the week.

P.H. Dungeon |

A letter from Captain Breca.
Well the last few days have been harrowing but overall successful. We proceed to follow leads in the Abyss concerning Demogorgon and his role in the Shadow Pearls, and each step leads up closer to a conclusion I would rather not consider - facing Demogorgon himself. Frankly the whole experience is wearing me thin, and I spend more time praying to Procan for the feel of ocean swells and gale winds than I had ever thought possible. If I do survive, I'm going to take a nice long ocean voyage, possibly sail the Pelican from Vessarin to Gradsul and back just to get a sense of what's normal and proper into the blood. If Argent lives, I'll bring him along just so i can shout at him the entire time (via a dimensional anchor or something), which on the whole makes me feel better, and with Argent, there's never any shortage of things to shout about. Did you know he's technically been sleeping with his distant relations? All air gensai are descended from the same elemental, so he's been boffing cousins at the very least. Disgusting pompous lunatic. It's a times like this that miss Kratos trying to glower at me.
Anyway, it's been a problematic couple of weeks, and not helped by having bloody pit fiends staring at me when i sleep. Yvy summoned the first one all proper and above board, but it snuffed it by getting looked at coyly by a bodak, and i think that drove Yvy, who is some sort of half-fiend herself, right back to damnation. The second one, a nasty bit of fiend called Antharax, or 'Fluffy' for short, required more of a bargain. I refused to take part in the ritual, having narrowly avoided corruption the first time through - even though I understand the logic behind it, the mere presence of the demon or the devil makes my skin crawl. It's like those first few weeks you had as a shape-shifter, everything's just a bit wrong until you get the hang of it. So it turns out that while I was off making reports to King Scotti and the Church of Whirling Fury, Yvy agreed to human sacrifices, and topped 13 more or less innocent souls to seal the bargain with Fluffy. The only reason I know about all of this is that it was essentially done on the Hellfish, and that Yvy actually noticed that she may have gone a bit too far in the quest for power. She confessed her sins to me, and while I am no soulguard and less than experienced in these matters, I believed her confession to be true and her regret sincere. I have granted her soul a measure of reprieve through atonement, but she will have to face the high price of the soulguards if she truly wishes to be saved from the damnation that now undoubtedly awaits her. When i return i will consecrate the Hellfish and then summon holy fire to destroy it and clease the taint of those she murdered from the seas. Since it is anchored off of Scuttlecove, I suspect no one with think twice about it.
However, I am smug because in the effort to free the consort of Demogorgon, who it turns out is a total nutter - he is a being with two wills, two minds, and thus a divided nature - I found a way to seal both a bargain with another demon lord (Azhzu the Seizer) and get rid of the bloody pit fiend. In order for Azahzu to release Shami-Amore, we had to willingly enter into a pact to provide him (it?) with a being of roughly the same power - not an easy feat. Admittedly I had though of using Fluffy then and there, but the pit fiend noticed my meaningful glances at Yvy and warned us against such an action. If we could not find a being to replace Shami-Amore with, then Azhzu would take all of our souls into the dark void instead. A foul pact indeed, but the only choice we had.
So we set up to free Shami-Amore, taking precautions against the inevitable reaction to her prison break (walls of force, a secret chamber, etc), and after buffing ourselves up with various magics, Yvy spoke the words of the spell that would free her. She came through from the void prison with some sort of parasite attached, which took control of her body and we were forced to fight. Fluffy suffered tremendous energy drains before the parasite was killed and Shami-Amore returned to her correct state of being (which as a demon is probably as far from sane as we could get between us and a bottle of Grandma's tar remover). At that moment, looking at the weakened pit fiend, I was struck by the necessity of sacrificing it, and thus removing any further temptation from Yvy. We struck quickly, using our most powerful spells to weaken its mental defences and feeblemind it. It had but a moment to curse our betrayal, and I took some pleasure in watching its surprise as I told it that Yvy was now mine, having atoned before Procan and her soul graced from the damnation it undoubtedly planned. The betrayal is doubly rewarding because instead of the creature's essence returning to the Nine Hells for a century, it is forever trapped in the dark void until someone or something chooses to free it - an unlikely event. The active threat to Yvy is vanquished, and we have knowledge of Demogorgon that will undoubtedly prove useful in the days to come.
In the meantime, I am sitting on the boat used to ferry souls of the damned across the river Styx, a guest of Charon who was a bit miffed at us for unleashing the contingency set in place by Demogorgon - that is opening a rift in the planes to divert the waters of Styx into the Wells of Darkness, where the demons held in stasis would have made short work of us. Charon, once we profusely apologized (do not anger someone who may ferry your own soul one day), agreed to introduce us to several significant enemies of Demogorgon in the hope of revenge. Thus, as Argent always says, "I'm taking him to the best places to meet the most interesting people". I think that the other demon lords will be most interested in what Shami-Amore had to say, and will regard it as a good opportunity to wage a decisive war against Demogorgon. So we go to see if we can make a few more 'friends' in this chaotic plane, and get some serious pain rolling in old Two-Head's direction.
I hope the colony is well, and that Father is settling in nicely to the new role. Tell Mother that if I make it out alive, she can make the proper introductions to start the whole marriage business, but that I want a year's sailing in beforehand. I'll do the trade routes one more time and hope some idiot pirates try taking MY vessel.
Peace of the depths upon you,

P.H. Dungeon |

Game Session #40 (A meeting with Iggwilv)
Charon continues to pole his skiff silently through the lower planes. They pass through numerous hellish vistas, until after an uncertain amount of time they arrive at their destination. On one bank of the river is are rugged and rocky hills shrouded in mist. On the other is an equally misty marshland. A rickety wooden dock juts out into the river, and a path leads up from the dock. It winds up a nearby hillside and comes to an end at a sprawling gabled manor house.
Charon poles the boat up to the dock.
“You are now on the second gloom of Hades. This is the home of the Witch Queen. Be warey in your approach, she values her privacy and often does not take kindly to unannounced visitors. Her grounds are not likely to be unguarded.”
He then looks at Breca.
“You have the look of one who has sailed, and you bear the scars of one who has sailed the oceans of the Abyss. I can see it on your face.
Before you go I shall grant you one further boon. While you continue your quest to oppose the Prince of Demons I shall grant you permission to ply the river Styx. Take these two coins and put them over the eyes of your ship’s figurehead. The coins will be a sign to the denizens of the Styx that you sail the waters under my authority, and they will not trouble you.
Now I must take my leave. When you are ready to take up arms against Demogorgon, speak my name into the your ship’s figure head and I will come to your aid one last time.”
The heroes give their thanks to Charon and then disembark his skiff. The ferryman of the Styx then departs, vanishing into the mists.
After taking a good look at their surroundings, they decide to post pone their visit to Iggwilv and make a brief return to the material plane. Back on the material plane Breca burns the Tempest, which Yvy tainted with her acts of evil. He then takes the coins to his other ship, the Pelican, and puts them on her prow.
Teleportation spells are cast and Breca and Yvy transport themselves to the city of Greyhawk where they make contact with Tommen. He explains that Allanah has left in search of some lost lore that she believes might aid the heroes in their quest. Tommen takes some time to examine the Demonicon of Iggwilv, and several days are devoted to copying out its more unique spells and to magically scribing valuable lore from the tome into more mundane texts. Argent spends some time drinking, carousing, trying to patch up his relationship with Harliss, and generally lamenting/whining about his lack of loot to spend on new spells and commission magical items with. Finally, after several days they are ready to return to Hades.
Using planeshift magic they transport themselves to the second gloom of Hades, they then teleport back to the path leading to Iggwilv’s manor. Once there, Tommen casts a prying eyes spell and his magical eyes start scouting the grounds looking for danger. They uncover no sign of danger, so the companions cautiously make their way up the path towards the mansion. It is then that Tommen notices movement in the river. Two enormous creatures burst out of the Styx. The things are wingless sea dragons and Tommen recognizes them as stygian linnorms, a form of protodragon native to the river Styx. Most of the heroes have no interest in tangling with the beasts, and are eager to dimension door to the mansion and try to get inside. However, Argent is not of like mind. As always, he is eager to prove himself in battle, and he can’t resist the challenge of taking on two dragons at the same time.
Breca dimension doors himself up to the top of the hill, near the manor’s gates giving him an excellent view of the upcoming carnage. Tommen rushes to Yvys side and the two take shelter in Yvy’s cube of force on the path near the docks. Argent flies into the air and hurls himself into combat against the dragons.
They oblige him, but even the claws and bites of the mighty dragons are unable to get through the gensai’s exalted magical armor. The spell barrage soon begins. Disintegrates, firestorms, orbs of force and maximized scorching rays are all hurled at the dragons. Yvy even summons a pair of colossal fiendish centipedes that cling to the bank and snap at the dragons with their might manibles. The dragons quickly realize that the two mages in the cube of force are at least as a dangerous as the flying air gensai, and one of them teleports itself above the cube of force. Its tremendous bulk crashes down on the magical cube causing it to shudder. Tommen and Yvy look up and see the scaly underbelly of the Linnorm. The beast shifts and lets out a terrible roar. It raises its claws ready to shred the force cube with sheer physical might. Tommen feels sweat trickling down his face, and desperately starts casting a spell. He lets loose a disintegrate ray that causes the cube more harm, but also manages to finish off the Linnorm, much to their relief.
After seeing his brother fall the second Linnorm quickly looses his will to fight, and after suffering the damage of a couple more spells the dragon retreats beneath the waters of the Styx. By this time the fight has garnered some attention. Breca sees the doors to the manor open up and a robed figure with the head of a jakal strides out, shoeing Breca away like a stray cat.
Breca holds his ground. He recognizes the creature as a powerful form of Yugoloth known as an arcanoloth. Arcanoloths are scribes and lore masters of the vile race, and they are feared for their potent spell casting abilities. The dwarf introduces himself.
“I am Breca Angsparr, and my companions and I seek an audience with great Iggwilv. We have need of her council.”
“I don’t know how it is that you found my mistress, but she has no interest in idle chatter with mortal vagabonds. Be on your way before you truly make her angry.”
“Please hear us out. We come bearing gifts that I think may interest your mistress.”
He then proceeds to pull the Demonicon out of his Haversack. The Arcanoloth looks at it and a glint of greed sparkles in his eyes. He rubs his furry hands together and flies towards Breca to get a better look at the tome. He sniffs it and reaches out to touch, but Breca pulls it away.
“It is only for her.”
“Fine then dwarf. I shall speak with her, and see what she has to say. Wait here. I will return.”
The fiend then teleports away. The companions gather at the top of the hill and there they wait for the Yugoloth to return. Some time passes and the doors to the manor again swing open. This time there is no Yugoloth, just a letter hovering ominously in the air. Yvy and Tommen move forward to investigate. The letter is written in Abyssal. It says:
My unexpected guests- I regret that I have been unable to meet with you to discuss matters of mutual interest, or that my pets my have caused you undue harm.
My research requires my full attention for another hour; please follow my cat and await me in the Demonhunter’s Room. I will be with you shortly.
A black cat stands purring in the doorway. However the party members have already taken precautions and cast true seeing spells. It is clear that the creature is not truly a cat, but an arcanoloth in the form of cat. They don’t comment on the ruse, but through their telepathic bond they ensure that all are aware of the deception.
The cat leads them into an elaborate foyer and then down a lengthy hall lined with valuable paintings and tapestries. Soon they come enter into a circular room that must be one of the manor’s corner turrets. Curving bookshelves line the walls, rising up a high doomed ceiling, some forty feet above. An exotic rug graces the stone tiled floor, and several plush armchairs await the heroes. One of the chairs hovers off the ground. The heroes scan the room, and they quickly notice two more arcanoloths hovering in the air up above. The creatures are concealed with invisibility magic, but again the true seeing spells see through their deception. The party plays it cool, and they take their seats in the chairs, carefully avoiding the floating one. Tommen idly takes a book off the shelf and begins flipping through it.
Suddenly, the two arcanoloths in the air start casting spells. Argent recognizes one as the beginnings of a chain lightning, and he calls out a telepathic warning. The heroes are ready for such treachery, but the spell is released quicker than they can act. The bolt of lightning streaks down and catches Breca. Fortunately, he had taken the precaution of casting a holy aura spell on himself and his companions before following the cat. The lightning bolt fails to penetrate the spell resistance provided by the aura and fizzles out. Argent takes to the air, and activates his steel dance spell. The second flying arcanoloth launches a prismatic spray spell down at the heroes, but once again fails to overcome their spell resistance. Breca, Yvy and Tommen take shelter in the cube of force and begin hurling spells out at their foes. The arcanolths have spell resistance of their own, and pleny of magic to hurl back. Their first action is to target the cube of force. One of the fiends hits it with a sudden maximized disintegrate spell that shorts out the device. Near the top of the turret Argent finds himself in a deadly melee. The arcanoloth he is engaged with seems to enjoy some of Argent’s own tactics and it uses its own wraithstrike spells and arcane strike powers to bypass his obsence abjurations and tear into him. After several exchanges the jakal headed fiend has suffered extensive wounds, but the creature is a powerful yugoloth, and not a foe to be taken lightly. It howls with rage, and again comes in at the wounded gensai. His flurry of claw strikes send Argent tumbling to the ground. His indomitability spell saves him from death, and plays possum on the ground. At about the same time a cacaphonic burst hit the floor, blasting the heroes. This would be enough to kill Argent, but his energy immunity spells save his hide.
The battle continues to rage for several more seconds, but it comes to a sudden stop when what seems to be Iggwilv herself appears in the room. It is clear to the heroes due to their true seeing magic that this is not Iggwilv, but yet another arcanoloth. However, his comptriates don’t seem to be aware of this and he shoes them off. Terrified that they truly are facing their mistress, they promptly teleport away. Only one of them is unable to teleport, because he has been hit with a dimensional anchor. This one runs, and the frustrated heroes lay into with enough magic to bring him down.
With the fight over, the arcanoloth reveals his true form and apologizes for his deception. He introduces himself as Landerbold, Iggwilvs appointments minister. He then apologizes for the trouble his brothers caused, and esures them that they any hurt the heroes dealt them they had coming. Finally, he informs them that they are free to leave, and that no reprisals will be taken against them.
Breca is not satisfied with the brush off. Yvy steps forward and uses her silver tongue to negotiate with the Landerbold. Again the show the Demonicon, and explain that they are willing to offer it to Iggwilv as a gift in exchange for an audience with the witch queen.
Landerbold examines the item and when he realizes its real he agrees to speak with his mistress. He teleports away, but he returns some time later. He informs them that Iggwilv has agreed to her request, and that she will meet with them in one hour. He also suggests that they clean themselves up, for she rarely offers her aid to shabby vagabonds.
During their wait healing is administered, particularly to Argent, who was at death’s door. Yvy also takes the time to summon a couple of genies and she has the mythical creatures use their magic to fabricate garments suitable for Iggwilvs discerning tastes. By the time Landerbold comes to fetch them they are suitably attired and ready for their audience.
Landerbold leads them up a flight of stairs and down a lengthy hall. He escorts them through a pair of elaborate double doors into another study.

P.H. Dungeon |

Game Session 40 part 2 (An chat with Iggwilv)
Breca Angsparr: Cliff Dwarf, male, Cleric of Procan 14/Demonwrecker 5 (19)
Tommen Taskerhill: Human, male, Wizard 5/Loremaster 10/Fatespinner 2 (17)
Alanna: Human, female, Wizard /Cleric /Mystic Theurge (17)
Yyv Sparks: Human, female, Sorcerer 8/Malconvoker 10 (18)
Argent: Air Gensai, Fighter/Swashbuckler/Wizard/Abjurant Champion/Eldritch Knight (19)
Landerbold leads them up a flight of stairs and down a lengthy hall. He escorts them through a pair of elaborate double doors into another study. Sitting on a floating chair in the centre of the room is the beautiful archmage Iggwilv. Her long, straight, raven black hair flows down over her shoulders where it meets her pit fiend hide cloak. She is engrossed in reading several texts, which hover in the air before her, and she pays the heroes no mind, despite Landerbold’s introductions.
After several minutes she finally looks up from her studies. She motions to her books and they drift away. She then turns her gaze on the companions.
“What is it that vexes you so much that you would risk death to secure an audience with me?”
Breca and Yvy take up the negotiations, and plead their case. They explain what Demogorgon has been up to and how his plans have jeopardized the Flaness.
“Charon brought us here. You are known as the greatest scholar on the subject of the Abyss, and your knowledge of its denizens is legendary. We thought that if anyone could advise us on how to proceed against our enemy it would be you. In exchange for your aid we have brought you this gift,” Breca holds out the Demonicon.
“It is yours if you help us.”
Iggwilv replies, “By rights it is mine regardless of whether I help you, but I accept your gift, and I will aid you. However, by accepting my aid you each owe me, and I will take this payment in a manner and time of my choosing. Understood?”
“Good. Let us proceed.”
Over the next several minutes an extensive discussion on how best to foil Demogorgon ensues. The heroes explain their plan to try to arrange for his enemies to make war on him, and hopefully distract and weaken him enough that they can somehow find a way to stop the Savage Tide. The full details are far from worked out, but Iggwilv agrees that it is a good start. She does, however, explain that securing allegiances with his enemies will be no small task.
She then goes on to cojure a chessboard, which appears on a small round table before her. She then starts conjuring pieces for the board. The first pieces are white, and each one is a finely sculpted rendition of one of the party members. The next pieces she begins to fabricate are black, and she explains that these are some of Demogorgon’s most powerful enemies, the ones that will best be able to pose a serious threat to him. The first of these enemies is Charon, and his piece turns from black to white. Iggiwlv explains that due to the incident with the river Styx, Charon likely has a real reason to hate the Prince of Abyss. She congratulates the heroes on their success in securing his aid, and lays his piece on the board. It turns white and stands beside the heroes.
The next piece she lays out is that of Graz’zt the Dark Prince, one of Demogorgon’s most hated enemies, as well as Iggwilv’s former lover. She claims that only one being in the Abyss hates Demogorgon more than Graz’zt. However, she also tells them that Graz’zt is currently engaged in a conflict with the Queen of Spiders, and that he would be unwilling to join any alliance that he didn’t personally lead. As a result, he will not make a suitable ally in the war. She tosses his chess piece away.
Her next piece is of Orcus, the demon lord of the undead. Orcus is one of the other great powers of the Abyss. He, Graz’zt and Demogorgon command the largest known armies in the Abyss, and constantly war against one another. Iggwilv feels that Orcus might be willing to cooperate with the heroes, and he is being who could muster a massive army in a short amount of time. Unfortunately, Orcus is a violent creature, and not a being that is easy to deal with. She warns them of this danger, and offers to pen them a letter of introduction that they can present to him, should they manage to gain an audience. She lays his piece on the board and it turns white.
The eladrin paragon Gywnharwyf is the next piece she pulls out. The eladrin have been battling the forces of the Abyss for ages, and Gywnharwyf and Demogorgon have been foes for a long, long time. Iggwilv feels that as long as they can gain permission from her consort, Queen Morwel, Gywnharwyf will risk herself and her forces against Demogorgon. She puts the piece on the board and it too turns white.
The fifth piece she brings forth is Malcanthet, the Queen of Succubi. Iggwilv explains that this vile slut has been in the game for a long time. Malcanthet is one of Demogorgon’s lovers, but has no real loyalty to him, and she plays the same dangerous game of manipulation that Shami-Amore did. She will not likely contribute an army, but she may have other charms or contributions she could offer if the heroes ask nicely. Another white piece is added to the board.
One of the last pieces she reveals is a monstrous looking demon. The thing vaguely resembles a scorpion, except its head sits on the end of its tail, where its stinger should be. This is Obox-Ob, the first prince of Demons. He is not a Tanar’ri, but an Obryinth. The Obryinth were the dominant race of demons in the Abyss eons ago, before the Tanar’ri rose to power and nearly destroyed the Obryinth race. Of all the creatures in the Abyss, no other bears such a burning hatred for Demogorgon as Obox-Ob. Iggwilv explains that he is too irrational to be bargained with, but can be counted on to act upon his hatred for Demogogon, and if he can be brought to the place where he will do the most damage, he may be useful. She lays him on the board with the rest.
The next piece she brings forth resembles Demogorgon himself, except with only a single head. She informs the party that this is Bargomar. Bargomar is an aspect of Demogorgon’s power, and one of his twin generals. Bargomar is currently leading a large army in Pazunia. He has much jealousy towards his brother, Tetradarian, and Iggiwlv suggests that this jealousy may be exploitable. However, due to Bargomar’s direct link to Demogorgon, he will certainly be one of the most challenging beings to negotiate with. She advises that he be one of the last potential allies for them to woe.
Iggwilv then looks up at the heroes. “Do you have any other potential allies that you wish to bring against your enemy?”
This time Yvy speaks. “Well your peerless majesty, we have been considering trying to bring the forces of the Nine Hells into the fight. I have much knowledge of their kind, and I am familiar with their ways. I may be in unique position to negotiate with them.”
“Well if you are then I wish you the best of luck. The devils may seem like an obvious choice. Certainly they are mortal enemies of demons. However, it should be noted that few devils in the hells could muster a force potent enough to threaten Demogorgon. You would likely need the cooperation of the Dark Eight or one of the Archdukes. Of the archdukes, only Mammon is currently involved in direct conflict with Demogorgon’s forces. He has armies currently in Pazunia, and those legions are in fact battling the hordes of Bargomar. From my understanding, the devils aren’t faring too well. However, I suspect that what Mammon has put forth is but a token force- just enough of an army to show the Dark Eight that he is making his contribution to the Blood War, but not enough to really threaten Demogorgon or his armies.
I believe Mammon’s interests are more focused on the material plane, and his heart isn’t really in the fight against the demons. I’m sure you already know that the archdukes are all preoccupied with jockeying for power in their own infernal hierarchy, and they care little about anything else, including the Blood War. However, since Demogorgon’s scheme is a direct threat to the material plane, Mammon may be interested in what you have to say, but securing an audience with a archdevil can be much more difficult and time consuming than gaining an audience with a demon lord. I hear that Mammon takes offence to the slightest hint of an insult, and few beings that deal with him can stay on his good side for any length of time.
If you wish to deal with him that is your business, but my name doesn’t hold the sway in the Nine Hells that it does in the Abyss, so I won’t be able to do much to aid your negotiations. They will be strictly yours to forge, and remember when dealing with devils, the whims of Azmodeus must never be left out of the equation."
Finally, she puts Demogorgon himself on the board. He remains black, but he is highly outnumbered by the heroes and their allies. Iggwilv then pushes his piece over with her finger.
“With all those enemies arrayed against him, your task should be simple.”
She chuckles with sarcasm, as the heroes start to digest the true extent of what they are getting themselves into.
Over the next several minutes more discussion occurs regarding Demogorgon’s enemies, particularly in regards to which one should be dealt with first. The party decides that they will return to the material plane and file some reports with King Skotti of Keoland. They then intend to venture to Thanatos, where they hope to secure their alliance with Orcus, as he will certainly be one of their most powerful and important allies. To help in this task, Iggwilv drafts them a letter of introduction to present to Orcus, and she stamps it with her personal seal.
As the party prepares to depart, she informs them that they have an invitation to visit with her further in order to update her on their progress, and receive additional advice. Again she reminds them that they are in her debt, and she requests that they not speak of her or here whereabouts to anyone. Her privacy is important to her, and if it is not respected, they will incur the full meaure of her wrath.
The heroes then take their leave, and plane shift back to the Flaness.

Charles Evans 25 |
Nicely done Sir Dungeon, especially with the chess board scene with Iggwilv. I'll be sure to steal the concept. ^_^
Whilst PH Dungeon narrates the Chess Board Scene well, in the tradition of high quality journal postings of his games which he has established, I believe that some of the credit for the scene goes to the adventure's writer, Mr. Wolfgang Baur; Although Sir Dungeon seems to have innovated to take into account a suggestion from the PCs that they involve devils (I can't see very many of the allies suggested by Iggwilv wanting to throw in their lots with devils, even to defeat Demogorgon, or imagine the PCs succeeding in allying with devils given that one pit fiend has died and they treacherously (and chaotically) turned on and imprisoned another) which must have been very awkward to cope with. (Neat thinking there in finding a response from Iggwilv, PHD!)
P.H. Dungeon |

The chess board stuff is all in the module. I can't really take any credit for that. However, if the characters do go to try to recruit Mammon, well that will be little beyond the scope of the adventure, and I will have to do a little work on sorting that option out.
Tomorrow- Argent vrs. 2 death giants and the crawling head. I gave the death giants improved sunder, so despite his amazing AC, his weapons will be in severe danger.

P.H. Dungeon |

To be honest I don't think Argent is the best choice. I think they'd be better off having Yvy or Breca take it on, and put them up in the air and use summoning spells and magic to blast the opponents. However the 3 per day greater dispel magic is a b#*+!, and could easily put any of the PCs back on the ground where the giants can wail on them.
Argent has some counters for the greater dispel, one being a ring of counterspells and the second being his rod of absorbtion. However if the rod is sundered or charged out, he could get himself into hot water. His AC is in the high 40s and he has an ironguard spell, which will make it tough for the death giants to damage him.
I doubt he has a huge risk of death, but winning the fight won't be easy. I've put each of the baddies on a printed sheet, and I'm going to hand them off to the other players, and let them do the work. I've included tactical notes, so they'll know what to do with them.
Orcus isn't going to be sitting passively either. If he isn't adequately entertained by the fight, he'll be causing trouble.
However, I'd like Argent to survive, as I want to visit Malcanthet.