Phillip Steele |

Here's one for you.
Normally you are immune to a Kyuss worm if you have 5 or more points of natural armour. However this immunity is normally mentioned in the description of the ability that allows a creature to infest the player.
There are however a number of abilities/encounters (particularly in the Tabernacle of Worms) that imply a player gets infested if they miss a reflex roll etc... I.e. Being swallowed by an Overworm, attacking with light weapons etc...
Does this still apply if they natural armour of 5 or more ?

VedicCold |

This is entirely a matter of opinion, but I'd say no. If an infestation attack doesn't mention that it can be thwarted by high Nat Armor bonuses, I would just assume it doesn't help. No matter how much nat armor a body has, a living creature still will have less protected areas. For instance, in the case of being engulfed by a swarm of worms or swallowed by an overworm whose gut is filled with kyuss worms, there are enough of them that some might find their way up a nostril, into an ear, an eye socket (ouch!), into the mouth, or some other... orifice.