Giant Slug question, Dragon #355

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

I have a question about the giant slug on page 54 of Dragon #355. The question is based upon the Acid Spit ability which is as follows:

Dragon #355 wrote:
Acid Spit (Ex) Giant slugs can spit a ball of caustic saliva with a range of 20 feet, as a ranged touch attack. This attack deals 6d6 points of acid damage on a successful hit. Clothing and armor worn by the target of this spit dissolves and becomes useless immediately unless the item succeeds on a DC 21 Reflex save. The save DC is Constitution-based.

What does "clothing and armor worn by the target" mean? Does this mean a failed save destroys cloaks, rings, amulets, boots, armor, etc. Leaving only shields, weapons, and tools safe. Specifically, what counts as clothing? Do I use the Magic Item Compendium definition or some other definition?

personaly I would use a common sense definition for it... and go with something like armor and garments worn (including hats and shoes)

Paizo Employee Director of Games

cwslyclgh wrote:
personaly I would use a common sense definition for it... and go with something like armor and garments worn (including hats and shoes)

As with all of the similar acid abilities, this is generally the correct interpretation. Rings, amulets, and most other magic items are completely unaffected.

Jason Bulmahn
Managing Editor of Dragon

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