Dragon memories: Fav. Signature Ads

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Here are my favorite signature advertisements that ran in Dragon magazine during Paizo's publishing run. I think some were cleverly done, and really reflect the inner gamer in all of us.

1. Tools of the Trade / Origins 2004.
That worn players handbook and scratch paper character sheet never fails to revive memories of gaming in days past.

2. D&D 30th "Join the Party" / Wizards of the Coast
It's tough to cram 30 years of gaming into a single double-page spread ad, but that was as memorable a piece of D&D art as I've ever seen.

3. Everyone Still Wants Those Gems / Wizards of the Coast
The ad for Players Handbook 2 again works on the theme of the original players handbook cover.

4. The Training Wheels Come Off / Malhavoc
Technically, not a signature ad, but boy, did those ads speak to what gamers want in their game products. A detailed description of the all the goodies inside. The approach was clearly successful, because Malhavoc never deviated from this style of ad.

5. Live by the Sword / Champions Return to Arms
OK, it's not a superior ad by most standards, and I'll admit it, I like it cuz I'm a guy. If girls in swimwear can sell beer, then by golly, chicks in armor can sell video games.

Honorable Mention: "Believe" / Animal Planet
The dragon's shadow cast on a field of green really caught my eye, and is the reason I tuned into that show.

By the way, it didn't appear in Dragon magazine, but Paizo's True to the Game ad that features the cover from Dragon 326 and ran in GameTrade magazine is one of the strongest Paizo offerred during its run.

So, does anyone else have any favorite ads, either from during the Paizo era or all time.

I don't have any that leap out to me. The new adds were all very well done. I do love the old one from the mid 80's when I started reading it. Those were so cheesy I can't help but smile.

I'm really gonna miss DRAGON, especially OotS and Nodwik. And remember that Zogonia with the bird mascot? *Sob Sob Sob*

Liberty's Edge

Mine's the one with the big turkey in lieu of the red dragon.

Heathansson wrote:
Mine's the one with the big turkey in lieu of the red dragon.

The one with the "Cormyr" brand ham instead of the blue dragon was pretty good as well.

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