Concerning Article Queries already submitted

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

With the new change to the presentation of Dragon magazine, will you still be looking for paid writers? Also, I would like to know what you plan to do about article queries which have already been submitted to Dragon. As Dragon magazine is essentially the best way to break into the D&D industry, I would really appreciate it if you could keep us informed about how the change from a published magazine to an online one will affect hopeful writers like myself.

I understand that with this fundamental change to your magazine, you will undoubtedly be swamped, but any response would be much appreciated, by me, and any other Wizards R&D hopeful. Thank you for your time.

~David VanEvery

I'm not sure, but I think you misunderstand the changes. Paizo will no longer be publishing Dungeon or Dragon magazine in *any* format. When the last issues of both magazines are published in September, Paizo will no longer have anything to do with Dungeon or Dragon magazine in any format(unless some new deal is worked out with WotC, which seems unlikely). Dungeon and Dragon *may* be published similar to what they are now in an on-line format by WotC. You'll have to ask WotC if they will be accepting submissions from writers for their on-line D&D content, as they are the ones who will be handling it.

As to Paizo, you should be asking if they are taking submissions for their new booklet Pathfinder. Coincidentally enough, I'd like to know about that too. :)

Dark Archive Contributor

From the transitions FAQ:

What is the status of submissions or queries currently under review by the Dragon and Dungeon staffs?

Wizards of the Coast has told us that they’re currently evaluating how best to handle pending queries and submissions. We will make an announcement on each magazine’s messageboard when we know more.


As to submitting to Pathfinder, we're still working on that. Stay tuned. :)

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