
Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Well I have just started reading Dragon (great mag by the way) but I was wondering if Kalamar gets any articles? If not why not? :P



No, because it's not published by WotC. If Dragon referenced Kalamar, they would have to make it Open Game Content, and WotC will not permit that with their property.

Dark Archive Contributor

Zherog is completely right. There are other reasons as well, but what Zherog said covers the bases just fine. :)

I thought Kalamar was an "official" D&D product.

Aside from convincing people that they need WotC's permission to use the stuff in their Forgotten Realms campaigns, I figured that would mean that it didn't have to be Open Game.

..... sounds like a plot by hobgoblins to me ...


Mike McArtor wrote:
Zherog is completely right.

I never get tired of hearing (or seeing) that. :D


Fletch wrote:
I thought Kalamar was an "official" D&D product.

It's my understanding that any company can get that logo on their product simply by paying WotC enough money for the license. However, I believe Kalamar still must follow all the terms of the OGL and d20 License.

Zherog wrote:
It's my understanding that any company can get that logo on their product simply by paying WotC enough money for the license. However, I believe Kalamar still must follow all the terms of the OGL and d20 License.

All I know of it is an ad I saw a while back for the Kalamar Player's Guide that said "because it's 100% official, I can use it in my Forgotten Realms campaign!"

As if that stamp was all that was lacking for a DM to say, "hey, let's use this stuff in Forgotten Realms." Better yet, I'd like to meet the player who said to his DM "See? It's 100% official, now you HAVE to let me use it."

In any case, I'd love to see more niche articles. If you can argue with a straight face that an entire issue dedicated to China Mieville is usable by anybody, then so should the occasional Spelljammer or Kalamar or Scarred Lands article.

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