Expanding upon soulknife feats in Dragon #341

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Shadow Lodge

With the soulknife's ability to shape their mindblades, I've been curious about what abilities one would give such a prestige class. This is what I've come up with, but I am unsure if I have balanced it right. Thoughts on it would be welcome.

Change shape of weapon as move action then as free action.
Multiple forms for weapon.
Tricks for when shifting weapon in combat. FF when shift blade in middle of attack, or bonus to AC, extra damage.
Additional enchanment sets,ie.lucky or psychokinetic.

Loss of bladewind, psychic strikes, and knife to the soul.

Craft (weaponsmith) 10, Concentration 10, Reshape Mind Blade(any), Strategic Reassignment, Possible alignment restriction either n-l or c:

attacks and saves, and skills advance as soulknife,

lvl 1: bladeshifter levels count towards levels of soulknife for weapon bonus and enchancement, Tactical Reassignment
lvl 2: Reshape mindblade, Improved Reshape
lvl 3: Shocking Change, Confusing Defence +1,
lvl 4: Reshape mindblade:
lvl 5: Alternate Assignment 1, Open Defences 1
lvl 6: Reshape Mindblade, Confusing Defence +2
lvl 7: Quickened Reshape, Open Defences 2
lvl 8: Reshape mindblade, Alternate Assignment 2
lvl 9: Instant Reassignment, Open Defences 3, Confusing Defence +3
lvl 10: Anyform

Improved Reshape: Can reshape mindblade as a move action
Shocking Change: If you have changed your weapon shape from the last round, they are flat footed as long as you haven't used that form before this combat.
Confusing Defence: If you have changed your weapon shape from the last time you were attacked by any enemies, if they attack you again you gain a +1 bonus to you AC. This will increase every third level afterwards
Alternate Assignment: You may store on a specific shape of your mind blade a seperate assignment of weapon enhancements. When you reshape your mindblade to that form it will overide your standard assignments.For example you normally have psychokinetic, but on your scimitar form you have keen. If you reshape to 2 weapons or to one and a shield the bonuses are based on you using those two weapons. You can select a second form to have a unique selection at 8th level. Normal rules apply for when you change the assignments.
Open Defences: Once per combat, when an enemies or enemies are affected by Shocking Change, you may have your weapon do max damage against them. This will increase at levels 7 and 9.
Quickened Reshape: You may know reshape your mindblade as a swift action.
Instant Reassignment: You may expend your psionic focus to reassign one of you weapon enhancement sets as a free action that doesn't provoke an Attack of Opportunity.
Anyform: You may shape your mindblade to any form that you are proficient with. Any forms that you took the reshape feat for will gain a +1 competence bonus to attack.

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