WIS Penalties?


So I'm in the middle of creating new critters for fun and profit, and I suggested a fox like critter, small sized, -2 STR, +2 DEX, -2WIS, and +2 CHA. Sort of Kitsune-esque. One of my co-DMs and players starts huffing and puffin that WIS mods are a no-no, according to WOTC. Anyone have a good reference for this idea? Any idea why this is so?

That strikes me as odd. If one is expanding the list of races, orcs right out of the MM are suggested as making good candidates. They have an adjustment (a penalty) to every mental stat there is.

Now, I've heard the argument that mental stats in general are bad choices for mods, since there are none in the PHB and it seems to throw off some form of balance with spellcasting. Of course, gray/sun elves get a mental adjustment, without a LA.

The only reason that I can figure that Wisdom would be discouraged is that it is tied to clerical abilities. Every fairly normal, humanoid race is assumed to have gods or objects of worship, and thus clerics. Clerics are found in almost all lands and in almost all cultures, because gods are. Therefore, giving a Wisdom penalty leans a race away from having clerics.

At least, that's the only thing I can guess at. Again, orcs have a mental hit, but it seems to me that orcs are depicted as being fairly devout, often featuring tribes with clerics of Gruumsh or druids. They also have a massive Strength bonus to make up for it which counters the hit to Wisdom nicely.

In the end, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I can't really see how a Wisdom modifier is really any bigger of a deal than a modifier to any other stat.

I should also point out that Warforged have a -2 penalty to Wisdom.

Which, IMO doesn't make a whole lot of sense, since they are made to be great soldiers. Apparently they're soldiers with a -1 to their Listen and Spot checks. Pfft.

I don't see a problem with WIS penalties. I think every race and culture is based on some thing different so why shouldn't a curious foolhearty race not have Widom penalties? Abilities mod. in my eyes have always come from two things 1. you are born with them, or 2. you were raised to put more importance on one trait over another. A barbaric culture might put more importance on strength and survial than education via book learning. I think WIS pentalites are fine along with every other one. I think you should stick to your guns. My only thought is I might have given a plus to INT instead of CHA. I always have heard smart as a fox, but maybe you have another idea in mind.

Best of Luck


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Fizzban wrote:
I don't see a problem with WIS penalties.... ....My only thought is I might have given a plus to INT instead of CHA. I always have heard smart as a fox, but maybe you have another idea in mind.

Yeah, there's nothing wrong with a Wisdom penalty. I don't think that Wisdom is any more valuable overall than any other individual stat. There are a few races outside the PHB that have Wisdom penalties as well (though they are fairly uncommon). I believe a certain type of genasi (maybe air?) has a Wisdom penalty in exchange for a Dex bonus. I'm sure there are others too. I think warforged from Eberron have one, but don't quote me on that.

Also, I agree with Fizz on the fox creature's Intelligence. Hell, the second level spell fox's cunning gives a bonus to Intelligence! Anyway, it's your game, do what you will.

Now that I can see all the replies, many thanks ya'll!! Oh, I'm gonna do what I want anyway, :) but I just wanted to see if there was a"conventional wisdom" on this one. no pun intended :)

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