Lawgiver |

Here’s an interesting one for you (provided it hasn’t already been done before).
The use of miniatures, maps, dungeon tiles and all that other stuff varies from game to game. Some people use them, some don’t. In 3X things like the battle map are much more essential to game play than in earlier editions, while those who have the time, money, skill, and inclination to build 3-D models of their dungeons are few indeed.
I was just wondering, how many people use props other than these typical things? Here are two examples:
1)Currently, a character I’m running in somebody else’s game was born into a noble family, but that family has some very barbaric roots (grandfather was knighted by the king for service on the field of battle). He’s learned how to fight really well because daddy wants him to keep up the old ways. But, since he was raised in a major city and exposed to all the education and “courtly” atmosphere attendant thereto, he also ended up a bit of a fop. He frequently walks around with a scented lace kerchief tucked into one cuff of his shirt. He uses it when expressing contempt for others, a sort of brow-beating gesture. The players always know when this character is being insulting (to them or an NPC) by the frequency with which he uses it and/or the way he waves it about (dismissively, usually, lol).
2)I have a plan for a short run adventure set on earth during the first Crusades, only in this version of the world magic worked. The Catholic Church commissioned a group to go to the Holy Land and bump off a heathen big-wig. The “cleric” in the game would be a Catholic priest sent to monitor the group's activities and to lend legitimacy to their actions. I went out and bought a cheap rosary for the player to keep with him during game sessions and use at times he felt appropriate. This adventure is still on the back burner (hasn’t happened yet), but I still have the rosary and still plan to have it used.
Does anyone else do this kind of stuff? If so, how prevalent is it with your group? Are the used by lots of people lots of the time, or only by one or two people and only sometimes?

PlotyJ |

Does anyone else do this kind of stuff? If so, how prevalent is it with your group? Are the...
One guy in my groupe as an arcane trickster.
He plays with a mecanical Parrot that can record about 10 secondes of soud an repeat-it. Most of the time we ask him to turn it off after 10 minutes but it's always fun wen we start the session.