Paizo Chatroom?

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Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

How hard would it be? Many times I notice that many of us post right after another. Canonfire! has a Thursday night Greyhawk chat. What do you Paizoans think about a weekly chatroom?

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I'd never leave it. :)

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Do you think it would diminish the number of posts? I only get the time to read/post on a few sections of these messageboards (off topic and D&D general), so I wouldn't know.

You're quite web-savy Lilith, how dificult is it to add a Java chatroom to a website? Probably harder than just staking claim to a room in irc land.

Daigle wrote:
Do you think it would diminish the number of posts?

Off-topic ones, probably. :)

Daigle wrote:
You're quite web-savy Lilith, how dificult is it to add a Java chatroom to a website? Probably harder than just staking claim to a room in irc land.

Thanks! :D As far as the Java chatroom, I don't know, it's not something I've done before. :O If you're lucky, there's already pre-existing software that you can install on your webserver.

Setting up an IRC server is a pain. I tried looking at it for my online gaming, but it was a hassle and I don't have that much time to tinker with it.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Lilith wrote:

Thanks! :D As far as the Java chatroom, I don't know, it's not something I've done before. :O If you're lucky, there's already pre-existing software that you can install on your webserver.

Setting up an IRC server is a pain. I tried looking at it for my online gaming, but it was a hassle and I don't have that much time to tinker with it.

I can imagine that an IRC server would be annoying. I don't know jack-all for programming in any qualitative sense. My computer knowledge is limited to networks. I don't even have a website that I could tinker with this idea on.

Eh, from the traffic that this thread has received, doesn't seem like the most popular idea.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

*shameless bump*

No one else even slightly interested?

I think it would be a good thing.

Oh god in heaven, yes. I'd be right there along with Lilith and the rest of the furniture.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Ahh, where is it, I am searching it for years now...
Chatrooms with themes: The Eberron chat room, the Actual-Issue chatroom, the Rules-chatroom, the... oh, oh... yes, I definiately wanna have a chatroom here!!!

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I like the idea, but I'm not sure Paizo has the resources to properly moderate chatrooms. We have to sleep sometime....

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Pishaw. Stone golems don't sleep.

Dark Archive Contributor

Gary Teter wrote:
I like the idea, but I'm not sure Paizo has the resources to properly moderate chatrooms. We have to sleep sometime....

Heh. Erik and I at one time were both chatroom moderators for TSR Online right before Wizards of the Coast bought them. Erik might have stuck around after the buyout, but I don't know. So yeah, if you used to hang out at TSR Online about a decade ago, you might have seen us as TSROs (the equivalent of today's WIZOs on :)

I've been chewing this over in my head, and I'm pretty sure I can drum up an IRC chatroom through my webhoster. Not sure yet, trying to get the details. :)

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Gary Teter wrote:
I like the idea, but I'm not sure Paizo has the resources to properly moderate chatrooms. We have to sleep sometime....

You know that some of us would be willing and great moderators.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Lilith wrote:
I've been chewing this over in my head, and I'm pretty sure I can drum up an IRC chatroom through my webhoster. Not sure yet, trying to get the details. :)

What kind of resources would you need? Email me with details. (you have my email from DMTools)

Daigle wrote:
What kind of resources would you need? Email me with details. (you have my email from DMTools)

I think I may have found what I'm looking for. I'll install it on me webserver and toy with it...and make it mine, mwah-hah-hah!!

As far as a Paizo-hosted chatroom moderated by volunteers, that's venturing into a sticky realm of legalness, unless joining said chatroom was accompanied by a brief EULA of some sort. :)

Got the freeware version up and running - go, join, be part of the furniture!

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Muchas gracias! See ya there.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Lilith wrote:
Got the freeware version up and running - go, join, be part of the furniture!

It does not seem to work for me. Is the script you're running particularly picky about which browser is used to view it? I'm using the latest version of IE....?

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

It's a java chatroom. I'm running Firefox and haven't tried it with IE yet. The new computer that I just set up had troubles only because it didn't have the appropriate java plug-ins.

Yes, the appropriate java plugin for your browser is required. Haven't tested it on IE, I'll let you know how that goes. :)

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

It's up and running. Come Visit!

I just downloaded java onto my desktop and it's still not working..hrm.

I could not get it to run at all in IE but it worked perfect in Firefox. Nice chance to chat with the most honorable Daigle!

Lilith: Great job and thank you! I am excited to have a place to chat 'real time' with those on these boards.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative


In addition to Lilith and I, four other people showed tonight.

Good news: I'm pretty sure I got this to work in IE (version 6). Feel free to test away.

*goes off to grumble about IE and their "no, you must do it our way" when embedding objects*

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Everything seems to be working nicely.

Thanks to those of you that have stopped in! Sorry I missed many of you. I tend to just camp out whether I am at the computer or not. We had out first flooder while I was away at the grocery store!

Daigle wrote:

Everything seems to be working nicely.

Thanks to those of you that have stopped in! Sorry I missed many of you. I tend to just camp out whether I am at the computer or not. We had out first flooder while I was away at the grocery store!

Please explain "flooder" to me?

Liberty's Edge

Whelp, I could log on, and it said I was there, but I couldn't type anything for some reason. Fakey was there, kinda walking around going, "hello? is anybody there?" and I guess he could see that I entered the room but I couldn't say nothing. I guess somebody cast a silence 15' radius on me, which is impressive, because my blabbin' mouth has a SR of 22.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Tegan wrote:
Daigle wrote:

Everything seems to be working nicely.

Thanks to those of you that have stopped in! Sorry I missed many of you. I tend to just camp out whether I am at the computer or not. We had out first flooder while I was away at the grocery store!

Please explain "flooder" to me?

flooding the room with text

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Heathansson wrote:
Whelp, I could log on, and it said I was there, but I couldn't type anything for some reason. Fakey was there, kinda walking around going, "hello? is anybody there?" and I guess he could see that I entered the room but I couldn't say nothing. I guess somebody cast a silence 15' radius on me, which is impressive, because my blabbin' mouth has a SR of 22.

We saw you. What browser are you using?

Liberty's Edge

The only thing I know is, "if it don't work beat it with a hammer," and that works on my car sometimes, but I'm scairt the computer won't cotton to such harsh treatment.

Liberty's Edge

Daigle wrote:
Tegan wrote:
Daigle wrote:

Everything seems to be working nicely.

Thanks to those of you that have stopped in! Sorry I missed many of you. I tend to just camp out whether I am at the computer or not. We had out first flooder while I was away at the grocery store!

Please explain "flooder" to me?
flooding the room with text

That'd make me kindof a "droughter" then.

Liberty's Edge

Daigle wrote:

We saw you. What browser are you using?

I guess earthlink.

(edit) I guess it's Internet Explorer.
I'll fart around and see if my wife knows what to do with it tomorrow or something.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Heathansson wrote:
Daigle wrote:

We saw you. What browser are you using?

I guess earthlink.

(edit) I guess it's Internet Explorer.
I'll fart around and see if my wife knows what to do with it tomorrow or something.

I'd try firefox.

Oh, and we're picking on you right now.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

No worky with Safari. But still cool!

Ahh. But FireFox works fine. Neat.

This chatroom is great. Tonight they passed out movie candy and free Paizo merchandise*!

*this is untrue.

The Exchange

The Jade wrote:

This chatroom is great. Tonight they passed out movie candy and free Paizo merchandise*!

*this is untrue.

You didn't get the candy? ;P

That was fun! Hey Lilith, thanks! I was a virgin to chatrooms before last night. Thanks for the de-flowering. We even had a special guest last night.....The PostMonster!

Shame you couldn't talk Heathy or you woulda been the lucky 13th poster. I take that honor now though;>

Thanks guys for making my first time special*gushing*.


You were great, FH. Just don't tell anyone. I'm older and they wouldn't understand.

Scarab Sages

I clicked on the link above, but I think I don't have those Java plug in things. How in the name of the nine hells do I get those things?

It's sad really, here I am, an engineer who works on multi-milion dollar equipment for a living, and I'm clueless regarding something a twelve-year-old could probably do with its eyes closed.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:

I clicked on the link above, but I think I don't have those Java plug in things. How in the name of the nine hells do I get those things?

It's sad really, here I am, an engineer who works on multi-milion dollar equipment for a living, and I'm clueless regarding something a twelve-year-old could probably do with its eyes closed.

Twelve? A 7-y-o. could prolly do it. I'm 38, so I'm useless.

Liberty's Edge

Firefox? That's with the telepathic helmet with that plane that Clint Eastwood stole? I don't know Russian, so das bidanya.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Gah, if Fakey can do it.......

Liberty's Edge

It was worth it just for that.

Liberty's Edge I download that MOREVIL junk and then it'll work or something like that?

(edit) I'll try again later; my two toddlerkobolds are fomenting insurrection. They need fatherly guidance.

Firefox is an alternate web browser (other web browsers include Internet Explorer, Netscape, Safari, etc), downloadable here. You have to have the Java plug-in for the browser you're using, available...uh...*looks it up* the Java site. If you're using IE, you do have to make sure that the plugin is enabled in your browser.

PostMonster, I'm not quite sure why it didn't work with Safari. As soon as I get back in front of a Mac, I'll check it out.

Heathansson wrote: I download that MOREVIL junk and then it'll work or something like that?

No, the Morevil (heh) software is the software being used to run the chatroom. You need to download the java plugin for your browser and it *should* work. :)

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Don't give up. We'd love to have you!

The Exchange

Come on, Heathy! I did it and I only just learnt to type without using my toes. I couldn't get on 2 days ago but last night it suddenly worked for me, don't know why, because I did nothing different. The mysteries of the universe and all that. Just keep tryin' and I am sure that one of the tech-guru-types that hangs out here can get you working.


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