First Volume of The Dragon, Issues #1 - #7

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

It has been close to 30 years since I last played D&D. While I was cleaning out my closet last weekend I came across the first seven issues of The Dragon (#1 - #7). I threw them up on Ebay and have been surprised by the level of interest. I'm posting this here because I though that there might be people in the community who would have an interest in these hard-to-find vintage magazines. Just search on Ebay for Dragon Magazine #1.

I have a question: Years ago, I used to play D&D (before it became AD&D), and, back then, I may have picked up a copy or two of Dragon Magazine, (didn't keep 'em, though; Mom prolly threw them out. Good luck on your auction, though) Anyways, I was telling my son, who is now playing D&D with his friends like it is some new thing, about seeing an ad in a Dragon magazine for a Dragonbone dice wand. I would love to see a reprint of the ad somewhere. Would anyone know how to get it? I am sure it was in one of the early issues, somewhere near the back. Is there any chance someone at Paizo might have access to something like that? I would also be interested in obtaining one of these wands. If anyone has one, or knows where to get one, I would be interested.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Dragon Collector wrote:

It has been close to 30 years since I last played D&D. While I was cleaning out my closet last weekend I came across the first seven issues of The Dragon (#1 - #7). I threw them up on Ebay and have been surprised by the level of interest. I'm posting this here because I though that there might be people in the community who would have an interest in these hard-to-find vintage magazines. Just search on Ebay for Dragon Magazine #1.

There is a picture of the ad in this this thread on another site.

I recall these from when I first started reading Dragon, so they would be around the issue 64 - 80 era.

My first issue is #3 and Im missing like less than 20 for the complete hard copy of collection.

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