Tiger Lily |

We just got it yesterday. (Asked about it at a local game shop and they had no idea what we were talking about, so ordered it on line...sad).
Anyway, the artwork's great. Lots of tarot influence. For some reason, I had thought that the descriptions of each card's effect would actually be on the card, but it's not. There's two other cards included that list the effects. Great game accessory if you have players that like tempting fate... which we do.

secretturchinman |

We just got it yesterday. (Asked about it at a local game shop and they had no idea what we were talking about, so ordered it on line...sad).
Anyway, the artwork's great. Lots of tarot influence. For some reason, I had thought that the descriptions of each card's effect would actually be on the card, but it's not. There's two other cards included that list the effects. Great game accessory if you have players that like tempting fate... which we do.
I put off ordering it, I will be doing so in a few days however. Thank you for the feedback.