351 - Technomagic Implant

Dragon Magazine General Discussion


The wording in this article confused me a bit or I'm just not seeing the answer: Do you have to take the Implant feat for each implant you get, or take the feat and then you get all the implants you can afford / have magic item slots for?

Though it's a bit kooky, this one worked out nicely for my Eberron campaign. Kudos to the author for his kookiness.

Dark Archive Contributor

Taking the feat allows you to put in implants. You are limited only by the magic item slot rules (as each implant takes up an item slot). The other limitation, of course, is how many you can find. Since they can't be created anymore, they can only be acquired as found treasure. That lets the DM determine which ones he wants to include in his campaign. (And, naturally, he can create his own.)

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