Maps from friends at Dragon

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

So, I was rummaging through some old issues and happened to find, stuck between two magazines, a portion of a map...

(almost sounds like the beginning of an adventure, don't it? Maybe I'll draft a story around that. Anyway...)

It looks as though it's the upper right corner of a 4, 6, or possibly 9 panel map.

This section shows the following features:

- Great Ice Sea (upper right corner( and "from your friends at Dragon"))
- Plains of Purple Dust (lower right corner)
- Turmish & The Vilhon Reach (lower left corner)
- Vaasa & The Great Glacier (upper left corner)

Does anyone know which issues contain the other parts of this map? Or is there another source to find the other pieces?

Manymuch thanks!!

The Exchange

It's the Forgotten Realms map, from issues 287-290. Look here:

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