Hexblade and Planetouched

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I would like to see a Hexblade article that overhauls theclass,does not cast spells and focus on Hexes. Perhaps giving you the choice of differnt types of hexes- say causeing blindness.

I would also like to see an article that allows you to pick and choose planetouched traits. Depending on what you pick the elc would be anywhere from +0 to +5 .

Exiled Prince wrote:

I would like to see a Hexblade article that overhauls theclass,does not cast spells and focus on Hexes. Perhaps giving you the choice of differnt types of hexes- say causeing blindness.

I would also like to see an article that allows you to pick and choose planetouched traits. Depending on what you pick the elc would be anywhere from +0 to +5 .

There is a 2E Planescape supplement called the Planewalker's Handbook that has a section were you can randomly roll (or just pick with DM approval) your tiefling's traits. It gives lots of minor powers ("blink" 1/day, resistance to elements, etc), physical descriptions (scales, claws, hooves, etc), and quirks like "whiff of brimstone," "plants wilt when passed by," and "cold emanation." Its really a nifty chart to make your tiefling unique.

RedRobe wrote:
Exiled Prince wrote:

I would like to see a Hexblade article that overhauls theclass,does not cast spells and focus on Hexes. Perhaps giving you the choice of differnt types of hexes- say causeing blindness.

I would also like to see an article that allows you to pick and choose planetouched traits. Depending on what you pick the elc would be anywhere from +0 to +5 .

There is a 2E Planescape supplement called the Planewalker's Handbook that has a section were you can randomly roll (or just pick with DM approval) your tiefling's traits. It gives lots of minor powers ("blink" 1/day, resistance to elements, etc), physical descriptions (scales, claws, hooves, etc), and quirks like "whiff of brimstone," "plants wilt when passed by," and "cold emanation." Its really a nifty chart to make your tiefling unique.

I think I remember that. Yea I would like something like that.Only making it 3.5 ofcourse.

The more I think about it, the hexblade would be more like the warlock. A somewhat decent fighter with a Hex ability that can be used once per round as a full round action.

I agree with you totally that the Hexblade needs a complete overhaul. Perhaps the idea that he should have some other power useable more often could work. The only issue would be to avoid classic over-correction and make him too good. For me, the most important thing the needs to be done is improved spellcasting. His spell selection and spell level access is pathetic. Yes, he gets FTR base attack and great weapon selection, but he has such a crappy defense that I don't see how he can pull off a frontline fighter. He has no magical defense spells (Shield anyone?) and light armor isn't enough to keep him alive in melee for long.

Let him have higher spells (maybe up to 6th?) and a little better defense (either the shield spell or med. armor) and it would go a long way.

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Jim Helbron wrote:

I agree with you totally that the Hexblade needs a complete overhaul...

...Let him have higher spells (maybe up to 6th?) and a little better defense (either the shield spell or med. armor) and it would go a long way.

I agree completely. The hexblade should also get some sort of ability that allows him to force a target to reroll an attack roll, save, or ability check and take the WORSE of the two. This ability could be useable only once per day on a single foe, but could be used on an unlimited number of foes per day. I would allow this power to function at up to 30 feet away and activate as an immediate action (after the player knows the result of the roll). I would grant this power somewhere between level 8 and 14.

Exiled Prince wrote:
I would also like to see an article that allows you to pick and choose planetouched traits. Depending on what you pick the elc would be anywhere from +0 to +5 .

I like that idea too. Unfortunately, I think an author pitched it to Dragon and it was rejected (twice). Oh well!

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