Issues Containing Maure Castle Content?

Maure Castle

Fellow gamers-

I have Dungeon 112 and 124. Is that it so far?

Dark Archive

Issue 139: Maure Castle: The Greater Halls

Dragon 353 (arrived yesterday) features Malcanthet in the Demonomicon of Iggwilv article, and several Maure-related tidbits, including a new dungeon level entitled "Ellvia's Pit" :D


grodog wrote:

Dragon 353 (arrived yesterday) features ... a new dungeon level entitled "Ellvia's Pit" :D


Can you clarify? Is this an actual new level (map and room descriptions) or just a brief description of a level? (Or is this all tongue in cheek, not sure how to interpret the ":D".)


Yes, more details please! Thanks Allan.
- IO

"Elluvia's Pit" is just an offhand mention, although the article in general adds to what we know about MC, Elluvia, and Malcanthet quite a bit---no new level presented in Dragon, and no maps at all. Definitely still worth checking out, however!


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