Flying to the Plateau

Savage Tide Adventure Path

I'm not sure if this has already been addressed, but what happens if someone tries to fly up to the plateau and look about before they reach the required level to tackle the area? A 5th-level druid could wildshape into a bird and fly over the top of the plateau as could a 7th-level paladin with a hippogriff mount. Are there mists or some such which prevent the PCs from seeing anything? Are the winds so ferocious that it makes this a dangerous exercise? If not, what's to stop a PC from flying up to the plateau and taking a look around? I realize that issue 145 isn't out yet so this point is largely mute, but some DMs are just starting the STAP or are only a little way along so its still possible that they might face this problem.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Until you have issue #145, which details the central plateau, the DM unfortunately has to stall if the PCs want to explore the central plateau. Alternately, you can draw upon previous Isle of Dread stuff (the original adventure or Dungeon #114) to deal with what the PCs find there.

A druid that flies up there to look around probably wouldn't be noticed by the creatures that dwell there, and he'd probably not notice anything particularly unusual to immediately draw his attention on one flyover with the exception of the central lake and the large ruins that surround it or are under its waters. If he (or anyone else) lands there and starts exploring, though, DMs just have to wing it.

Which is why the other adventures set there don't even mention or approach the central plateau. You shouldn't either, really, when you're running the campaign before you have issue #145.

Once a DM has #145, though, all bets are off. As we mention at the start of this adventure and the previous one, the order in which the PCs tackle the Isle of Dread's adventures on the central plateau and the underdark below it don't matter, but if they follow the adventuers in order of which they are printed, they'll have less harrowing a time.

There's several creatures on the plateau with CR 15 and 16, after all...

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