DMaple |

The Sea Urchin Venom seems a little harsh to me, there is a reasonable chance that a fair number of the party can quickly end up sitting out the encounter. It's not far off a save or die effect, since once you are nauseated you can't do anything other than defend and running away isn't even an option.
I know the DC is reasonably low (DC11), but if they fail it the character might as well not be there, it's not like they can do anything useful, and at such a low level they have nothing to remove the effect. If enough of the party fail their save then you could easily be looking at a TPK as the remaining villains gang up on the ones that passed it.

Sben |

The Sea Urchin Venom seems a little harsh to me, there is a reasonable chance that a fair number of the party can quickly end up sitting out the encounter. It's not far off a save or die effect, since once you are nauseated you can't do anything other than defend and running away isn't even an option.
I know the DC is reasonably low (DC11), but if they fail it the character might as well not be there, it's not like they can do anything useful, and at such a low level they have nothing to remove the effect. If enough of the party fail their save then you could easily be looking at a TPK as the remaining villains gang up on the ones that passed it.
With my particular group (yours may vary!), the nausea led to a very close battle in the Lotus Dragon training room. The party's sorceress and fighter/rogue were both taken out of the fight early, leaving the ranger and cleric/wizard to do most of the work. Nobody was killed, though the incapacitated fighter/rogue was dropped.
They enjoyed a bit of revenge when they coated their weapons with the poison and took down Rowyn in the first round of that combat.