The Scarlet Brotherhood sent by Kellani

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Liberty's Edge

So in the Bullywug Gambit, Noble lady Kellani sends a assassin team after the PCs via the Worm festival. When they fail...the next mention of Kellani is when Rowyn herself tries to do something.

does anyone else see the noblelady not trying something else, like a better class of assassins then guys on stilts? I would think with her connections, the master of the Kellani family could afford to bring in the scarlet brotherhood.

So, assuming that the SB could be brought in, what is their tradermark? What would tell the PC and Players that this is a Brotherhood hit without the GM saying, "This is a Scarlet botherhood hit."

Any thoughts or ideas?

Just a few ideas:
- Have the assassins only communicate in Ancient Suloise.
- Make sure one of the assassins escapes. Have him easily traceable to the Scarlet Embassy (K6) or, more subtly, the House of Violets (C7).
- When searched, the assassins have coins of unknown minting with Ancient Suloise writing.
- A note on one of the assassins references the botched cargo transfer with Soller Vark (from There Is No Honor).
- When the assassins talk in battle, have them refer to each other as "nephew."

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