I'm confused by the cost/pricing of the "Battle Visor" attached component. Anyone know how they calculated it?
It's component spells are "Greater Arcane Sight" and "See Invisible". However, the listed CL is 5th. Uh, how? Greater Arcane Sight is a 7th level Wizard-only spell; doesn't that require a 13th level caster as a minimum?
The text lists the item with a Price of 55,000 gp & a construction cost of 27,500 gp, 2200 XP, & 55 days.
I understand that pricing is more an art than a science, but this seems to be more than 50% of the value the DMG's guidelines indicate.
What "mark up" is needed to make such an item "general use" (not a warforged component, but a regular item usable by anyone)?